This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I think this thread belongs to dollface, emi-emi and I now.
That's a link. cause, dude, 5 am. And I still apparenly have DA linking issues.
It's Red Angel and I as angel and devil.
Coloured in, I'm clearly bored.
lol we have our own thread. nice!
It's just me again.
Why am I drawing my characters all beat up? Aden, unlike Jakob, can take down guys twice her size-- but that doesn't mean they won't land a few good hits.
Sorry, didn't mean to get your hopes up-- it's just me again! Back with more green.
Anyway, my friend Moira and I (along with 5 others) are starting up a Seven Deadly Sins academy group. If you're on deviantART, please consider joining, it's going to be a lot of fun. We're not accepting submissions yet-- academy groups are very different from regular groups, you see, so we're making sure to fully prepare. Academy of Sin will be opening soon! Like, really soon. Later today, most likely. We've been planning for weeks, so I think we've covered all the bases.
As one of the house leaders, I'm required to get a profile up before the group starts, so here she is-- Destery Apskaust, master of the Envy House.
dollface wrote:
Great drawing! Even though her arms are all folded in, you still get the feel that she's a lanky individual. The folded arms, the curling hair, with the curling horns, and the way her body fades into that twisty tornado all give off a snake-like vibe...which I think hits right on target for the way she's described. The color scheme works well together (ya know I'm partial to green myself but even if I were not) to produce this very pretty, but obviously tattered and 'faded' looking individual. I'm especially drawn to the eyes here, the dark black circles work so well to pop out that tiny dot of vibrant green. Such an interesting concept too, good luck with the project!
okay so i have new pics up on my dev they are for my brothers book series: the windholm chronicles.
im doing the graphic novel version of it. here are some pics of the female cast.
the catlings
the dragons empress
the female cast for the first book
That's one of my sumi-e drawings,inspired by Utagawa Kuniyoshi''s "Seichu gishi den" ("Story of 47 loyal ronins") series.
ohi i'm back
Maarika wrote:
I draw all sorts of things, but comics are my favorites.
Here's a selection of some of my stuff.
Cover of my comic "Emtee" (still not finished, oh when will I be able to do that?)
It's a weird psychological and a bit symbolistic piece, but since it's not finished it doesn't make much sense :/
This is also the work I'm the most proud of and so far the only decent comic I've made.
Some of the pics of mine that I think turned out nice:
A wolf
Melora of Rasputina
My Demian fanart:
I actually have another version of him which is much different. It's still in my head though, I haven't had the time to get it painted yet.
Akio on canvas (for those who haven't seen it yet)
It's creepy that my mom likes it. She has no idea who Akio is.
Also, yes I know it's off-topic. Wait, can Akio ever be considered off-topic around here?
Anyway, there are tons of other things (mostly Utena stuff) I want to draw but I have absolutely no time these days. I think I'll have to wait till May.... waah
You have pretty arts, i shall add you
Here is my D.A. if anyone wants to poke about
I finally got around to drawing some Victorious fanart.
Pretty sure I'm the only one on the forum watching, but... Seriously, any fellow iCarly fans here who can appreciate lesbian undertones in kids' programming should check it out. It's a Dan Schneider show with a predominantly female cast-- you do the math. In the latest episode, Cat (Ariana Grande) and Jade (Liz Gillies) sing a duet, and it is very suggestive.
Last edited by dollface (06-02-2011 12:27:59 AM)
Am I really back again? I'm sorry that I hog this thread so much.
Just a quick, lazy, flat-color piece for the holidays.
Sally! In a Santa hat!
Someone needs to kick me out of this thread, because I really am hogging the crap out of it.
Yesterday was Matthew Gray Gubler's birthday, so I made this strange thing to express my strange love.
I'm a scary gargoyle on a tower,
that you made with plastic power,
your rhinestone eyes are like
factories, far away... … -190417390
Wow guys, you are all so good; you are making me jealous.
Anyways here are two of mine
Last edited by teyhy (04-29-2011 12:28:33 AM)
...So you see that post about how I shipped Jade and Cat? I've switched teams. Come on, Jade and Tori! (I still ship Jade/Cat, though.)
Just a sketch, but I'm mega lazy and I'll probably never add more, so...
No idea who they are, but I love your sketch!
I did some arts.
Like an actress on a silver screen, I should have left her as a celluloid dream.
Here's something I've been working. Taking a lot longer than I hoped though. :/
She's a ganguro/manba/whatever (all these sub categories confuse me) girl!
Wahaha big hair~ :3
Last edited by pandany (07-31-2011 05:52:09 AM)
i decided to draw a picture of me and my boyfriend chris.
wow, i can't believe it's been over a year since this thread saw some action. :/ I hope this works:
I've been sketching it on and off for a couple months, but I bought a frame recently for a print, turned out the print was too big. So I'm going to finish this off and hang it in the guest room/my office.
That's amazingly cool. If I had any criticism it would just be that the right wrist seems pretty narrow, but it's 1000 times better than anything I could ever do. Seriously. Everyone with artistic talent makes me jealous, I do wish I could draw or paint well. I know practice plays a big role and all, but I did try a few times and... ugly stuff.
I like your sketch a lot.
Passing around my made-in-GarageBand album from last semester, so I made a cover for it in like five minutes. [huffy]That I like.[huffy/not really] Source image was ballpoint on the flap of a cardboard box, drawn while moving maybe eight years ago.
Last edited by Decrescent Daytripper (02-21-2013 09:52:18 AM)
Decrescent Daytripper wrote:
I'm guessing that isn't the picture you meant to post -- at least, it sure doesn't show up for me! I get a boilerplate picture entitled no.gif with some Chinese text which (from context) probably says either "you don't have permission to view this picture" or "no hotlinking allowed."
That's my very artsy no hotlinking meta image!
Nah. Swapped it for flickr, which I hope works.