This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Yeah... the pacing is a bit rushed in my opinion, too. :|
I think doing a movie to conclude it all would probably be a good idea, given the number of loose ends he'll have to tie up in a total of 44 minutes air time.
1. Who's Princess of the Crystal?
2. What did Momoka do that day and what happened to her?
3. Why penguins?
This episode. Masako, congrats, you're officially my new favourite character. Also Bowling Bomb App ftw
This show is much more paced like a mystery kind of thing so far, with a bunch of hanging threads and then SHERLOCK HOLMES EXPLAINS EVERYTHING periodically. That's fine, except that I would criticize that Ikuhara's left threads hanging for very long periods at a time. The diary and hat have both been kind of dropped for long enough that you're going to need to remember they're important the next time they show up. Maybe this is a symptom of his being accustomed to how he paced SKU? It was fine to drop threads of plot for a while because the episodes were largely based on individual characters, and individual duelists rarely had any real and immediate bearing in their episodes on the story at large. Here, they have to connect somehow, or it's been a waste of time, since he's definitely built these things up to make you wonder about their relevance, not just experience their story.
This episode definitely proved, however, that Ikuhara is 1. A Murakami fan (the description and design of the underground in this is as far as I recall identical to Murakami's in Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World), and 2. did his homework about Aum. The practices that flesh out the characters' histories, of being 'adopted' as children and isolated into a family and social system separate from the outside was part of how the cult worked. I'm definitely getting a lot more out of the show that way now that I've done my homework about Aum.
So far the broad exploration seems to be about destiny, but in a certain particular. Destiny kind of implies a continuity. Especially in the Japanese psyche, judging by the historical outlook its had on family and such. (Such as instances of voluntary seppuku done to absolve a family of the shame of the person committing it.) If the shame of your parents, even ancestors, carries over to you, how can you possibly have any freedom of your own to forge your own destiny? Not only is the show asking this, but it's also asking if this is as specific as a genetic line. Can the friend of a shamed family escape the shame?
I kinda see Penguindrum as reinterpreting some of the questions and values of SKU but in a very Japanese setting, even a more Japanese way. Strange to say, but I found SKU to be almost entirely presented from a very western perspective--the symbols and the ideals and even the utter absence of things that would have been so relevant to the Japanese characters. (A character like Saionji having no contact with his family and us getting no explanation for that is proof of how absent this is.) In Murakami's book about Aum, he notes that Aum, despite being this marginalized culture comprised of people cast out of Japanese society, is itself a definitively Japanese thing--and that's what should disturb people about it. Ultimately, I wonder if that's the point Penguindrum is making. That this story feels so easy and familiar and horrible...but why? Shouldn't it not? Does it sit right with us that we understand , even if we don't agree with, the idea that the children should be punished for the sins of the parents?
Giovanna wrote:
Does it sit right with us that we understand , even if we don't agree with, the idea that the children should be punished for the sins of the parents?
There's more to it, too. So we agree that children shouldn't be punished for the sins of the parents. But what about their own sins? Kanba and now Masako may have been born innocent, but their families drew them into the same lawlessness, albeit for different reasons. Kanba can't be absolved of all those murders because he's doing it for Himari, any more than Kenzan and Chiemi can be absolved because they did it to take down the Child Broiler and other inequities. Can he?
But for me, it's too soon to start thinking about messages. Could it be that the ghosts of the Takakuras and Sanetoshi represent how society itself pushes Kanba into the role of his parents? If so, why only Kanba, and not Shouma or Himari or perhaps Masako? I don't know. I really need to see how it ends first.
My list of questions from a few episodes ago has begun to look pretty dated. Most of the questions have either been answered clearly (the main characters' backstory) or completely neglected. Shorter, then, to list the questions that still seem relevant, yet that we still have no answer to.
- Who is Penguin Hat Lady?
- What is the Penguindum? Why does Penguin Hat Lady want it?
I'm not sure we've learned a single new thing about Penguin Hat Lady or her agenda. With this episode's developments vis-a-vis Himari, the final episodes will have to make clear why Penguin Hat Lady and her stupid drum still matter.
- What is Ringo's diary? How did Ringo get it, and how did Momoka get it before that?
- Where is Momoka? What exactly happened on the day of the attack?
We keep getting tantalizing references, but nothing has radically reframed our understanding of the attack. We know Momoka foiled its ostensible agenda, but we still don't know what that agenda was, or what happened to her or her diary afterwards. Even after all the family drama of the last several episodes, I can't help feeling that Momoka is in some ways the main character of Mawaru Penguindrum. The last two episodes will have to reintroduce her and situate her in relationship to the show's themes.
- What condition is Himari (and presumably Mario) suffering from? Is the spell in the diary the cure? Is the Penguindrum the cure?
We are getting closer to answering this one: it must have to do with the "curse" we keep hearing about. If the Penguindrum is really the cure, maybe it is a sort of washing machine after all: a way to wash away the bloodstains on the family lines of the Takakura and Natsume clans. I hope we get a more precise explanation of what the curse is and where it comes from, but I get the feeling that the show might leave it ambiguous. The last episodes don't have to answer these questions for the themes to carry weight.
- What does Ringo have to do with anything?
To me, this is a bizarre outstanding question. Ringo became the focal character of the show for several episodes, facing a gripping conflict that defined the show. No sooner was it resolved than she faced a new conflict: defining her own identity in the face of the overwhelming temptation to assume Momoka's. This is a fascinating and poignant conflict, yet we've seen almost nothing from her. Are we building up to a last-minute act of personal heroism on her part? Why didn't she get written out of the story the way Tabuki did when his purpose had been served?
And I'll add one:
- What does Shouma have to do with anything?
Singularly ineffectual throughout the period of the show, Shouma so far has served as an exposition device; he was a mover during the show's backstory, but what has he done for us lately? All Shouma has are his principles. If he's going to earn the title of protagonist, he had better get working on his dramatic monologue about family and responsibility and personal dignity. What's left of the show will need to show us why Ringo and Shouma matter.
I recalled that Sanetoshi kinda broke the 4th wall to us audience after reviving Himari.
He asked the question for us, "Why did I save Himari?" <-That question must be the link to tie up the major loose ends, because Sanetoshi responded, "Wait just a little longer."
He also said that he wanted the two brothers to continue their journeys to find out if there really is such a thing as "Penguindrum". What if all the sparkles and illusions were... some kind of elaborate distraction that was never really there in the first place (if that even makes sense).
I was just thinking...
I have a feeling that [Himari's death] will prompt the return of Princess of the Crystal. Especially now that [Ringo got one half of her book back since Tabuki and Yuri figured out the reason why they are still alive, which was not to bring back Momoka, but to help other children feel that they are loved. Masako had also made the resolution to save Kanba with her life, so that will probably mean that Ringo will get that other half back, as well. The maid will probably be the one who returns the diary to Ringo, presumably per Masako's instruction or something.]
Maybe with [Himari dead, Princess of the Crystal will gain full possession of her body... maybe]
Last edited by Hiraku (12-10-2011 10:46:21 AM)
I started watching this show a couple of weeks ago after one of my favorite Tumblrs reblogged a picture of Penguin Hat Lady/Princess of the Crystal. I managed to watch the first 20 episodes in about 3 days, and I spent the remainder of the week trying to figure out what the hell I just watched.
So, episode 22...
Does this mean we're watching Code Geass now? Because Kanba has turned into Lelouch, which means Himari is Nunnally. I'll even go one step further and say that Shouma is Suzaku.
I agree about the pacing as well. Looking at how the plot's progressed, it feels very skewed... not enough happened in the first half and EVERYTHING in these last few episodes.
Having said that I'm looking forward how the director is going to wrap this up in 2 episodes!
When Kanba started [spoiler]blowing up cops and tried to strangle Sanetoshi, I knew he was a lost cause. I think that's what Natsume was trying to say when she said "You've already..."[/spoiler]
Ahem, anyway, yes I too doubt that all this can be be resolved satisfactorily in the next two episodes. Unless they're hour long specials. >.>;
And for the love of all things things Holy [spoiler] Himari, please stay dead this time! I appreciate you as a character and all but this is getting old!
I know, punishment of the Goddess and all that, but I think it would make for a better tragedy if she died right as Kanba started doing horrible things for the sake of keeping her alive.[/spoiler]
I don't think we're done with Himari yet. We need at least one more Survival Strategy so that we can see wtf the Princess of the Crystal actually is.
By the by, poor Mario. Doesn't seem like anybody's actually going to try to save him.
Do we know what's keeping Mario alive yet?
I was under the impression he was on the same medicine that Sanetoshi was giving Himari. I *think* there was scene in episode 16 where she's telling Sanetoshi that the treatment is working before he offers her the same deal he gives to Kanba at the end -- to join the Kiga Group gang as a "chosen one" to save her brother's life. She's definitely been in contact with him via the creepy cell phone calls and office visits, so I might just be inferring the situation's the same
dirufacade wrote:
I was under the impression he was on the same medicine that Sanetoshi was giving Himari. I *think* there was scene in episode 16 where she's telling Sanetoshi that the treatment is working before he offers her the same deal he gives to Kanba at the end -- to join the Kiga Group gang as a "chosen one" to save her brother's life. She's definitely been in contact with him via the creepy cell phone calls and office visits, so I might just be inferring the situation's the same
Ohhhh yeah, I bet you're right.
I'm pretty sure this show will need a rewatch to fully get, regardless of what the ending is (at least I'll have to, anyway).
HonorableShadow wrote:
I also loved the scene with Kanba and Himari. Was she trying to lead him on? She told him "I love you" but he wasn't having any of it, because he knew why she was saying it. Then she gave up and just begged him not to do anything terrible. It was a great scene.
Hmm... I wasn't under the impression that she was trying to manipulate him in that sort of way. I think it was an honest "I love you", something that perhaps she felt that she hadn't told Kanba enough times. Kanba's saddened expression struck me more as a kind of "you don't love me the same way I love you" thing. Of course she was trying to convince him to stop, but yeah, I don't think she said those words in order to play on his feelings.
Serious pacing issues, but dammit I am still loving this thing. A lot of revelations occurred within the first 30 seconds of the new episode. I would have preferred a bit more drama in the first half of the show since it's done so well in these final episodes. Very emotional episode.
And you guys are right, Ikuhara got the Aum group mentality totally down. I can see where the unwanted children aspect of the show fits into everything now. Aum is actually currently seeking out young and depressed individuals according to some articles. Sanetoshi is a truly despicable character.
Last edited by chrisb (12-16-2011 07:35:21 AM)
Sanetoshi is a truly despicable character.
Sanetoshi is a saint.
Despite the fact that they've established that Momoka was split *into* the penguin hats (presumably Himari's and Mario's hats), I'm having a lot of trouble buying into the idea that Himari = Momoka reincarnated or that Himari's Princess form is somehow her channeling Momoka. We've now seen Momoka talk through the penguin hat, and she doesn't have the same 'voice' as the Princess -- at all. No commands, she addresses Shoma by name instead of calling him a 'slave' or a 'lowlife who won't amount to anything.' It definitely seems like the Princess is a totally separate character from Momoka.
Which begs the question of where-the-fuck-is-*that*-persona coming from?
I'm also starting to think that the really wacky Natsume-blowfish episode's ending might end paralleling the show's ending, since otherwise the one-off appearance of a second "ghost" in the show seems weirdly out of touch with the rest of the show.
Last edited by dirufacade (12-16-2011 09:26:17 AM)
Ok, I'm watching right now the episode. I watched the first two minutes, and I can't hold this feeling.
Oh, God. OH-MY-GOSH!
This episode will be awesome, surely! FABOULOS MAX
Last edited by SeizonSenryaku (12-16-2011 10:27:03 AM)
One thing I am actually kind of hoping that Ikuhara would not do: [Using Deux ex machina to bring people back from death. :|
I think, it makes no difference if Masako died or lived. Kanba would have taken that diary either way.
But, maybe that's the point that Ikuhara is making, that sometimes we should have accepted death? ]
Last edited by Hiraku (12-16-2011 01:12:57 PM)
I came to back to this forum after so long because my friends were sick of me making Mawaru Penguindrum comparisons to SKU and none of them have watched either. I felt very misunderstood. Almost transparent, if you will.
Anyways, out of all the messed up moments of the entire series, this screenshot I took stuck in my head and I can't get it out.
Obviously the bubble people are both a symbol as well as a reference to the train station theme, so when people aren't or are bubblified it's all very significant...what about those two girls? D: < It's messing with my mind. Are they a shout out? Should I know who they are?
BTW I have no idea how we will come to a satisfactory conclusion in just one more episode. There's only 24, ya?
Those two girls were some of the girls Kanba had dated and dumped.
At least, I'm pretty sure the girl with the permed hair was...
Last edited by Hiraku (12-16-2011 01:14:08 PM)
dirufacade wrote:
Sanetoshi is a truly despicable character.
Sanetoshi is a saint.
Could you elaborate on that? I feel like I'm missing something there. I haven't seen Sanetoshi do anything but manipulate people and perform acts of terrorism.
Episode 23: Despite all of this I am still holding out hope for at least a bittersweet ending. Followed by Adolescence of Himari, the movie.
Also! I do not believe I have posted this here yet.
Do you know why Kanba annoys me? Why can he do all sorts of shady dealings and illegal, immoral things to save his sister EXCEPT steal a diary from a 16 year old girl? Even Yuri was more on the ball. I wonder if that's a significant point or just me reading too deep into the show...
On a random note, did any other yaoi fangirls scream I KNEW IT ALL ALONG KANBA LOVES SHOMA when he hugs him? D:< I was very let down afterwards.
Sakura Rurouni wrote:
I so need to draw a chibi-Sanetoshi, chibi-Akio pair. :3
Last edited by YamPuff (12-17-2011 05:54:18 AM)
As far as I know, Kanba was already doing shady things since the start (money to pay rent). He probably felt that he already had enough on his plate to worry about, so he sent Shoma after Ringo.
In other note, I was looking back at some of the episodes, and... it's not a satisfactory answer to my question of Ikuni's storytelling as to why Penguindrum was thrown to the back burner for much of the later episodes until this second to last one, but I feel that the reason Penguindrum was not being sought after since episode 16 was because:
1. Yuri and Masako both have the diaries
2. Sanetoshi claimed that he can save Himari. The two brothers were only doing the princess' biddings because at the time she had control over Himari's life. But with Sanetoshi and his medicine, it no longer felt necessary to find the Penguindrum. At least Kanba believed so then before Sanetoshi trolled him saying, "oh, jk, the medicine is losing potency, your sister will die anyway." Shoma was thinking of getting the diary back, but Kanba dissuaded him saying the he's got it covered (the medicine)
Problem I still have with the plot:
Princess of the Crystal seems to know what Penguindrum is. When Shoma asked her if Penguindrum is the diary, she went, "Not telling." And, when it's just Kanba and the Princess alone, she told him that she can tell he has what it takes to save Himari because "Penguindrum is your..." <-(Your what? Is Penguindrum the scorpion soul?)
If the princess already knows what Penguindrum is, why can't she just tell them straight up that the diary isn't the Penguindrum???
Also, if the hat was Momoka... why was it not her who communicated through Himari, but an alien princess instead?
Then again... [the princess said that she's from the ends of the brothers' destiny line. Given the clues, it seems to me that the "ends of destiny" is the subway train where the bombing happened. So... maybe we will meet her again now that both Shoma and Kanba are in the train.]
Last edited by Hiraku (12-17-2011 09:42:34 AM)
YamPuff wrote:
Do you know why Kanba annoys me? Why can he do all sorts of shady dealings and illegal, immoral things to save his sister EXCEPT steal a diary from a 16 year old girl? Even Yuri was more on the ball. I wonder if that's a significant point or just me reading too deep into the show...
YES. This one pisses me off too. He's just using "I am trying to save Himari" by justifying him turning himself into a monster.
Btw Sakura Rurouni, that picture is great hahahah.
guys, I can't deal with this.
Still - why the hell does the hat talk so cute suddenly?
Hat!Himari cursed a lot. : l