This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
morosemocha wrote:
OHHH that's so wrong.
Yeah, I think that's a bookmark. I run into this comic once in a while and I always laugh but never keep track of it.
Oh, god, you should. It's such a fantastic fucking comic. From Nailed! (the musical comedy about Jesus' crucifixion, written to get pussy) to the unbelievably realistic portrayles of relationships....S*P almost always makes me laugh out loud, and the man ha made me cry too, with some of his more serious storylines. I whore it out every chance I get because I really think he deserves it.
Plus, he sells a shirt that proudly proclaims "THESE ARE NOT FREE RANGE BOOBIES" Perfect for those nights at the club when asshats think pinching nipples is a pleasent way to say hello.
I should totally get back into webcomics. There are a few I remember loving to death and then I stopped looking. Like Sinfest.
Car looks familiar, doesn't it? This is like the tower in hell in The Sandman and Lucifer looking eerily like Akio's.
I think all these versions of the Devil know each other, or something.
Edit: Is random groping really that much of a problem? Don't people have any class at all?
Edit: hehehehe
What? Leave me alone.
You pretty little thing, I will never leave you alone. Or tell you about that shrine. Or the Googlemaps pics I have of your place. And how I patiently waited all day, refreshing the page to get a pic of you walking out of your house.
Never will you know of these things.
And re: groping. No, nips were a one time thing (what really pissed me off though, was that he was a friend of the girl I was dancing with, and I should have thrown him out the conviently open second floor window that was five feet away), but I've had guys randomly smack my ass in clubs while I was dancing with friends. It's hot when you do it to your girlfriend once in a while, esp when in the kitchen making dinner and she's not feeling esp sexy, but when you're in a club and it's random...FUCK YOU, BUT NOT REALLY.
Also? Sinfest = OMGAWESOME. I think I may have found me something else to obsess with...
Last edited by morosemocha (12-21-2006 10:19:33 AM)
morosemocha wrote:
You pretty little thing, I will never leave you alone. Or tell you about that shrine. Or the Googlemaps pics I have of your place. And how I patiently waited all day, refreshing the page to get a pic of you walking out of your house.
Oh my.
You mean this?
morosemocha wrote:
And re: groping.
Ugh, that sounds ridiculous. Needs more assholes getting punched in the jaw. What a perversion of a perfectly awesome and wonderful thing to creep up on someone that's cooking!
morosemocha wrote:
Also? Sinfest = OMGAWESOME. I think I may have found me something else to obsess with...
I admit I'm especially amused by the strips with the Devil and God. They bicker like schoolchildren and the Devil is funny. (And in a double-breasted suit...)
ima gonna pop in to tell the worst thing to say in bed....ever.......
"My dick feels like...CORN"
and then in a runner up we have...
"oh god, your so tight"
that one is totally a "moment" killer...
KissingT.Kiryuu wrote:
"oh god, your so tight"
that one is totally a "moment" killer...
But I like that.
:has obviously watched too much porn as a child:
i guess so! i dont know..for me it was just like... kinda weird.
The Devil's little fanboy is the cutest thing ever.
And WHEN does dick feel like corn? When?
Yeah, tight is a compliment. I think when they say it, guys are suggesting to you (or themselves) that you haven't had a lot of strange dick in you. So, they get to be your big dick experience.
I'd hate to hear, "Gee, you're loose!"
"Gee" would kill it, "you're loose" would resurrect it and kill it again.
And I haven't.
And I won't.
... unless I buy one of those humongous dildo's I found on Gio's sex toy palace page.
Actually, DOES lots of intercourse "stretch" out a woman's privates? Or is that an old wife’s tale? It's not true for me, but then, I have a small cervix.
Frosty wrote:
Actually, DOES lots of intercourse "stretch" out a woman's privates? Or is that an old wife’s tale? It's not true for me, but then, I have a small cervix.
I do believe that's just a myth. Besides, vaginas that seem loose can be "repaired" with some Kegel exercises.
iruka wrote:
Frosty wrote:
Actually, DOES lots of intercourse "stretch" out a woman's privates? Or is that an old wife’s tale? It's not true for me, but then, I have a small cervix.
I do believe that's just a myth. Besides, vaginas that seem loose can be "repaired" with some Kegel exercises.
I think it stretches out the 'enterance' more than the 'tunnel'
It's size more than frequency. If you repeatedly are shoving huge things in there, the tissues and the muscle will stretch to adapt. An average sized whatever isn't going to stretch you now matter how hard you're fucking it, because it's never widening anything more than it's already used to.
Great! Consider sex life always improved by this board.
What have we learned, kids?
Hard fucking won't ruin the entry way. Just repeated Super-Sized shoving. Even so, repair that damage with a few Kegels.
Oh no! My mother does Kegel's.
Actually Kegels will not magically undo everything you can do to your poor, abused vagina. It can repair the muscle, which is, overall, more important, but it won't do a damned or blasted thing for soft tissues that have been stretched. Think of it like stretch marks on the inside.
That said, the vast majority of things you can stuff in there aren't going to be a problem. You have to regularly be fucking something like three inches thick before you need to worry about stretchage. The more immediate danger is you getting used to such size and then finding anything less kinda disappointing. I've figured out after about two months of not using anything like a dildo, that things shrink up a bit on their own. Minor stuff is self-repairing.
Ultimately unless you're into fisting, it's not going to be a huge problem for you. As for Kegels, tightening yourself up is the least of the benefits there. Like any other muscle, the muscles lining your vaginal walls perform better if they're properly toned. You will come harder.
Edit: I should really post a Kegel information thread. It's a bit more complicated than just squeezing down there.
OH! i just remembered what my friend told me when she had sex for the first time!
she said that her boyfriend just looked down at her and said...
"You're kinda loose for a virgin"
I think it is hysterical!!
KissingT.Kiryuu wrote:
her boyfriend just looked down at her and said...
"You're kinda loose for a virgin"
Oh my god. I would have decked him right then. That's just rude.
she should have.... but she didn't. see..the little chef make some penis stew outa him.
Order Up!
No, it's all about the fried penis. Which he seriously would deserve. You do not criticize a woman's anatomy. At least, not if you want yours to remain intact.
ShatteredMirror wrote:
No, it's all about the fried penis. Which he seriously would deserve. You do not criticize a woman's anatomy. At least, not if you want yours to remain intact.
I guess that even the smooth talking Chairman can get on Utena's bad side. *hehe*
Like Akio would ever be so rude as to call a woman loose.
With how legendary his penis is, no woman is loose to him....
Amen to that. No guy wants to be naked next to Akio. Unless they're having sex. And then, Akio would never call any guy loose for exactly the same reason.
ShatteredMirror wrote:
Amen to that. No guy wants to be naked next to Akio. Unless they're having sex. And then, Akio would never call any guy loose for exactly the same reason.
I would hate to meet the woman that Akio could say was too loose down there.