This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Well, after about 2 years of fiddling with the idea and grappling with my lack of technological knowledge, I have started actually producing the abridged series I wrote all those months ago.
I realize there's a plethora of abridged series out there at the moment, but I'm trying to do something a little different: they'll be a series of not-entirely-unrelated shorts that I'll pluck out of various episodes. This means that I can actually just skip around and mock whatever characters or scenes I want without having to go through every episode--Akio and Mikage are slated for their first appearances in episodes 4 & 6, respectively. I hope that if you can ignore my crappy voice acting you'll enjoy it
This is basically to keep me entertained until the next SKUpid comes out.
Last edited by CoffinBreaker (03-28-2012 08:13:48 PM)