This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Oh, if you see someone better, it should inspire you to improve. n_n Then again, sometimes someone is so good that it just makes me stop drawing. Well, for the next two hours at least, which I spend disecting their art and learning all of their secrets. ;)
Besides, any art is good. Either that or all art is bad. Art can be excelent without skill. Take a picture of an empty Coca-Cola bottle and call it conceptual.
And just so that this doesn't end up as a short art-babble post, here. Have some Chloe and randomly drawn sketch that will make your apreciate your wicked human drawing skills. (:
Epi_lepsia wrote:
A classmate, this was done in 40 minutes or something, in english class o_o
That's basically one of the coolest things I have ever seen.
Your style is so gorgeous, he looks very...decayed almost
I love it
ShatteredMirror wrote:
Yes it's good!
Okay thank you thenn
dollface wrote:
Epi_lepsia wrote:
A classmate, this was done in 40 minutes or something, in english class o_o
That's basically one of the coolest things I have ever seen.
Your style is so gorgeous, he looks very...decayed almost
I love it
YAY for disturbing style! if you like salad fingers, then you will like my drawings i like you!
indeed. it tis awesomeness
KissingT.Kiryuu wrote:
another artist that makes me feel like i shouldnt post anymore work... : (
its completely perfect and awesome!
No! You have to keep posting. Everyone here has to keep posting. We're on a roll now.
Emiemipoemi wrote:
Suncat these are very cool. Did you use a reference?
Sort of. For each of these I had the concept in mind, then went digging through photo references for pieces of the figures. Each is a composite of multiple references. It's an approach I do a lot, as I rarely have my friends on tap to be models for me, or the pose is such that I can't use myself in a mirror.
Tamago wrote:
The thing I like best is the poses they use, I have trouble doing exciting poses as they look unbalanced but you seemed to have mastered that pretty well.
Study athletes and dancers and martial artists! Seriously. I've never been a big fan of sports, until I realized those people were the best references for the kind of action poses that can so confound an artist. For quiet poses, study all the people around you. Of course, you need to be careful that they don't catch you staring at them.
It's that Chloe! I thought she was a great character in Noir. But her little-girl voice was ultra-creepy. Good job of catching her disdainful expression.
Last edited by Suncat (01-13-2007 01:49:40 PM)
Non SKU Art
So, I must ask, is this limited to only drawings//paintings?
I'm sure some of you have photography, sculptures, all sorts of nice artsy things
I would love to see some sculptures!!
Erm... Ask and you shall recieve? (Long sappy story included.)
I've shot a few photographs that were more than "Hehe, look at me and my non-spontaneous smile", but I was always iffy about posting them in my gallery, since I'm sure most people that visit my gallery (someone actually visits me?) come for the drawings. Maybe I should post them...
Edit: Thank you for the praise Suncat. (:
Last edited by Arki (01-13-2007 06:46:15 PM)
I love to draw, but I am not particularly good at it. Everything looks like bubbles and it's all falling apart. NO SOLIDITY.
^on portfolio day, the MIAD guy told me that the area between her uprised knee and the backdrop had a lot of drama. I was baffled. Not to mention the pose and general composition was SHAMELESSLY stolen from a photograph, so it hardly reflects on me.
Besides that, everyone always says that they like my rendition of Gwen Stefani n her bitches or this weird illustration I did as an assignment (which I HATE, by the way), but I'm sort of partial to a request I got to draw some girlie's "Sailor Aphrodite."
I have not finished anything recently, except another request that was supposed to be dangerous and sexy but came out looking like a children's TV show. ):
Last edited by Nessy (01-13-2007 11:00:31 PM)
i wish i could show the salt and pepper shakers i made. they look like the ever famous Orchid and Eiries, (her husband) in the style of Power Puff girls. yeeeeaaaahhhhh........i like em!
uh, heres an Orchid and Eiries...
and YES i know one of orchids arms is VERY messed up!
Last edited by KissingT.Kiryuu (01-14-2007 12:20:57 AM)
The Gwen Stefani pic is super cool. And rather amusing, really.
The clay Arki is very cute. Yay for sculpture.
dollface wrote:
Non SKU Art
So, I must ask, is this limited to only drawings//paintings?
I'm sure some of you have photography, sculptures, all sorts of nice artsy things
Oh, that's a brilliant idea! Yes, yes! Sculptures and photography please, expecially with the sculptures! One of my favorite things.
Arki, I really like your little sculpture dude, it's really cute.
Here's a drawing I did of Davey Havok, it's also kinda nastolgic, I did it when I was 16. The nastolgia factor is also why I don't wanna spiffy it up
Last edited by Iris (01-14-2007 01:06:40 PM)
Monkey D Luffy!!
I like the first one so much... really, that style kicks my ass x3 and the last one, it's so... emo but i like it
continue like that, own styles are great.
Last edited by Hina the Prince (01-15-2007 08:15:23 AM)
(caps locks is FUN! )
In spanish, you know, they even dubbed the openings but they were all right n_n really!! but they stopped networking it before Robin appeared
a shame, and now i can't watch it anymore 'cause it's at 9 am, during classes...
solo creo en loo que puedo veeer, el camino que ahora se abrá ante mi, no me importa lo que ellos diraaan, por mi parte yo pienso continuar, y voy a exploraaar el mundo que hay ante MII con la fuerza y la pasion que tuu ME AYUDES A SENTIR wo wo 8D *sings*
Edit: 3rd opening x3 I just have to say that Luffy's voice actor is my god
Last edited by Epi_lepsia (01-15-2007 08:22:55 AM)
Oh, you have to watch the rest. In Japanese. The arc that follows Arabasta is quite shitty, but the arc after it is pretty close to godly. Robin is awesome. And quite similar to Anthy, although that could be just in my head. 8D
And nice opening dub. But Koby's voice is horrid. And Luffy... errr... >_>;; I can't say I like it. Have you heard his VA in the original version? Now THAT is god right there.
Koby's voice is crap, shitty and ridiculious 8D and yes, of course i've heard Luffys original VA but.. but let's say after listening to the spanish dub for years... you learn how to love him.
Plus, when we noticed that they were about dubbing it, we were terrified... it could be MUCH worst (Utena, in spanish, it's "The magical ring of Ursula" no joking...)
Ahaha, really? I didn't know anyone actually got the Ursula thing. Poor you! We'll probably never get Utena where I live, so I'm safe. Heh.
Maarika wrote:
My Demian fanart:
I actually have another version of him which is much different. It's still in my head though, I haven't had the time to get it painted yet.
That's awesome. (likes seeing people's interpretations of characters you can't see)
I have no idea why, but I've always imagined him looking like Kaworu from Evangelion myself...
My favourite thing I've done... my friend James.
^non-tiny cropped version
allegoriest wrote:
My favourite thing I've done... my friend James.
^non-tiny cropped version
I really like how the shapes and lines work together in that, also the different overlapping shades. It has a really nice movement and composition, I think it's really cool. Also, I like the color, or lack thereof.
And speaking of black and white drawings...I just finished this last night for a girl I owed a secret santa present to:
They are her made up Sailor Moon characters. I guess they're sort of like opposites, but I don't know a lot about their story. Anyway, I had to give it to her so late that I wanted to make it more nice than I generally would have, so I put them both in there in a basically impossible pose. (My specialty?)
Last edited by Nessy (01-15-2007 03:30:33 PM)