This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)

#1 | Back to Top06-11-2007 01:27:30 AM

Queen of the Video Box
From: The whispers of twilight
Registered: 12-28-2006
Posts: 2124

IrisBeloved/"So Vile Bride" Anagram your name!

I've been getting some really interesting things, run your name and see what you get emot-keke



#2 | Back to Top06-11-2007 05:23:28 AM

The Icon Icon
From: Northern Michigan
Registered: 02-05-2007
Posts: 3972

Re: IrisBeloved/"So Vile Bride" Anagram your name!

Lady Nilamarthiel: A Anally Dim Hitler. XD

I like this one: A Deathly Lair Limn



#3 | Back to Top06-11-2007 05:28:09 AM

Our Sicilian Prince
From: S. Cataldo, Sicily, Italy
Registered: 10-16-2006
Posts: 268

Re: IrisBeloved/"So Vile Bride" Anagram your name!

1 found. Displaying all:

lol emot-biggrin

Your lovely "That's Amore" IRG User.



#4 | Back to Top06-11-2007 07:02:18 AM

Magical Flying Moron
From: Los Angeles
Registered: 04-24-2007
Posts: 5971

Re: IrisBeloved/"So Vile Bride" Anagram your name!

A few of my favorites from my name:

A Abject Viper's Boner
A Bacon Jibe's Pervert
A Brave Object Ripens
A Brave Probe Injects  (!!!)
A Carpenter's Vibe Job
A Babe Crest Jive Porn
Babe Ravines Project
Cabarets Be Jive Porn

Then I noticed a word they'd missed:

Penis Jabber Overact
Penis A Braver Object
Penis Crabber Ova Jet
Penis Cobra Brave Jet
Penis Beaver Cart Job
Penis Bare Jab Vector
Brave Penis Cater Job...

In all, there were over 50000 anagrams provided, including such words as priest, rabbi, coven, verbena, porn, and of course, penis.  If anagrams are the key to your destiny, I've got a strange one in store for me...emot-tongue

"The devil want me as is, but god he want more."
-Truck North
Honorary Hat Mafia Member



#5 | Back to Top06-11-2007 09:05:35 AM

une personne horrible
From: Waiting at the window.
Registered: 10-21-2006
Posts: 3301

Re: IrisBeloved/"So Vile Bride" Anagram your name!

Lady Nilamarthiel wrote:

A Anally Dim Hitler

Oh jesus... that is so funny! I lol'd. 

My two favorites of my own are Thy Banal Chick and Clay Ankh Bitch.
Hyacinth Black: Not much else to say, is there?



#6 | Back to Top06-11-2007 09:55:51 AM

Postmistress Elf of Subtext
From: North Carolina
Registered: 11-17-2006
Posts: 5086

Re: IrisBeloved/"So Vile Bride" Anagram your name!

More than I expected pop up! My favorites were:

Leaf Clod
Local Def
A Cold Elf
Call Ed Of (At first glance, I thought it said Call End Of, and I died wanting type in 'The World')

Last edited by dollface (06-01-2017 11:22:14 PM)

ah, man does not exist; ah, within the darkness; ah, the sound of the waves



#7 | Back to Top06-11-2007 03:28:02 PM

Imaginary Bad Bug
From: Connecticut, USA
Registered: 10-16-2006
Posts: 2171

Re: IrisBeloved/"So Vile Bride" Anagram your name!

Eep!  I knew with a user name with as many letters as mine that there's be a lot... 66667 to be exact! emot-tongue

Scanning through the first 1000 it posted, here are some interesting ones...

Mania Rabid Buggy
Maria Dabbing Guy
Babying Guard Aim
Barb Gaudy Aiming
Baby Guarding Aim
Baby Guard Aiming
Baby Maid Arguing
Baby Amid Arguing
Baby Radium Aging
A Mania Grubby Dig
A Mania Bib Druggy
A Mania Bird Buggy
A Babying Aim Drug
A Baby Guarding Mi
A Baby Raiding Gum
A Baby Raiding Mug
A Baby Maid Urging
A Baby Amid Urging
A Baby Arguing Dim
A Baby Arguing Mid
A Baby Aiming Drug
A Baby Magi During
A Baby Mar Guiding
A Baby Arm Guiding
A Baby Ram Guiding
A Braiding Gay Bum
A Braiding May Bug
A Braiding Yam Bug
A Rabid Bigamy Gnu
A Bard Magi Buying
A Baggy Midair Nub
A Baggy Midair Bun

So many letters.. so little time...

Last edited by Imaginary Bad Bug (06-11-2007 03:28:20 PM)



#8 | Back to Top06-11-2007 04:01:23 PM

Raven Nightshade
Someday Shiner
From: Louisiana
Registered: 12-17-2006
Posts: 2925

Re: IrisBeloved/"So Vile Bride" Anagram your name!

Oddly, a lot of mine involve the word "tit", "tits", or "breast".


Sometimes I wonder if I'm ever gonna make it home again.
It's so far and out of sight.
I really need someone to talk to and nobody else
Knows how to comfort me tonight.



#9 | Back to Top06-11-2007 04:02:15 PM

no, definitely no cons
From: New Orleans, Louisiana
Registered: 10-16-2006
Posts: 10328

Re: IrisBeloved/"So Vile Bride" Anagram your name!

It's more fun if you rework the anagrams yourself so that they make sense emot-smile  "A Anally Dim Hitler" is funny, but not as funny as "I Anally Dam Hitler."  Would be funnier if you were a guy, of course!

"Satyreyes" is a tough one to anagram; two Y's in nine letters!  By hand, I found "Y Rest Easy?"  The anagram server adds "rye yeasts," which is boring but sensible.



#10 | Back to Top06-11-2007 04:09:27 PM

Yaoi Pet #1
From: Sacramento, CA
Registered: 10-22-2006
Posts: 8858

Re: IrisBeloved/"So Vile Bride" Anagram your name!

ShatteredMirror = THREAD TERRORISM.


Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source.



#11 | Back to Top06-11-2007 04:20:58 PM

no, definitely no cons
From: New Orleans, Louisiana
Registered: 10-16-2006
Posts: 10328

Re: IrisBeloved/"So Vile Bride" Anagram your name!

ShatteredMirror wrote:

ShatteredMirror = THREAD TERRORISM.


I am so, so tempted to revoke your Yaoi Pet title in favor of this one.  emot-frown

EDITED TO ADD: OMG!  My title anagrams out to "EMAIL HOLY WAR."  You and I are obviously made for each other.

Last edited by satyreyes (06-11-2007 04:24:34 PM)



#12 | Back to Top06-11-2007 05:00:43 PM

Atlantean Singer
From: Vancouver, B.C.
Registered: 03-26-2007
Posts: 570

Re: IrisBeloved/"So Vile Bride" Anagram your name!

purplepolecat =
Rectal Pole Pup
Leper Pulp Taco (yum!)
All Pop Up Erect

I had to cheat to get this one, but it was too good to pass up:
purplepolecat trap = apple poptart ulcer

poptart poptart poptart poptart poptart poptart poptart poptart poptart poptart poptart poptart

We're here, we're queer, we don't want any more bears!
Honorary Hat Mafia Member
Now Playing: Bear Supply - "I Maul Out Of Love"



#13 | Back to Top06-11-2007 06:07:13 PM

From: Oakland, CA
Registered: 02-19-2007
Posts: 150

Re: IrisBeloved/"So Vile Bride" Anagram your name!

Naturally I got no results when I typed in my username, but my real name (Sasha Brown) had some good ones:
Baron Swash
A Barns Show
A Bras Shown
Bran Saws Ho (Ew, dismembered prostitutes)
Bra As Shown

Baron Swash...I think I'll be using that from now on.

You can go to LJ, or



#14 | Back to Top06-11-2007 06:23:24 PM

Marionette Mistress
From: Wuzzy Happy Akio Town (What?)
Registered: 10-17-2006
Posts: 4694

Re: IrisBeloved/"So Vile Bride" Anagram your name!

Nothing comes up when I type in Razara. emot-frown



#15 | Back to Top06-11-2007 06:33:34 PM

Qualified Duellist
From: Brisbane
Registered: 10-16-2006
Posts: 727

Re: IrisBeloved/"So Vile Bride" Anagram your name!

I got only one worth mentioning

Almaser = Am Laser




#16 | Back to Top06-11-2007 06:43:48 PM

no, definitely no cons
From: New Orleans, Louisiana
Registered: 10-16-2006
Posts: 10328

Re: IrisBeloved/"So Vile Bride" Anagram your name!

purplepolecat wrote:

All Pop Up Erect

I don't know why you felt the need to go past this one.  That's some anagram pwnage, right there.

Razara... sorry, I think you're out of luck with that name emot-frown  It's a good base for palindromes, though. 
"Ahem: in Asia, Razara is anime.  Ha!"

...Well, it would be a good base for palindromes, if I were much good at palindromes.  emot-mad

Last edited by satyreyes (06-11-2007 06:44:08 PM)



#17 | Back to Top06-11-2007 06:44:53 PM

Magical Flying Moron
From: Los Angeles
Registered: 04-24-2007
Posts: 5971

Re: IrisBeloved/"So Vile Bride" Anagram your name!

Almaser wrote:

I got only one worth mentioning

Almaser = Am Laser


Now I just need to strap you to a shark.  *raises pinky to lips smugly*

"The devil want me as is, but god he want more."
-Truck North
Honorary Hat Mafia Member



#18 | Back to Top06-11-2007 08:43:50 PM

Rose Bride
From: Louisiana
Registered: 12-23-2006
Posts: 116

Re: IrisBeloved/"So Vile Bride" Anagram your name!

Went with my first and middle name... last name has a Z which produces annoying results... so my best were:

Reteaching REM
Recreating Hem
Machete Erring
Chimera Regent
Manger Heretic
Anger Hermetic
Harem Erecting - the winner!!!! emot-tongue
Erratic Gem Hen
ACME Nether Rig
Teach Erring Me
Change Tree Rim
Charge Inert Me



#19 | Back to Top06-11-2007 09:39:11 PM

Caption Captor
From: Canada
Registered: 10-20-2006
Posts: 4472

Re: IrisBeloved/"So Vile Bride" Anagram your name!

Organ Ark?

For my actual name my two favourites were:

Harem Fan Winds


Fawn Hairs Mend



#20 | Back to Top06-11-2007 10:21:21 PM

Magical Flying Moron
From: Los Angeles
Registered: 04-24-2007
Posts: 5971

Re: IrisBeloved/"So Vile Bride" Anagram your name!

dollface wrote:

You know, all I ask for is one simple thing, and that is to have sharks with frickin' laserbeams strapped to their heads!

Anywho, I tried Kate Graham and got 100-something. Some were funny, but I don't really remember them. None of them had the pwnage that Shattered and satyreyes got.

I know it's not at all unusual that I knew a Katie Graham, but you remind me of her...weird.

"The devil want me as is, but god he want more."
-Truck North
Honorary Hat Mafia Member



#21 | Back to Top06-11-2007 11:00:33 PM

Queen of the Video Box
From: The whispers of twilight
Registered: 12-28-2006
Posts: 2124

Re: IrisBeloved/"So Vile Bride" Anagram your name!

Akio Ohtori-
I hookah riot
I hook a trio

Anthy Ohtori-
Hah, intro toy
Hah, irony tot
Hath yin root (get it?  yin feminine/evil?  Wee!)
A hot horny it

Utena Tenjou
Jean eon Tutu
One jute tuna

Nanami Kiryuu- (wow she has a lot of them)
A Uranium Inky



#22 | Back to Top06-11-2007 11:33:48 PM

no, definitely no cons
From: New Orleans, Louisiana
Registered: 10-16-2006
Posts: 10328

Re: IrisBeloved/"So Vile Bride" Anagram your name!

Iris wrote:

Akio Ohtori-
I hookah riot
I hook a trio

Anthy Ohtori-
Hah, intro toy
Hah, irony tot
Hath yin root (get it?  yin feminine/evil?  Wee!)
A hot horny it

Utena Tenjou
Jean eon Tutu
One jute tuna

Nanami Kiryuu- (wow she has a lot of them)
A Uranium Inky

Oof!  Japanese names are hard to anagram.  So many U's and bad consonant-vowel ratios and ick!  By the way, Anthy's surname is Himemiya, not Ohtori.  The theory goes that Akio is not an Ohtori by birth, but took the surname as a condition of marrying Kanae and being acting chairman of the academy.



#23 | Back to Top06-11-2007 11:49:03 PM

Queen of the Video Box
From: The whispers of twilight
Registered: 12-28-2006
Posts: 2124

Re: IrisBeloved/"So Vile Bride" Anagram your name!

Ogh, I knew that so well too!  I'm definitely not a detail oriented person by far!
Anthy Himemiya

A mini myth, yeah!
I, ah tiny mayhem
Aim hie any Myth (I've never heard the word hie before, but it means to strive or exert oneself)

Although I really liked the A Uranium Inky for Nanami.

Last edited by Iris (06-11-2007 11:49:21 PM)



#24 | Back to Top06-12-2007 12:24:39 AM

Sensei of Sense
From: San Diego, CA
Registered: 02-20-2007
Posts: 198

Re: IrisBeloved/"So Vile Bride" Anagram your name!

Teapot doesn't produce any interesting anagrams. My real name, however...

Paranoia-Jaunted Hole
A Jalapeno Roadie Hunt
Oh Our Alienated Japan
Join Panda Laureate Ho <-- a subliminal message urging you to join forces with Edward and I
Antihero Anal Ape Judo <--wtf

And using my -full- name...

A Bride Anthy Aloe Jail Aeon

Yes, I tweaked it. I am Anthy bathing in a jail of aloe for an aeon. At least it's better than swords..



#25 | Back to Top06-12-2007 12:42:10 AM

Yaoi Pet #1
From: Sacramento, CA
Registered: 10-22-2006
Posts: 8858

Re: IrisBeloved/"So Vile Bride" Anagram your name!

satyreyes wrote:

ShatteredMirror wrote:

ShatteredMirror = THREAD TERRORISM.


I am so, so tempted to revoke your Yaoi Pet title in favor of this one.  emot-frown

EDITED TO ADD: OMG!  My title anagrams out to "EMAIL HOLY WAR."  You and I are obviously made for each other.

Obviously we are.

And Iris said the same thing about the title. It's your call, I'm amused with whatever I get.

Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source.



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