This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
So, here’s the thing. I love Utena, naturally or I wouldn’t have checked out EM and then found this lovely forum, and I love discussion on symbolism, body language, etc. However, I am a total dunce in the intricacies of human behaviour and at explaining such. So what to do? Well, stick to my forte of course!
My forte, if you couldn’t tell from what I’ve posted and my icon, is animals. Since a young age I’ve been somewhat obsessed with reading about animals, learning all I could about different species and their behaviors. I don’t know, perhaps I found humans boring or perhaps I found them too much to deal with. But the interesting thing about that is that in the process of learning all this, I discovered that many people behaviors relate back to animal ones. We’re not so evolved after all in some cases x3. What’s fascinating is that the variety of behavior and personality in humans is so great that it encompasses the behavior of nearly all species, depending on which person you look at.
What does this have to do with SKU? Well, since I can never stop studying human behaviors in relation to animal ones, I decided to do the same with the SKU cast and see what animals would best represent them, based on traits of their personality. I haven’t completed the entire list of characters, but here’s what I have so far. Remember, though this is something of a hobby and passion, I’m far from the absolute expert (apocalypse?) so these are both open to interpretation and differing views. Presuming others out there are as nutty as I am.
Let’s start with Touga. Touga is cool and confident, smooth talking, and predatory in both nature and appearance. He is capable of affection, but usually it’s to get what he wants. In fact, almost everything he does is to get something he wants. What animal acts like that? To me, I’ve just described your typical domestic cat. Used to living the high life in the household, but never one to depend on it’s humans for everything, and just as equally willing to leave you if another house treats it in a way it deems more befitting it’s status. Cats are independent and distinctly predatory in a way many predators aren’t. Unlike many large cats, house cats don’t necessarily hunt for the need to do so, they hunt to hunt, often playing with their play endlessly, manipulating it. And how many cat owners have had the feeling of belonging to their cat, not the other way around? It just seems so like Touga.
Moving onto Saionji, it’s kind of odd how this matches up. Saionji is a creature steeped in traditions and rules, in order. He’s a being that feels the need to fight, to win, to prove he’s superior, because inside he feels inferior. He’s loyal to Touga to a fault, and very territorial. He also tends towards violence and unpredictability unless you know the specific signs to look for. He’s a wolf. No other animal acts quite so fitting. Wolves live in packs with strict rules of hierarchy, rising and falling within the pack depends on health, behavior, and challenging those higher than you. The winner becomes the alpha, and gets to have their alpha mate. A wolf pack is a fiercely loyal body of bonds, and not especially open to the idea of new friends. They are relentless on the hunt, built for endurance, and will run down their prey in exhaustive chases. Once their prey stops running, they are vicious appearing, lacking the swift and elegant efficiency of large cat predators.
Straying onto Juri…. Well, her animal has kind of already been stated by the manga. X3 Truly, nothing could fit her better in my eyes than the leopard. Mysterious and quite, but powerful and strong, she’ll only let you see as much of her as she wants, and you’ll never find out more about her otherwise. She’s intimidating, swift and efficient when she fights, with hardly an ounce of wasted energy, all with the ferocity of something wild. A leopard also hides it’s catch up in a tree where others can’t reach it, similarly, Juri hides her secrets where others can’t find them.
Miki…. Miki miki miki… I was so tempted to call him a mouse x3. Names and theme park referances aside, I really did almost call him a mouse because that’s what he seems like. At first. Shy, mousy Miki. But no! Upon deeper study it seems he’s more like the bower bird. This humble little bird is a home decorator. He makes a bower using grasses and twigs, very meticulously and delicately building something around him. A comfort zone, if you will. He decorates this comfort zone in knick knacks of very specific colors, different bower birds preferring different colors, but always sticking to one hue in particular. Almost obsessively seeking such things…. in order to create the image of an attractive home to gain a mate. This meticulous attempt at building both a secure environment and a place to have a family at reminds me of a Miki far more than the jumpy, messy, often frantic seeming mice.
I’ll add on the other characters later, in this thread of course, but this post is long enough as it is, and I’m sure it’s not the best thing everyone has every read x3. So I’ll just stick with the student council for now. In the next chapter! Nanami, Mitsuru, KeikoAikoYuuko, and Wakaba! (Hint, Wakaba is not an onion and Nanami isn’t a cow)
I'm sure the forum members who have wrote their own essays will put in their two cents soon but for now, I will comment on it as best as I can as I'm no wordsmith.
I believe that because SKU is an anime, it allows the characters to resemble an animal more.
Nanami = Lion
Besides the whole latge forehead and yellowish mane as well as the whole cat like bod she has, she does often come off as the King (or in her case, QUEEN) of the school 'Jungle' by the way she prowls around the school.
Wakaba = Orangutan
I'm not suggesting that Wakaba looks like an orangutan as such, its more of the way she acts especially around Utena with her jumping on her back and all that.
I told you that I wasn't much of an essay writer but thats my view on the subject.
The_White_Horse wrote:
You are so right, and I have no idea how many times I've thought this.
Tamago wrote:
Nanami = Lion
Wakaba = Orangutan
Hey! You're pretty close with those guesses I won't write out all my thoughts on them yet (I should actually be asleep right now....) but I will say you matched my guess with one of those two
Yasha wrote:
The_White_Horse wrote:
SaionjiYou are so right, and I have no idea how many times I've thought this.
That's awesome! It means a lot, since I havey a heavy dose of admiration for all the fantastic SKU thinking and analysizing you and Gio do
The_White_Horse wrote:
Touga= cat
Saionji = wolf
I see Touga more like a panther and Saionji more like a dog.
Well, I did think about some big cat for Touga and a dog for Saionji, but to me, big cats are slightly more temperamental and not as manipulating, so i felt they didn't fit for Touga.
And Saionji was the other way around. He's more temperamental than your basic dog, and dogs don't have the same strict pack rules that wolves do. Altough theydo gather in groups, it doesn't operate with the order of a wolf pack, and order, or the illusion there of, was something I felt important for Saionji.
But interesting views! So... does that mean when it's "raining cats and dogs".... it's raining Tougas and Saionjis? I'm sure that'll make some people happy x3
The_White_Horse wrote:
Saionji was the other way around. He's more temperamental than your basic dog, and dogs don't have the same strict pack rules that wolves do. Altough theydo gather in groups, it doesn't operate with the order of a wolf pack, and order, or the illusion there of, was something I felt important for Saionji.
Saionji can be a wild dog 8D
Epi_lepsia wrote:
Saionji can be a wild dog 8D
Awesome! It can work
Now, for part two! Remember, these are my own silly observations. Your results may differ
Who did I say I was gonna cover tonight... ah yeah. lesse....
Nanami! Nanami insists on being the top among her friends, but she always travels with a crew. She's also predatory, and possesive, territorial. Although a bit bratty, I don't think anyone can deny that she has a haughty or regal-like air about her at times. She's determined to get what she wants, and uses strategy to do so (even if those strategies fail often). She follows her ideal man loyally, and without fail. She is a lioness. Also, interesting note about lions, they miss thier kill most of the time, despite all thier plans x3.
And in mentioning Nanami, I couldn't possibly leave out Mitsuru! The little boy so keen on protecting the one he cares about, so eager to serve her if only to be close to her, so happy to please.... Mitsuru is a domestic dog, more than likely a puppy. There's a reason they're "man's best friend" after all, and most domestic dogs adore thier owners to peices.
Aiko, Keiko, and Yuuko I thought about for a bit, but the SKU MST3K truly did my work for me. This trio attach themselves to someone else in order to obtain thier goal. They may or may not be content living as they are, but they don't fight the fact that they're always in the background, overlooked, simply going where the person they've attached themselves to goes. They're remora fish! remora fish attach themselves to creatures like sharks or large predatory fish in order to get what they really want a little easier. In thier case, food of course. x3 This way, they don't have to compete with all the other fish in the sea.
Now for Wakaba! Wakaba is social, cheerful, energetic. She's definitely playful, pretty loyal, and damn if she can't actually point out what's wrong with Utena when Utena herself can't figure it out. Pretty perceptive, that girl. She is a dolphin. Dolphins are highly social creatures, speaking in a very wide range of clicks and whistles ( "uuuuutena, utena!" x3 ). Loyalty and protection of them towards humans and dolphins is also a big trait ("Take your hands off of my Utena!") and as a number of therapy programs have learned, they seem to be able to tell, at least to some degree, when something is wrong with someone. Also, despite thier intelligence, they tend to seem flighty in nature. On a more silly note, they also display a heavy inclination to leap, and share the huge forehead. Poor Onion Princess xD
This gives me the silly image of remora fish trying to attach themselves to the belly of a lion. I imagine you'd get three dead remora fish and a very confused lion.
The_White_Horse wrote:
Nanami! Nanami insists on being the top among her friends, but she always travels with a crew. She's also predatory, and possesive, territorial. Although a bit bratty, I don't think anyone can deny that she has a haughty or regal-like air about her at times. She's determined to get what she wants, and uses strategy to do so (even if those strategies fail often). She follows her ideal man loyally, and without fail. She is a lioness. Also, interesting note about lions, they miss thier kill most of the time, despite all thier plans x3.
This is all too convenient, considering Nanami's a Leo.
satyreyes wrote:
This gives me the silly image of remora fish trying to attach themselves to the belly of a lion. I imagine you'd get three dead remora fish and a very confused lion.
Now I wish I could draw, because that'd be the cutest chibi.
satyreyes wrote:
This gives me the silly image of remora fish trying to attach themselves to the belly of a lion. I imagine you'd get three dead remora fish and a very confused lion.
OMG! I agree with Clarice, that would make for such a cute picture! I might attempt to draw it sometime
Raven Nightshade wrote:
This is all too convenient, considering Nanami's a Leo.
I swear... for some reason I never looked that up! Coolness
Also... why do I share star signs with characters I don't particularly care for ;_;
Awesome essays, white horse! I am in total agreement with almost everything you've written! *huggle*
Poptart for you!
The_White_Horse wrote:
Nanami! Nanami insists on being the top among her friends, but she always travels with a crew. She's also predatory, and possesive, territorial. Although a bit bratty, I don't think anyone can deny that she has a haughty or regal-like air about her at times. She's determined to get what she wants, and uses strategy to do so (even if those strategies fail often). She follows her ideal man loyally, and without fail. She is a lioness. Also, interesting note about lions, they miss thier kill most of the time, despite all thier plans x3.
Social dynamics are a good reason you could argue Touga being a lion. Because what does a male lion do? NOTHING. Oh wait...a male lion sleeps and bangs his troop of lionesses that do all the hunting and child-rearing while he chillaxes. On occasion he has to fight another male lion, but seriously, if you wanna go with the Touga and his fangirls thing...
Akio is a tiger (big and flashy) or a boa constrictor (lazy and deadly). Either one fits.
I feel strongly that someone must be a meerkat. Wakaba?
FencingCaptain here says Ruka reminds her of a male praying mantis. Looks like a saint except that he ain't.
Touga, for me, is the fish out of water. *sings a TFF song* "In Neptune's kitchen you will be food for killer whales."
Saionji, on the other hand, reminds me of a skunk (blame Animal Planet); the animal is just as territorial as he is, and not even a snake twice its size will make it back down. Despite its seemingly harmless appearance (and yes, I find skunk cute), it's feared for its malodorous liquid--just as Saionji projects an ill-reputed attitude.
Tsuwabuki hits me as the mimic bird.
Nanami reminds me of my Aunt's Maltese; the latter demands too much attention, has extravagant clothes and accessories, and has mood swings. Thank God I'm a cat person.
I think it's really neat how people's opinions of animals matched to people's personalities differ and are alike!
I've always seen Juri as a falcon or bird of prey of some sort. Scary, beautiful, taunting, but not really that playful with her food. (And she flies in the intro; She totally does. [/lame] ) She's very straight and to the point about what she does and says and while not always proudly held, always seems to exude the aura that she could be.
Touga always has and always will remind me of a red stallion. He's got charm, muscle, skills of flattery, and tons of girls. Plus he radiates with the same power and control that stallions seem to think they have.
And that's my two cents!
(( Seitokaichou, your posting style is addicting. ))
Kaelyndra wrote:
Touga always has and always will remind me of a red stallion. He's got charm, muscle, skills of flattery, and tons of girls. Plus he radiates with the same power and control that stallions seem to think they have.
Rawr... I mean... *clears throats* ...sadly, despite of how much power a stallion radiates, he lets himself be controlled by reins--much as why I hate Touga for, when he lets himself be under Akio's control. *sighs* Sometimes I wonder if I only admire Touga for his physical qualities, and it's Ruka whom I admire more because his ways scream manly power.
( My posting style is addicting... not me? *grins* I kid. *winks* )
Last edited by Seitokaichou (07-07-2008 08:54:35 PM)
whee! I've been so busy/tired lately x.x
And the sad thing is, I'm getting even less done than before ;_; but I do intend to post up more of these! I have Akio's sorted out in my head, and Utena's... I think o.o. but I'm having problems with Anthy, Shiori, and... I *think* I have Mikage...
Gio, oddly enough, I keep wanting to make Anthy a meerkat, but I can't justify it
I LOVE reading everyone's input in here, it's so interesting to read what animals you see the cast as and why
Hah, I rise from the depths! With only one character.
When I was first writing this i actually already had Akio sorted out in my head, but I originally wanted to save him for last. Y'know, bein as he's the head honcho and all (kind of).
For Akio I think Komodo Dragon, for a number of reasons.
It's name has dragon in it, but it's not a real dragon. No magical, firebreather here. It's a monitor lizard. Much like Akio isn't truly a prince anymore. And hey, he monitors. get it? no? ah well...
Also, a komodo dragon is the top predator in it's region, and has the size to match, but is often very lazy and slow moving. You know when you see it that it's strong, but they spend much of their time basking in the sun. And when it comes time to hunt...
They don't bother to waste effort like a tiger or a lion. They don't risk injuring themselves. They bite. Once. Only once. And while they aren't poisonous, their mouths are dirty (filled with bacteria). They infect their target and let it go, then follow it patiently as the infection works it's magic and gradually brings the animal down. Similar to the way Akio uses his mouth (words) or a simple action to start people on the way to bringing themselves down so he doesn't have to expend any more energy than necessary.
Komodo dragons are mostly solitary, territorial. and when they fight, it's not usually to the death. The loser just gets marked by being scarred.
Plus, one could delight in the irony of a fallen prince being a false dragon >.>
I read your new post and then I was like "Hey, Touga's like a cat, I should post this!" and then I read your OP and realized this is the second time I've thought that exact same thing before fully reading the OP.
And just so that this post has some content:
I think Wakaba could also work as a sparrow. This concept reminds me of a line from a book-- I think it's Robin McKinley's Beauty-- where the character says something like "No matter if you dress it up in a peacock's tail, underneath it's always just a dull, drab little sparrow!" If I remembered right, the quote is really Beauty talking about herself-- because she thinks she's ugly, she refuses to wear dresses she thinks are too pretty for someone as ugly as her to wear. Somehow that resonates with Wakaba for me, even though she never outwardly seems to feel this bad about life. We get a glimpse of that sort of thinking in her duel episode, though.
Touga is a rooster. He has tons of women at his beck and call and is extremely proud. He struts everywhere he goes. Akio is an alpha male chimpanzee. He might not be the strongest guy on the block but is smart as a whip and knows that alliances are valuable. Keiko, Aiko, and Yuuko, are hyenas. They live under an alpha female's thumb and are forced to scavenge.
Only semi-related, but I wonder if Miki and Kozue's hair color is referencing The Blue I understand, the play is much more popular in Japan than in the US.
So, both Miki and Kozue are blue jays.
Yasha, I could totally see Wakaba as a sparrow, especially when you consider not just how social they are, but how everyone considers them drab when they're actually quite pretty. They're also very vocal little guys and gals.
Riri-kins, I like it! I'm tempted to draw Touga with a rooster tail now. I could see Akio using him as a fighting bird too. Set him in the ring and not care about what happens to him. And the hyenas remind me of a certain disney movie... does that make Nanami Scar? ...actually.... that fits disturbingly well.
Atropos, I never thought of that before, that's pretty nifty!
y'know... I could probably do a whole grouping of the cast as just birds. Rooster, sparrow, bluejays... Akio would be a peacock, I think
For the life of me, I can't figure out Utena. :/ She's harder to pin down. I know one person I played a multiverse RP with had her turn into a dog once. Loyal, a little derpy, wants to be helpful, guards it's friends.
The Belted Kingfisher - Ruka. Hair/plumage proves it!
And Mikage could be...a cat, maybe? Manipulative, afraid of affection but secretly craving it, holds grudges for a long time. An aloof, mysterious feline.
And if the BR Duelists are birdies then, well...
Snow wrote:
The Belted Kingfisher - Ruka. Hair/plumage proves it!
And Mikage could be...a cat, maybe? Manipulative, afraid of affection but secretly craving it, holds grudges for a long time. An aloof, mysterious feline.
And if the BR Duelists are birdies then, well...
nice ones!