This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Okay. In my free time, I'm laying down.
And there's only one thing I can do while laying down. Photoshop. (Or OC, but yeah.)
I can barely do lineart by hand anymore, and after not using illustrator for a looong time, it's just frustrating.
But I want to colour. I want to badly. Does anyone have vectoring lineart they never did? Hell, if you wanna vector the unused sketches, I can sketch over it to clean it up. (By no means would you be forced to use EXACTLY my lines.)
I'd even consider fanart. (I'll be honest boys and girls, I am kinda picky... But if the lines are good and the face is pretty much symmetrical, I'd probably do it.) Hell, I don't care if someone used a sketch I did and redid it honestly. (I don't recommend it though since I don't do anything particularly exciting...) Also, as for soft shading, I haven't done so in years....
Hell, you can recommend already existing lineart. (As long as a good version doesn't exist already.)
tl;dr, I want to do something and I've been too god damned lazy to do it myself. Need a partner in artistic crime.