This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)

#1 | Back to Top08-03-2011 09:10:59 AM

New Student
From: Poland
Registered: 08-03-2011
Posts: 2

Utenish short film !HELP!

Hi there everyone emot-keke
Yup, you got it right, i'm trying to make utenish short film. But the problem is... i'm doing it totally on my own, so there is me, my SLR camera and my tripod.

Well, i thing i'll tell everything from the very beginning.
At first(before watching SKU) I came up with the idea of a movie made of time-lapses, clips of the streets with people ect ---me being behind a camera as person1 and my friend being a person2(smiling at person1 blablablabla)  But she said no to acting (she doesnt like it + we had a 'fight' after i told her i need a princess not a prince xDD doesnt matter now)
So it left me as the only person who can do the acting and i decided to finally use my pretty pink wing...
But i had no ideas for a plot, so depressed me went to watch SKU for the first time.
And now, two days after i ended watching it i decided to make a utenish(is it a word??? XDD) movie.

And i need help....i'm pretty good at writing stuff but i have no ideas...

Is there someone who is willing to help me to create a plot??

In a film i want to use narration only.
It should be something like 'what happened after TVseries', but no references to the tv series (so everyone can watch it)
Somehow i want to make it 'Utena's' POV(i have a wing >w<)
Not longer than 10 min
And i think of beginning it with a twisted version of "Utena met a prince when she was little" + my own animation(something like in the series, more like images then animation...i've done a bit of that a year or so ago)

looking forward to your replies (>w<)*

PS I think i can make my friend to do 'Anthy' if it wont show her face. like a glimpse of hair ect. And the movie could end :"Have I met you somewhere before?" emot-keke



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