This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
purplepolecat wrote:
Zundar's little paws on the mecha controls!
This! So adorable, Zundar-sama is the best.
Something just occurred to me. [If the whole thing was a reality show then does that mean that they have cool merch in the actual canon? I'm sure those aliens would love to have plushies of their favorite boys.]
Nocturnalux wrote:
purplepolecat wrote:
Zundar's little paws on the mecha controls!
This! So adorable, Zundar-sama is the best.
Something just occurred to me. [If the whole thing was a reality show then does that mean that they have cool merch in the actual canon? I'm sure those aliens would love to have plushies of their favorite boys.]
In my headcanon, Kinsastu now owns an At-chan body doll.
Manga chapter 2 has been translated:
The manga is absolutely hilarious, I can't seem to find it anywhere, though. I so want to buy it.
So that was how Kinshirou met Zundar-sama! Teacups were made for Zundar to lounge in
Kin-chan has an At-chan dakimakura.
Nocturnalux wrote:
Kin-chan has an At-chan dakimakura.
That's the word I'm looking for!
Kin-chan has an At-chan dakimakura.
I wouldn't be surprised!
These are super cute.
Zundar-sama body suits, I want one!
Io's sign says '500 Yen for cuddling', that's way too cheap! Come on now.
The manga makes me wonder if Arima doesn't have a Kinshirou dakimakura. And Akoya has a super Akoya daki because he's that pretty.
^ LOL I can totally see Akoya collecting all of his own merchandise.
En & Atsushi even sing a love ballad I ship them really hard.
Ooh also I made the Student Council.
Last edited by YamPuff (04-13-2015 03:34:28 PM)
Chibi Student Council is too cute for words! Zundar-sama is clinging to Kinshirou, too
Whenever I look at Akoya I can't help thinking he really must the the love child of Griffith and Utena.
Well I'm convinced.
Wow he really does look like their love child, haha. That's an interesting pairing.
Idk if you guys have been keeping up or not but chapter 1 finally came out: … seifuku-bu
You know, the Griffith/Utena connection becomes even creepier when we consider that Griffith is the ultimate prince architype gone very wrong. [Not to mention the way he treats princesses...were we to consider Utena a princess and she'd be royally screwed, literally!]
And on the subject of lookalikes:
I just realized that the manga is in a web format, no wonder I could not find it anywhere.
Nocturnalux are you telling me those aren't pictures of the same characters? mind = blown
I watched the first episode of this last night. I could not stop laughing. It was actually kind of painful.
Nocturnalux wrote:
You know, the Griffith/Utena connection becomes even creepier when we consider that Griffith is the ultimate prince architype gone very wrong. [Not to mention the way he treats princesses...were we to consider Utena a princess and she'd be royally screwed, literally!]
And on the subject of lookalikes: … o1_500.png … o7_500.png … o5_500.png … o3_500.png
I just realized that the manga is in a web format, no wonder I could not find it anywhere.
Those are the Free! boys, aren't they?
I need to watch Free!..........
Those are the Free! boys, yes. While very different in terms of virtually everything the massive dose of bishes hanging out and overload of subtext that follows makes them oddly alike despite radically different premises. I'm sure all that naked time has something to do with it.
Yumoto/Nagisa in particular makes way too much sense.
And Iwatobi-chan may be uglier than Wombat:
You should definitely watch Free! I like it a lot, and Rin is probably my all time favorite anime character. It's a good show.
Today I couldn't resist and printed this picture for my wall I had wanted the poster, but I wasn't willing to pay $20 for the magazine to get it. It's so cute. Kinshiro/Atsuhi is my weakness.
Last edited by HonorableShadow (04-23-2015 09:37:12 AM)
I'm more about the Ensushi myself.
Not averse to threesomes...
HonorableShadow wrote:
You should definitely watch Free! I like it a lot, and Rin is probably my all time favorite anime character.
It's a good show.
Today I couldn't resist and printed this picture for my wall I had wanted the poster, but I wasn't willing to pay $20 for the magazine to get it.It's so cute. Kinshiro/Atsuhi is my weakness.
I agree, Free! was a very pleasant surprise and well worth a watch.
Now imagine Rein at Binan, his obsession with all things beautiful would make him an all too easy candidate for monster of the week. At least he would understand Akoya, a strange combination if there ever was one.
I am a huge fan of Kin/At myself.
Nocturnalux wrote:
HonorableShadow wrote:
You should definitely watch Free! I like it a lot, and Rin is probably my all time favorite anime character.
It's a good show.
Today I couldn't resist and printed this picture for my wall I had wanted the poster, but I wasn't willing to pay $20 for the magazine to get it.It's so cute. Kinshiro/Atsuhi is my weakness.
I agree, Free! was a very pleasant surprise and well worth a watch.
Now imagine Rein at Binan, his obsession with all things beautiful would make him an all too easy candidate for monster of the week. At least he would understand Akoya, a strange combination if there ever was one.
I am a huge fan of Kin/At myself.
Oh man, I can see Rei fitting right in to this world. He could definitely be a monster of the week! I could also see him as a battle lover taking his job extremely seriously. He'd probably get along well with Yumoto since Yumoto is so similar to Nagisa.
Yeah, Kin/At would have to be my favorite pairing for this series. It caught my interest in episode 4 and I was waiting for a resolution the whole time, so there was a lot of anticipation. The last two episodes didn't disappoint!
Chapter 5 is out btw.
Also, there are some new products you can look at here: These are my personal favorites:
Have you guys seen any reports about the live event? It happened sometime this week and was broadcast on the internet but I haven't seen anyone saying much about it.
^ Those are so cute!
Haven't heard anything, and I follow and obsessive Boueibu blogger on Tumblr so I'm surprised they haven't mentioned it.
HonorableShadow wrote:
Oh man, I can see Rei fitting right in to this world. He could definitely be a monster of the week! I could also see him as a battle lover taking his job extremely seriously. He'd probably get along well with Yumoto since Yumoto is so similar to Nagisa.
Yeah, Kin/At would have to be my favorite pairing for this series.It caught my interest in episode 4 and I was waiting for a resolution the whole time, so there was a lot of anticipation. The last two episodes didn't disappoint!
Chapter 5 is out btw.
Also, there are some new products you can look at here: These are my personal favorites:
Have you guys seen any reports about the live event? It happened sometime this week and was broadcast on the internet but I haven't seen anyone saying much about it.
Rei would be easily roped into becoming a battle lover if Nagisa did the convincing. And yes, he would so take it way too seriously.
Haruka could be persuaded to join if he got to be Cerulean, all that spiralling water during the transformation sequences would have him hooked in no time.
Rin's reaction would be priceless, too...he knows enough English to find 'love making' really awkward. I can him image him being all, "Lo-love making?! Right there?! My heart isn't ready!"
Those are adorable, they remind me of these manjuu items they had for the Free! and Yowapeda boys. I love how En's doll is the only one not smiling, probably finds the whole thing such a bother.
We need Student Council head dolls now.
YamPuff wrote:
^ Those are so cute!
Haven't heard anything, and I follow and obsessive Boueibu blogger on Tumblr so I'm surprised they haven't mentioned it.
Yeah, me neither. Weird!
Nocturnalux wrote:
Rei would be easily roped into becoming a battle lover if Nagisa did the convincing. And yes, he would so take it way too seriously.
Haruka could be persuaded to join if he got to be Cerulean, all that spiralling water during the transformation sequences would have him hooked in no time.
Rin's reaction would be priceless, too...he knows enough English to find 'love making' really awkward. I can him image him being all, "Lo-love making?! Right there?! My heart isn't ready!" emot-rofl
Those are adorable, they remind me of these manjuu items they had for the Free! and Yowapeda boys. I love how En's doll is the only one not smiling, probably finds the whole thing such a bother.
We need Student Council head dolls now.emot-dance
Oh my god, poor Rin. He would be the most embarrassed out of all of them. I can't see him being into it at all (Haru probably roped him into it somehow) and he probably doesn't like participating due to the embarrassing outfit and "love making" until maybe one day one of his friends is in trouble and he has to curse under his breath and go to their rescue. After that I bet he'd go along with it much more easily.
Yeah I really hope we get the student council too! They don't get as much merchandise sadly. I imagine making Akoya's hair in that format would be difficult though!
I just imagined Sousuke as a battle *that* would be absolutely priceless. He would probably sigh and roll his eyes throughout the whole thing. And Ai was born to be a battle lover, he even has 'love' in his name. If Rin did it then of course Ai would join as well because that's basically what Ai does, being only one step removed from going full yandere on Matsuoka-senpai this and Matsuoka-senpai that.
True, Akoya's Utena-like hair is something of a challenge but we know he braids it on occasion so they could go with that.
Someone scanned the new fanbook: … al-fanbook … al-fanbook … al-fanbook
Also there's this new official art that I really love:
I hope we get better scans of it soon.
HonorableShadow wrote:
Someone scanned the new fanbook: … al-fanbook … al-fanbook … al-fanbook
Also there's this new official art that I really love:
I hope we get better scans of it soon.
There's lots of high res scans posted by Elucida on Tumblr.
I love the last one, with Io and Ryu dorking out.
Is it just me or for someone so obsessed with beauty Akoya wears some butt ugly shit?