This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I got a raise! I still make peanuts, but now I make slightly more peanuts!!
OnlyInThisLight wrote:
I got a raise! I still make peanuts, but now I make slightly more peanuts!!
The raise is an acknowledgement that your were worth more than what they were paying you. A step in the right direction in my opinion!
Last edited by yusaku (10-02-2015 10:25:10 AM)
Today was a really weird day for me, but I am incredibly happy.
I was at Walmart grabbing some supplies and noticed the woman in front of me was asking the cashier to remove some items from her groceries because she was low on funds. She'd run her debit card and it had been denied. I've been there before. It's never fun. And none of her items were non-essential. I stepped forward and swiped my own card before the cashier could remove the items. Both the cashier and the woman looked at me in confusion and the woman asked me what I was doing, to which I replied "I'm paying for your groceries, ma'am." The woman thanked me over and over again. People started to gather around. Strangers hugged me. Overall the situation was very awkward for me. But at the same time I still feel like it made an impact. By the time she left, the woman was in tears and I was fighting back my own. I got home and cried. Emotional overload and all. I'm really happy about it, though. Super happy.
That's a really awesome thing for you to do for a stranger, DiddlyPanda. Thanks for doing that-- I think that's something the world needs more of.
I had a shit awful and exhausting day at work today, and even when I knocked off I technically hadn't because I was at the shops buying random shit that the lab needed. I eventually gathered up all of the things I needed for both work and myself, I decided to spend money I didn't have and staggered into the games shop. Couldn't find a game but I decided to grab one of those black mystery My Little Pony boxes, knowing in advance I'd end up with a Crusader or Cheese Whiz or something. I got home, opened it up and discovered... Nightmare Moon. Sweet!
Things are starting to look up.
Also am selling a bunch of old Wii games to fund Wii U games and bids have already hit around $150
I got a haircut! First one in like, a year? Possibly more.
It was going to be just a trim, but then somehow the possibility for a completely new style came up and I was like, why not. Not like I'm really rocking the "raised by wolves" look, so I don't have much to lose. Long story short, six inches shorter, not entirely sure what style, but I actually got someone who cut my hair like it was a poofy mass instead of trying to act like I could just pretend it was straight.
Aaaaand I really like it!
It's flattering, I think it'll keep working after I take a shower for the first time, I can style it by sticking some goop in and then just forgetting about it.
So, yeah. I feel like I'm actually a somewhat presentable human being now, so long as I keep wearing clothes that fit.
Yay, new hair! I get my hair done on Tuesday. I saw your message about it but you know how things are here. Email me pics!
… that would be presuming I ever allowed pictures of myself to exist.
I ordered the complete utena CD set from japan and it has arrived today!!!!!!
I will now proceed to run around the house singing dueling music!
EDIT: What the heck is this Utena in the Club CD i am confused and scared
Last edited by KissFromARose (10-13-2015 02:17:43 PM)
Yay! Forum's back.
Oh wow. Nine years.
I'm sorry I wasn't around for you through all of that, forum! I love you!
satyreyes wrote:
And just in time for me to wish it its ninth birthday. Happy ninth birthday, IRG! If you were a human being, you would be learning fractions.
Nine years old is a totally respectable age to pass out for a couple days after too much video game. Well done, IRG, well done!
(( Hey all,
Okay... here's one that always makes me smile, and I'm not sure why.
So... on my drive to work, there is a Belle Tire warehouse. On the corner is the Belle Tire Logo-guy. And... so one day, while driving to work, I was like "Hey BT"... and it made me smile. I guess because BT is always smiling, and just happy to be there. It... it's weirdly infectious.
Um... anyway, so... yeah. If I'm ever having a bad drive back from work, as I pass by the Belle Tire warehouse, I say something like "See you tomorrow, BT", and... not sure why, but it makes me smile.
So... yeah. ))
I've finally found the motivation to work on my fanfiction again after a month of doing nothing with it, which is awesome. It makes me happy. Also, thanks to the suggestion (though it was meant as a joke) of a friend, I've decided to write a treatise on FF13 lore, because I need to do something that feigns productivity with this ridiculous amount of information I've gathered on the three games. So, HOORAY THINGS!!!
Last edited by DiddlyPanda (10-22-2015 03:10:34 PM)
Happy Belated B-day, IRG and hugs!
I finally went to London, solo...for my birthday!
Britain, ho! I have been enamored with it for years and finally got my stuff less apart and went! I met a number of helpful folks, and did some great things, while limiting my stupid tourist comments. I had a few fuck-ups such, as forgetting my camera, underestimating the impact of jet lag and security theater bull shit, and amount of walking I was going to do, but loved the trip anyway.
I'm learning how to use Construct 2, a game development engine for people without a lot of modern programming experience. I've made a couple learning games where Mikage tries to avoid some bouncing black roses, or where Touga tries to avoid cannonballs while guiding them into Mikage. These games are silly and awful but also kind of hilarious, and it's pretty cool how easily you can learn how to work the engine and make something playable at the same time.
Oh, and I'm going to New Orleans the day after tomorrow. Let's see whether going to the Big Easy over Halloween is a terrible, terrible mistake, or whether it is absolutely worth it for the po'boys and beignets alone.
I have. The best friends. In the world.
I'm visiting New Orleans over Halloween with Gio, Yasha, and Ashnod. This morning I fainted in the shower for unclear reasons. My left elbow evidently hit a drinking glass on the way down, but I don't remember; one moment I was blacking out, the next I was lying in the bathtub surrounded by blood and with someone calling from the next room to see if I was okay. The rest of the day was my friends helping me drag my naked ass out of the shower and down the stairs, my friends driving me all around town to get to an urgent care center and later a hospital, and my friends staying with me as the day got increasingly surreal. I don't know what I would have done without them.
I'm not sure if I'm okay. I'm doped up six ways from Sunday and there's a substantial risk of developing a scary infection. But because of friends like these, I don't hate life right now. I'm actually sort of... happy?? Happy and needing sleep.
satyreyes wrote:
I have. The best friends. In the world.
I'm visiting New Orleans over Halloween with Gio, Yasha, and Ashnod. This morning I fainted in the shower for unclear reasons. My left elbow evidently hit a drinking glass on the way down, but I don't remember; one moment I was blacking out, the next I was lying in the bathtub surrounded by blood and with someone calling from the next room to see if I was okay. The rest of the day was my friends helping me drag my naked ass out of the shower and down the stairs, my friends driving me all around town to get to an urgent care center and later a hospital, and my friends staying with me as the day got increasingly surreal. I don't know what I would have done without them.
I'm not sure if I'm okay. I'm doped up six ways from Sunday and there's a substantial risk of developing a scary infection. But because of friends like these, I don't hate life right now. I'm actually sort of... happy?? Happy and needing sleep.
We love you too!
Ashnod wrote:
satyreyes wrote:
I have. The best friends. In the world.
I'm visiting New Orleans over Halloween with Gio, Yasha, and Ashnod. This morning I fainted in the shower for unclear reasons. My left elbow evidently hit a drinking glass on the way down, but I don't remember; one moment I was blacking out, the next I was lying in the bathtub surrounded by blood and with someone calling from the next room to see if I was okay. The rest of the day was my friends helping me drag my naked ass out of the shower and down the stairs, my friends driving me all around town to get to an urgent care center and later a hospital, and my friends staying with me as the day got increasingly surreal. I don't know what I would have done without them.
I'm not sure if I'm okay. I'm doped up six ways from Sunday and there's a substantial risk of developing a scary infection. But because of friends like these, I don't hate life right now. I'm actually sort of... happy?? Happy and needing sleep.We love you too!
Hang in there! I hope you get well soon and that you will not faint like that again. It is wonderful that Gio and Yasha were there to help. I live alone and that happening to me is my nightmare because there usually no one around. You got some good friends that is quite wonderful!