This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)

#1 | Back to Top12-06-2006 11:02:12 AM

Ends of the Fandom
From: Edmonton, AB
Registered: 10-12-2006
Posts: 8797

Kinda random...anyone need (US) stamps?

morosemocha's thread reminded me, I have a few 100 count rolls of $.39 stamps sitting around at my house that are just never ever going to get used since I send out exactly two letters a month. (And I usually use the stamps at my job anyway. emot-biggrin)

Is anyone at all interested in buying them? Maybe for $30 bucks each instead of $39 or something...I just figure they're here and taking up space when someone else could be using them and saving a little money. I'll never use this many, so it's just a waste to have them here.

Akio, you have nice turns of phrase, but your points aren't clear and you have no textual support. I can't give this a passing grade.
~ Professor Arisa Konno, Eng 1001 (Freshman Literature and Composition)



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