This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Okay, I was looking through Wikipedia and I noticed alternate names for something called 'Enoki Films'. Now what in the world is Enoki Films and how in the world did they get away with such butchery?
...I wanna know how they managed to add characters. I CANNOT figure out who some of those characters are and I've been thinking about this for FAR too long (see several years X_x)
I heard they were trying to sell the series to a larger company or something and they were trying to use that to get them to buy? I have no idea how true that is though.
It's talking about this site. Enoki Films is apparently a company that handles the selling of distrubution rights (for TV airing) of several anime serieses. Apparently having TV rights is entirely seperate from having DVD distribution rights.
So yeah, "Ursula's Kiss".
It's pretty horrifying stuff. Especially since the episode descriptions were clearly written by somebody who watched through the whole show fairly carefully. Bear in mind that this dub does not actually exist; the page is more along the lines of a proposal for an English-language localization.
As for the extra characters, I can only assume that Silver Mask, Pazolini, and Lady June must be the Shadow Girls. They're the only characters unaccounted for! However, this idea is so horrifying that my mind shudders at the thought. As for other characters, Juri is channeling her manga self, but I have no clue how they expect they could ever get that to work with the footage.
I sent an e-mail to them some time back asking if I could be put in contact with the guy who wrote the page so I could ask about that stuff, but I never got a response.
Oh god not this
Tory (Goki Otori)
lol hurr hurr Tory and Tommy are in the boy's locker room again guys!
Also WTF Goki? Akio -> Goki -> GOKU
wait what 'Mike (Akio Otori):'
Wait, Goki is the dean and Akio is Anthy's brother how do they do this what what what
Also Saionji = Kevin Smith
I think the names are the worst.
Sonny (Soji Mikage):
4th grader of high school. He has genius brain and charismatic personality. He plans to get rid of Angie and give the privilege of Rose Bride to Miles.
That is, until he was pumped full of lead at a toll booth.
The dean of the school who watches over Ursula and Angie in the background. Is his true identify "The Seeker of the Armageddon" ?
My brain just died.
I love their over use of quotation marks when describing the term "Rose Bride"
Last edited by Dematrah (11-09-2006 07:42:31 PM)
I can't help but wonder who this "Goki Otori" guy is, and since when does Akio wear black? He wears red. I mean, he wears black pants, but those don't really count as "wearing black" if you have a brightly colored shirt.
As for Juri, she does appear to be channeling her manga self in the description, but if that were to be the case they'd have to cut all of the episodes featuring her.
What's rather amusing is that halfway through they ditch the stupid names and go back to the originals. Oh, and the summary of Episode 17 is actually accurate (even though the summary for Episode 7 leaves out the most important details).
I haven't been this mortified since the Cardcaptors Dub. I only found out about Ursula's Kiss when I was looking at the Utena Wikipedia entry...
I will never get over this travesty.
MIKE??? somehow all of Akio's machinations would become moot if he was called Mike.
Who chose all these awful names?
Sanguine_Rose wrote:
MIKE??? somehow all of Akio's machinations would become moot if he was called Mike.
Who chose all these awful names?
You would think that if you were going to Americanised it you would choose a name that suits his phallic nature and call him Dick instead
It would be interesting to see this film if only to hear the music... I would be very VERY surprised if it could compare to the original stuff.
Sanguine_Rose wrote:
MIKE??? somehow all of Akio's machinations would become moot if he was called Mike.
I can only cope with this by immediately going from Mike to Michael. At least then we're back in angel territory. Although the Michael I'm thinking of was a lot more vicious than Akio.
I just realized Kanae is about as useless and annoying as Kay was. [/Godfather]
Edit: Dick Cheney.
Get it? Dick. Chainey?
It fits.
ShatteredMirror wrote:
What's rather amusing is that halfway through they ditch the stupid names and go back to the originals. Oh, and the summary of Episode 17 is actually accurate (even though the summary for Episode 7 leaves out the most important details).
That's because they looks suspiciously near identical to the episode synopses from the old Utena Encyclopedia.
*moment of silence for the Utena Encyclopedia. TT__TT*
Giovanna wrote:
That is, until he was pumped full of lead at a toll booth.
I was traumatised by that as a child.
But not half so much as I was the first time I came across Ursula's Kiss.
I think I may have died a little inside.
Offline Thanks Dallbun.
I followed this link and was reading the episode summaries only to find this...
Episode 15: [The Landscape Framed by Kozue] "Sono Kozue ga Sasu Fuukei
...She even has pushed a (gay) music teacher off a cliff.
What? What's all this (gay) about? Is this some sort of statement saying he is a music teacher ergo he is homosexual?
Ok, she pushed a (gay) off a cliff? I thought she pushed him down the stairs. Or am I remembering wrong?
Last edited by Sanguine_Rose (11-10-2006 10:16:22 AM)
You're right, was stairs.
Also I think it was pretty given he was gay since he was playing unholynaughtymacking games with poor Miki. (Why do I have a feeling Akio* staffs his school with perverts? The Vice-Principal sounded like a lech, too.)
Ah yes. Kevin Smith. and SONNY
The first time I read that on wikipedia I thought it was some kind of cruel joke.
Sanguine_Rose wrote:
I haven't been this mortified since the Cardcaptors Dub. I only found out about Ursula's Kiss when I was looking at the Utena Wikipedia entry...
I will never get over this travesty.
MIKE??? somehow all of Akio's machinations would become moot if he was called Mike.
Who chose all these awful names?
At least Nana is a Japanese name. Unlike Mike. *does not want to be like Mike*
Last edited by Ger (11-10-2006 12:40:36 PM)
Dallbun wrote:
It's talking about this site. Enoki Films is apparently a company that handles the selling of distrubution rights (for TV airing) of several anime serieses. Apparently having TV rights is entirely seperate from having DVD distribution rights.
So yeah, "Ursula's Kiss".
Actually... many of those names were used in the latin america dub of Utena... And the named was changed to "The magic ring"
because you can't use revolution in a kids show or something... something completely retarded because is no a kids show in the first place. The series didn't suffer any censorship... at all (thank god) Jury's lesbianism and Anthy saturday knights were not tried to be hidden or blurred... the series never aired complete I'm not sure if the last episode was the Saionji duel or the Ruka one...
Not all the names where used though:
*"The seekers of the Armagedon" wasn't it was "The council of end of the world"
*Nanami was left as Nanami not as Nana.
*Kevin was used as first name for Saionji... Simon not, The full name was Kevin Kyoichi...
*Chris I think it wasn't used as a name for Kozue.
*Dios was changed to Dionisio... I think because it would cause a royal wreck if some parent organization notice it... well it would cause a royal wreck if they got a view of the series. But Dios meaning "God" in spanish wouldn't help at all.
* Who the hell is Tory (Goki Otori)?
*Mike: He like to wear black WTF? O.o
* Silver Mask:
A member of the "The Seekers of Armageddon." No one knows his/her true identity.
The leader of the troop sent by "The Seekers of Armageddon."
Lady June:
The evil princess commanding the troop. Cool and merciless.
Are we talking about the same series?
The dub at least... it was good. Not incredible amazing as the mexican version Card Captor Sakura (It's said that is even better than the original japanese ) but it was more than bearable, something I can not say about the English dub.... (my ears bleeded when I tried to hear it
I only watch English dubs to make myself laugh, but entirely too often they just make my ears bleed.
ShatteredMirror wrote:
I only watch English dubs to make myself laugh, but entirely too often they just make my ears bleed.
Remember that, Romanticide's comments about the Latin American dub's name similarities aside, this dub doesn't actually exist. The real English dub doesn't try to mess with the plot or anything, and contains some very good performances alongside some fairly painful ones (Shadow Girls, what happened to your energy?).
Yeah, at least they didn't completely butcher it. But in general, most dubs aren't as good as the original. And sometimes they make my ears bleed to listen.
Except for Hellsing. That's a good dub.
ShatteredMirror wrote:
Except for Hellsing. That's a good dub.
You should be burned at the stake for saying that.... ¬.¬ (Is a hellsing fan)
nah... you have the right to like it, in fact many people like it but many people also(like me) despise it.
The hellsing dub would have been better if they kept closer to the original script but otherwise, no one can do English accents quite as well as the English and its almost unheard of to come across a japanese voice actor who can do good europeon accents.
Tamago wrote:
The hellsing dub would have been better if they kept closer to the original script but otherwise, no one can do English accents quite as well as the English and its almost unheard of to come across a japanese voice actor who can do good europeon accents.
It's actually rare to find a Japanese that can speak English correctly... XD But what actually bothers me is some voices. (Walter makes my ears bleed, he sounds to young) Crispin Freeman tries, but he just pales on Jouji Nakata sexiness and raspiness... and madness. Integral voice is exactly the same but she lacks passion. Seras voice and Jan is good. Not sure about the others couldn't stand much and switched to japanase.
Crispin Freeman is a good voice actor and all but when I watched the dub Hellsing soon after I watched the dub Chobits, I kept on thinking that Alcard was Hideki and at any moment he was going to trip over his own ass and scream while holding a pair of schoolgirl panties.
Well, I primarily like the Hellsing dub because it has passable fake accents. They're not as good as the real thing but since I haven't been to England in years I'll take what I can get.
Crispin Freeman is a pretty good actor. Just for fun, here's a clip of him talking about Juri.