This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)

#1 | Back to Top01-17-2010 01:58:00 AM

Tour Guide to Crawling Chaos
Registered: 10-19-2006
Posts: 719

Anyone want Utena Ep. 21-24 Laserdiscs?

So I saw this used laserdisc boxed set of the Utena TV series, episodes 21-24, lying around at a used hardware/software store a while ago. (That's Keiko's duel, the two Mikage episodes, and Nanami's Secret Diary. Unsubbed, of course.) I don't have any use for laserdiscs, but it made me sad that they didn't have a good home. I'm planning on going back in the next couple days, so is anyone interested in me picking it up for them if it's still there?

It costs like five dollars, plus whatever it costs to ship four heavy laserdiscs from Japan to wherever you live. (Which is probably more than five dollars.) If there's any interest, I'll pick the set up and we can figure out who gets it later, by choosing randomly or whatever.

Private message me if you're interested, so we don't clutter up the forum too much with all our commerce. emot-smile



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