This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I actually quite like a FEW (emphasis on F-E-W) of Britney Spears' songs...
Don't hate me.
Clover wrote:
Evanescence and "Sexy Back" by Justin Timeberlake
Quoted for truth.
I love Sexyback. And Evanescence. Well... some of Evanescence. The songs that don't sound like everything else they do.
Last edited by hyacinth_black (03-13-2007 06:18:58 AM)
hyacinth_black wrote:
I actually quite like a FEW (emphasis on F-E-W) of Britney Spears' songs...
I've gone on kicks where I've listened to Baby One More Time covered by Ahmet and Dweezil Zappa on loop for days at a time.
For obvious reasons, I associate it with SKU.
ShatteredMirror wrote:
Michael Jackson's older stuff is the stuff that's actually good. It would be a guilty pleasure to admit to liking his later stuff.
Thank God, I only like the older stuff. Although I wonder if I teeter on the edge, as when I am bored I use my MegaDrive emulator to play Michael Jackson's Moonwalker, which despite being constructed around his older songs AND made in the early nineties, is a bit...topical in terms of the gameplay. [coughs]
As for Eric Clapton....nooooooo! One can't be ashamed of the Clapton! But I am currently listening to Savage Garden. Woe. And I also must admit to actually rather liking that stupid Paris Hilton song. It's catchy goddammit...! But I will skip it on my iPod whenever anybody looks at the screen when I'm on the train. Heh.
Hmm... I'm a fan of the Pet Shop Boys. I'm definitely not ashamed of it though, but only tend to bring it up if a conversation turns to dance music. They're as relevant today as they were in the 80s. I'd argue that they are even better now than they were then. Fundamental is a fantastic album. Of course, I got the 2CD special edition with the extra tracks and remixes.
Last edited by Imaginary Bad Bug (03-13-2007 03:28:33 PM)
Clarice wrote:
...why I bought those two Aqua songs on iTunes the other day we may never know.
...or at least in my case, I don't WANT to know.
Um...I've got four: Barbie Girl, Around the World, Happy Boys and Happy Girls, and Dr. Jones. I dunno, either.
mercurynin wrote:
--A few Maroon 5 songs.
The All-American Rejects' "Move Along";
Fall Out Boy's "This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race" (the song is catchy, but I still want to kill Pete Wentz);
and My Chemical Romance, AFI, etc. (OMG EMO we totally need a wrist-slitting, crying black mascara tears emoticon).
I like Maroon 5's "Harder to Breathe", but not much else. I like a lot of All-American Rejects' stuff up to "Dirty Little Secret," and I actually like Fall Out Boy and all the "Emo" bands, but I'm not embarrassed by it.
I like Marilyn Manson and I'm not ashamed of that!
...but I am ashamed that I like Eminem.
.....and Dolly Parton.
Raven Nightshade wrote:
Clarice wrote:
...why I bought those two Aqua songs on iTunes the other day we may never know.
...or at least in my case, I don't WANT to know.Um...I've got four: Barbie Girl, Around the World, Happy Boys and Happy Girls, and Dr. Jones. I dunno, either.
Well, because of Imaginary Bad Bug, I just went to iTunes and bought a random Pet Shop Boys song. I'm definitely less confused about that than the Aqua thing, but...I still turn the volume up whenever Barbie Girl turns up on my iPod. And hell, I sing along when I'm at home. It's over for me, guys. Don't grieve for me, I'm already dead...
ETA: Actually, Yasha, I like Eminem too...and can't work out why. Although it's hilarious whenever I join in singing/rapping an Eminem song, because I am so WASP/upper-middle-class-Catholic-schoolgirl that people who only know me IRL rarely believe me when I say I know how to effectively use the word "shit" in a sentence. Heh. In truth, I am of the grammar school of Monty Python, which so pithily states that the f-word is one of the few English words that can be used as nearly every word in a sentence, read: "Fuck the fucking fuckers!"
If you'll excuse my French.
Last edited by Clarice (03-13-2007 03:42:24 PM)
I like Eminem when he's not taking himself seriously. The video to "Ass Like That" where he gets turned into a Crank Yanker-esque puppet and Triumph the Insult Dog makes an appearance is just too funny. And I have a little sympathy for him, because unlike most of the rappers who pretend to be gangsters when in reality they came from middle class, healthy homes he actually had a shitty childhood.
ShatteredMirror wrote:
Michael Jackson's older stuff is the stuff that's actually good. It would be a guilty pleasure to admit to liking his later stuff.
... Guilty.
I've only this week really listened to stuff by Michael Jackson, and I've gotta say I actually find myself enjoying all of his work, the early and the recent. I admit, I think part of it is simply the way his later singles all seem to get progressively more political and it's almost like seeing what could have made him so ... well, crazy.
Also, my other huge guilty musical pleasure? Kate Bush. I think it's good music, but other people do seem to be amused by me listening to it, so I feel a bit guilty about it lately. Which makes it even more indulgent!
Oh...Eminem lover here, I must say. I'm glad I'm in exalted company tho. The song with him and Akon, "Smack That," just sends me right over the edge every time I hear it.
Ooo oo. I like Eminem. But it's totally okay because I know a black guy that likes Eminem.
That makes it okay? I didn't know that. Maybe I need to round up some black friends so they can validate me.
...hmm, I am sitting here fixing up the missing album artworks on my iTunes playlist and ran across my bizarre pseudo-pop-opera-musical-something-or-rather songs. I love them to bits -- "them" being Emma Shapplin and the four artists who performed on Atylantos -- but I rarely try to show them to other people. Mostly because they go "EW OPERA!" When my understanding is that real opera buffs listen to this stuff and go "EW NOT OPERA!" I'm obviously a phillistine either way...
Someone said they didn't like My Chemical Romance... well, I do, although I'm not ashamed to say so - I feel that the fact that I liked them from their first album somehow validates my enjoyment of them
James Blunt...oh noes. I just like him and everyone hates him so he's my little secret.
Almaser wrote:
Also, my other huge guilty musical pleasure? Kate Bush. I think it's good music, but other people do seem to be amused by me listening to it, so I feel a bit guilty about it lately. Which makes it even more indulgent!
I love her! I was studying Wuthering Heights last year and found out it has its own song, by Kate Bush. She's very...different, but I like her.
Yasha wrote:
I like Marilyn Manson and I'm not ashamed of that!
...but I am ashamed that I like Eminem.
I love MM. But I guess people know that looking at me. Bastards. I also like Eminem though It is slightly embarassing...
...but not as bad as the fact that I like The Pussycat Dolls I mean, it has waaaaaaay more members than necissary, SEEING AS THEY DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, but I really do like their songs.
Last edited by dollface (03-14-2007 12:45:46 PM)
YamPuff wrote:
James Blunt...oh noes.
I just like him and everyone hates him so he's my little secret.
Hee, I have to admit I can't stand James Blunt, but I think it's a holdover from my intense hatred for David Gray (which came about because my sister played one of his albums on loop for three weeks straight and BOOM there went my sanity). However, I find James Blunt rather amusing in terms of this song. Cockney rhyming slang is always fun.
I find myself listening to Gwen Stefani but I appreciated her more when she was with No Doubt. Now, she seems like a marketing object . I bought her Camera ... and her DVD ... and both of her CDs ... (shamed). I can't help it. I've been following her for years!
I the Spice Girls.
Alithea wrote:
the Spice Girls.
My friends and I were The Spice Girls for the talent show last year.
I can't stand the PussyCat Dolls or the Spice Girls, except for a handful of songs.
Clarice wrote:
YamPuff wrote:
James Blunt...oh noes.
I just like him and everyone hates him so he's my little secret.
Hee, I have to admit I can't stand James Blunt, but I think it's a holdover from my intense hatred for David Gray (which came about because my sister played one of his albums on loop for three weeks straight and BOOM there went my sanity). However, I find James Blunt rather amusing in terms of this song. Cockney rhyming slang is always fun.
I like David Gray too! Coicidence?
hyacinth_black wrote:
I actually quite like a FEW (emphasis on F-E-W) of Britney Spears' songs...
Don't hate me.
I like a few too, actually. **Hides from sudden onslaught of super sharp arrows** None of her newer stuff though...**pukes**
I just like pop in general, though.
Especially J-pop and K-pop...
But I've been into t.A.T.u recently
I love MM, but that's no surprise to people in my life! Always been a rock music fan, from grunge to goth to the industrial scene. STOPPED THERE. Too old to follow emo trends & don't care for the music.
I was, however, too scared of Marilyn Manson when he was first coming onto the scene. His videos were frightening (Sweet Dreams) AND because I had such weak little faith in God I couldn't take the pressure of someone challenging it. Of course, growing up into an adult, I welcome the challenges, which strengthen my resolve to believe! AND after reading his biography, I found him to be insanely brilliant...or brilliantly insane! Also, he no longer appears scary to me, but extremely attractive. As in, "OH GOD LETS MAKEOUT even though you're wearing more lipstick than I!!!"
After working in night clubs, grew to tolerate, then enjoy, and now I LOVE certain rap songs: Ying Yang Twins, know every line to Salt Shaker, danced in a cage to Salt Shaker, tip extravagantly the strippers who dance to Salt Shaker, have done everything but karaoked the song: because I am a white girl and don't feel comfortable belting out "N-word" to an audience! Ludacris, same! LOVE the guy, know all the words. Snoop Dog, my first guilty rapper in my teens, know word for word the "Doggy Style" album.
Eminem, I love, especially his dirty, rotten, hateful Kim songs. The scary one where he chokes her to death, and the funny one (recent) where he PUKES at the mention of her name. I play that song loudly every time I get mad! I totally relate to being violently angry!
Pussycat Dolls "Dontcha" :guilty:
The one thing that is karaoke (and complete adoration) of Reba's "Fancy" & Garth Brooks "Friends in Low Places"
And, my dearly departed grandmother loved Bette Midler, so I, in turn... have her "Best of" CD!