This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)

#1 | Back to Top03-28-2012 03:31:56 PM

Rose Bride
From: Here and Now
Registered: 10-28-2010
Posts: 117

Satirical Girl Utena ({Very}Abridged Series)

Well, after about 2 years of fiddling with the idea and grappling with my lack of technological knowledge, I have started actually producing the abridged series I wrote all those months ago.

I realize there's a plethora of abridged series out there at the moment, but I'm trying to do something a little different: they'll be a series of not-entirely-unrelated shorts that I'll pluck out of various episodes. This means that I can actually just skip around and mock whatever characters or scenes I want without having to go through every episode--Akio and Mikage are slated for their first appearances in episodes 4 & 6, respectively. I hope that if you can ignore my crappy voice acting you'll enjoy it emot-keke

This is basically to keep me entertained until the next SKUpid comes out.

Last edited by CoffinBreaker (03-28-2012 08:13:48 PM)

You don't need to understand Revolutionary Girl Utena to understand it.



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