This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I've been a member for about four years now and for some reason, it has become really stupid and pathetic, esp. in the GD.
I come here to get away from the bullshit, stupid, ignorant posts on teenagers. AUGH KILL ME!!!
Augh, I know what you mean. I stick to the guilds. I never wander out into the regular forums. Ever.
Gaia is a sellout anyway, I remember when I was first there in '04.
It was better and there were more people to look up to.
I just joined because a certain ex-member of the forums invited me and honestly I couldn't turn them down. After all, said ex-member of the forums did ask so nicely. And I was in a good mood.
HOWEVER! I am NOT proud of being a member of Gaiaonline. Personally, and please don't get too offended because I am a /b/tard after all, I believe that Gaiaonline is a place where furfag yiffs and weeaboos go to talk about how KAWAII some pointless load of crap is and to get furry accessories so they can say 'LOOK GUYS I'M A FOX!!!' Gaiaonline is for sissies, weeaboos, furfags, and little underage poser-goth girls with the username punky-goth-grrrl13815383558739817 who think it's SOOO KEWL LOL to finally have a pair of goth boots because their parents won't let them buy any.
AWK! That was such a flame post. Jesus.
I just wanna say that anyone who takes offense at this and ISN'T a furfag, weeaboo, or gawth grrl, I'm not saying that ALL people on there are said yiffs, posers, or weeaboos, I'm saying that if you join Gaia, don't expect much more than airheaded conversations between the groups so mentioned.
Ugh. Gaiafags.
If I was more fired up, I wouldn't have included that apology, but luckily for you guys, I'm thinking rationally right now.
I hate Gaia and I hate the fact that I ever posted there. Sure, it wasn't always that bad, but now there's nothing but idiots. I can't even get a single intelligent word out of the members of the Utena guilds. Plus, the admins are such money-whores these days.
When I go into the GD, I can't believe that some of the Prommies (prominent members) still post there. Hazy must have no life whatsoever, but I figured that out a long time ago. But there were some people there I actually liked, who showed some traces of intelligence, and I can't believe that they haven't given up on it yet.
Again, this is why I stick to the Literate guilds. I'm a part of a former Pollwhoring guild that only accepted people if they were going to actually have conversations instead of OMGLOLZPOLL. We still do, because even though the poll "glitch" was "fixed", we still have intelligent conversations and are great people to talk to.
I can't believe I get to say this in context. Please, no furry bashing.
I never joined Gaia Online or tried to post there. I've only had one encounter with anything there. I don't know if they still do this, but a long time ago they use to have a part of the site where you could review other sites. I was checking my stats and when I followed the link, I saw that most of my sites had been posted by someone and reviewed. A lot of the reviews were either positive or pointed out things that were true like text that was hard to read against a particular background, but one guy went to each review for my Utena sites and copy/pasted a review that said "ugly layout, not enough content, hasn't been updated". I'm sorry sunshine, but I have over 20 fan sites and a life so I can't update everyday. Besides, most Utena sites were already dead by the time he said that so two or three updates every year is more than most sites were getting. As far as content goes, I'm actually pleased with the amount of content on all of my Utena character sites, so nayh. Anyway, the reason I bring this up is that the guy's little avatar thing was dressed like a dementor or something and I thought, "Oh buddy, you've really sucked the joy out of me with your savage review. I'm sure I will cry myself to sleep tonight." Whatever.
Never joined for all the reasons listed above. From the things I'd heard, regardless of if they were poitive of negative, it sounded like a place for people who would frustrate me could gather. I haven't got the patience.
That's why to this day, I'm still amazed at what an intelligent and respectful forum we have. [/kissass] I do mean that, though. I don't believe I'm part of any forum [or any website like Myspace, VF, ect. where you communicate with people] that has ever been as clean [though I don't mean that in every sense ], witty, and all around enjoyable as IRG. Every other forum I try to keep up on is full of idiots, mindless fangirls, and trolls.
I used to really like that site, and I was pretty rich and popular on it, but now... ugh. T_T The Gaians used to be good people... Sure, they were kind of mean to the ignorant, but deep down inside they were morally just individuals who believed that racism and prejudice were wrong, and homosexuality was acceptable.
But now... O.O Some of the people there are so dissolute that I was actually hoping that people like them didn't really exist, but maybe someone, somewhere, said something similar to them, and it was so appalling that people used them as a precedent for immoral people. Then I saw a thread where a guy was mocking someone, and telling them that they weren't really molested, just because they were a boy...
*fetal position*
dollface wrote:
I don't believe I'm part of any forum [or any website like Myspace, VF, ect. where you communicate with people] that has ever been as clean [though I don't mean that in every sense
], witty, and all around enjoyable as IRG. Every other forum I try to keep up on is full of idiots, mindless fangirls, and trolls.
AMEN to that!
I, too, hate Gaia for the same reasons that have already been posted above. What I really found annoying was the fact that random people would try to "friend" you even though you've only had one conversation on a topic.
Much love to IRG
Everybody wrote:
An intense dislike for Gaia Online
Well, I signed up with Gaia last year (2006) in mid-March. You're all absolutely right; there's really nothing redeeming about the site anymore. Yes, I did convert Hyacinth, and am trying to help her out. The forums are godawful, and even the guilds are starting to have more than their fair share of n00bs and trolls (well, at least the one guild I joined...I may not remain there much longer). But then again, I didn't exactly join Gaia to interact.
I figured I'd join because there was no such thing as IRG at the time.
Now I've seen the error of my ways, and happily flocking to IRG shall be my mode. I'll still keep an eye on Gaia and my friends...but I'll be keeping an eye mostly on IRG. At least here we have the ranks of people who have made an impression.
Remember folks, any member of IRG is automatically 2.5x cooler than any member on Gaia. Unless they're both IRG and Gaian at the same time. Then the factor is 3.5x cooler.
I haven't been to Gaia for almost 2 years. It has a group of people who have the same cultural background as me and speak/write the same language as I do. It gives me something I cannot get in any other forums. I stopped going there mainly due to the server problem. It takes forever to load the last time I was there.
I did this. I am rigor mortis, my friend and I were messing around.
Note: This is a thread in RP called seven deadly sins, I auditioned for the
part of death but upon learning the part was taken I left a comment saying I was
rich and that I could buy the part.
At the time I was 800k in savings. I was joking of course.
The thread was pathetic and the owner couldn't spell, I left a message saying I
could just buy the part as a joke, but they took it wayy to seriously.
So my friend and I played their game and it ended up being something so hilariously memorable.
))Watch.Me.Bleed(( wrote:
Briar Moss wrote:
theoutcastedsoul wrote:
((Damn you Briar! I get online for the first time in a week, only to find out that you stole the position I wanted! DAMN YOU BRIAR! DAMN YOU TO HELL! >.<))
((Sorry soul, but the rp needed moving along, did you read up on imaris fight last night? It was so boring i nearly smacked my head into my keyboard to stay awake. And whoever dak had saved Death for, if it was you, wasnt here ot move things along. All ready ive corrupted a person to the point of suicidal pain and crippled 1/4 of their body, and started ravaging towns in sick ways.))
((It's cool, Briar. I have more often access to the internet now, the RV trip kinda ended when the RV blew a fuel rod through the oil pan.....yeah, the trip's kinda over. I should be on every day now, since we're stranded in San Antonio at a relative's house. Anyways, do you think that I could take over the Death role? When Soul breaks out, I mean? That would be really nice, and I'd owe ya one. F.Y.I. Soul is going to break out as soon as the breaker-outer gets online. Which should be soon, tomorrow at most.))
Rigor Mortis wrote:
((Well just for the record I signed up for the death role, and I'm sure I am richer than all of you so it's technically mine. (300 k kinda mine) So why don't you skeedaddle along and join up for the sloth role. Because I'm rich.))(((p.s. you're an idiot)))
Briar Moss wrote:
((Rigor Mortis, Guess what? Im mod of this rp while the owner is away. He gave me permission to diciple people who acted stupid. Dont make me write a loooong speach to him about my reason for banning you. Because i will, if i need to.
))Watch.Me.Bleed(( wrote:
Rigor Mortis wrote:
((Well just for the record I signed up for the death role, and I'm sure I am richer than all of you so it's technically mine. (300 k kinda mine) So why don't you skeedaddle along and join up for the sloth role. Because I'm rich.))(((p.s. your an idiot)))
((Ok, first of all, I requested that role before you were even part of this, if you are even part. Second of all, being a bitch isn't going to keep you on here for long, so I don't mind waiting. Third, money doesn't decide who gets what role. I think you should seriously go read the rules and then maybe read a book on human kindness, or take the stick out of your ass. Either way, things would improve.))
AmeoftheRaine wrote:
(( That has got to be the stupidest most pompous thing I've ever seen. really, I think you just may have owned Daemons pompous points by a really high amount. Rich or not, I'd have backhanded you like a cheap prostitute if we were doing this on a real time basis. Go shove your 300k where the sun dont shine kid.:stare:
They continued for awhile being jerks and saying crap about me in pig elvish... o.0
So I retaliated and made myself laugh so hard because of it.
Rigor Mortis wrote:
((@ Briar Moss: I don't take advice from narutards so go argue with someone else who puts up with poor people's sappy attitudes. Cause frankly I don't care about you being the mod of an rp, because I could just simply buy out your mod position...Because I'm rich. Obviously your poverty does not make you the winner of this situation.))((p.s. it's "speech" not "speach", your an idiot.))
((@ ))watch me bleed((: Even though you cut yourself, it doesn't make you the incarnation of death, therefore your emo-ness will not merit you the part of death, no matter how smart you think you are by gaining access to the part ahead of the RP. Aren't you a bit like the pot calling me "the golden kettle" black...because I'm rich. Golden kettle=my richness, emo-ness<richness, do you understand now? P.s. you lose, because you too are poor...and very rude, have some spaghetti. God knows you poor people need to eat.))
))Watch.Me.Bleed(( wrote:
((Ok, first of all, it's "you're", so who's the idiot here? Second, I never said that I was an emo. The background to my profile is simply because I thought it was unique. Nothing to do with whether I'm an emo or not. Third, the owner of this RP is not susceptible to "buying out" mod positions. Just because you have money doesn't make you a demi-goddess. It just makes you a snobby bitch. Don't you just love the way money affects people? I've known some really nice poor people and some real bitchy rich people, but lady, you make the top of the bitchy list.))
Briar Moss wrote:
((Yeah the fact is the owner of this rp trusted me with his password to press the ignore button to get rid of people like you...which has just happened.))
AmeoftheRaine wrote:
(( god... you really are a rich pompous jack ass. it's so.. mind blowing. o.o
And forgive my saying so, but Dak is not the type to be swayed by monetary issues. He wouldn't let you into this rp just because you have money. He especially wouldn't let one so rude and vile as yourself into a mod position where you could abuse your power as much as you already abuse your richness. Don't say we need to eat. We're perfectly healthy. Don't say we're poor, because most poor people dont own computers. We're all well off middle class children. We have better work ethic than you, nicer attitudes than you, and certainly much better personlities than you. ))
))Watch.Me.Bleed(( wrote:
((....Rigor just sent me a plate of spaghetti through the gift system, along with a message.
A note on your present reads:
God knows you poor people need to eat more. Bless you...and bless me for my charity...because I'm rich.
(Jun 17, 2006)
That bitch.....))
Briar Moss wrote:
((Dude send it back saying shell need it when you burn down her house and fuck her with the dead body of her family pet.))
AmeoftheRaine wrote:
(( Why do rich people have such horrible attitudes....? I knew one rich person and she was my teacher and she was the coolest person EVER. she used to let us have paries where everybody in the class got to order their own set of junk food. and she would pay for it herself.
But all the other rich people I've ever seen or come across are just....<insert random splurge of arcane and english curses here/>
Enter the mule...
Ajaxkitten wrote:
((Firstoff, I don't have a family pet, I have a slave girl from Chicanaua (that's chee-ka-na-wa for you poor people out there). I rescued her from a poor family who didn't give her any spaghetti.
Secondly, just because your poor, doesn't give you the right to be illiterate.
I, however, can be iliterate, because I'm rich. I can afford teachers that poor people would consider...costly. God bless George Bush.
Thirdly, of course...I'm at the top of every list...because I'm rich. My mule is richer than you. But my mule is poor, compared to my supreme richyness!))(((p.s. you're an idiot)))((((p.p.s Of course I'm at the top of your bitch list, I'm at the top of every bitch list, because I'm so fabulously rich. I'm glad you enjoyed your spaghetti.)))
((@ ))Watch.Me.Bleed((: Can I pay to see you bleed, because I have the money.))
Briar Moss wrote:
((And now the mules on the ignore list...))
AmeoftheRaine wrote:
(( Sir, you are hilariously bored. Stop blessing people when you're enough of an ass to actually come back under another name. Go same some OTHER Chicanauan girls if you so charitable. We didn't ask for you to come here, we're not asking you to stay and gloat.
If you wanna be that way,
THEN you can be as much of an ass as you want to.))
The best friend
cnan-droid01 wrote:
((You guys have made this RP very special to me and my friend, considering the fact that my mule only has 42-up! 43 gold to his name. I spent 73 gold to buy your bleeding friend here some spaghetti. Now that's charity...god bless me.
And to the girl that has the impeccable ability to rub her nose in other people's business, arguing on the internet is lame, getting into other people's business in real life is you are double lame! Be gone with you!!))((p.s. all of you are idiots, learn how to take a joke.))((p.s.s. I'm glad you all think you are B.A., that's Bad Ass for all you illiterate people. Too bad you don't have a life like me...because I'm rich.)))
cnan-droid01 wrote:
AmeoftheRaine wrote:
Ok then...I will
They continue with a plethora of various other expletives and convince themselves I'm a tranny (transvestite),
until someone finally comes along and partially gets the joke.
chimera wrote:
(( ... I spy a troll. Seriously. Just ignore her. Nobody could be that stupid. Even if they were, they wouldn't up and say it like that. People have that attitude, but actually saying it? She can't be serious. She's not serious.
... Seriously. XD
... At least I hope to God she isn't...
Sorry, I know, I'm not part of this rp, but... I couldn't resist... And damn you, Briar! I didn't want any spaghetti! ))
That was t3h winrar.
Personally, I believe that if you want something 'like' Gaia without the furfags and with a bit more excitement, try Ragnarok Online. There's free servers. Like AnimaRO. I use EuphRO, personally. WAY less lagging and whatnot. But it's your choice.
I had a gaia account waaaaay back ago... I forgot what it was called (probably something like darkness_oblivion or destetute-angel... I was an emo back then)... but I only joined for the avatars. But now there's online creator things for those, so it all works out.
That's my favorite emoticon.
What? I have not been lurking on Gaia...!
Okay, fine. I have. And I decided to waste my time by posting a bit about it.
Good Serious Threads:
These are hard to come by, but you'll find a few of them every now and then in the ED (Extended Discussion.) Honestly, I thought that I would be able to find more than two, and the first one isn't really a good example, but I thought that all of you might like it. The second one, on the other hand, is more common to find than you would expect. There are lots of people on Gaia who would make good IRG members. You just have to ignore all of the mind numbing stupidity of everyone else, which isn't worth it at all.
You don't want kids? You selfish, heartless monster!!!
The title is a satire. This thread discusses why not wanting kids isn’t the End of the World.
Homosexuality Is NOT A Sin: What Christ Said And More
An amazing thread that has quotes from the bible stating a convincing argument on why homosexuality is not a sin.
Not Serious, But Amusing:
There's a lot of these in the GD (General Discussion.) I used to post in the ED a lot, but then Kealdrea started posting in the GD, and I ended up liking it too. The ED and the GD are basically rivals. They both have discussion, but the EDers are considered to be smarter (or posers who think they know how to discuss) and the GD is considered to be the stupid version of the ED (which it is.) Even so, the GD is much more fun, and has lots of amusing threads.
Sorry, it made me smile.
Hi. I’M A MAC.
Once again, this made me laugh.
Excuse me, ice cream truck, but wtf r u doin? D:<
This is somewhat a good example of what I used to like about the GD. I’m still not sure whether or not this person is serious, but she might be. If so, then she has told an interesting story. A lot of the time people made threads about their everyday lives, and strange events, and I loved reading it. I need to find a better example, though.
Why Gaia Sucks:
The list of reasons goes on and on...
I found out my son was gay
The first post says, “Im fucking pissed and dont know what to do but all I know is hes not my son anymore.” (Added punctuation.) He's lying. This is an example of a troll. They’re everywhere. Everywhere. The worst part is that this thread had 280 posts the last time I checked. People take him seriously, which is bad.
i need a gf
My first reaction was that he’s serious, because a lot of people who make threads like this are, but he’s wearing flame clothes, which makes me think that he's trying too hard to look stupid. It’s stereotyped that only noobs wear flame clothes. The fact that I wished that girls could wear flame clothes when I first joined Gaia (which they now can) is proof of this stereotype.
13 year old girl… looking for master
Wait, here’s a better example.
donaters needed here
Take a moment to imagine if IRG was like Gaia… Shattered would be incredibly rich and powerful because he posts so much. As a result, other people would want to post more in order to become rich and powerful, too. As a result, you get lots of people “BUMPing” for gold, posting stupid shit, and begging for gold.
IRG > Gaia
I'm not defending Gaia. It's hell, especially when compared to IRG. And not the good part of hell, either. The good thing I'll say about Gaia is what Kealdrea mentioned about how Gaians accept homosexuality. Since I spent a lot of time on there at the impressionable age of 13, I grew up learning that if you hate gay people, you are a horrible person who is going straight to hell, and 40 or 50 people will tell you so. Had it not been for this, accepting my sexuality would have been a million times harder, and so I am thankful for this.
Edit: I knew I was forgetting something.
Sometimes, two threads in a row seem like a continued sentence, or are generally just amusing together.
Oh, God, my friends and I used to quote this in real life all the time randomly.
This was my favorite trend. Someone made a thread with that title, and he was serious, so a troll named Hazy spammed the hell out of the GD with threads with the same title. It was just that stupid of a title.
Someone named, you guessed it, Lucon, invited a bunch of people into a chat, and hacked a bunch of people's accounts and made threads about himself. Kealdrea was invited to that chat, but he didn't hack her account, luckily, because she didn't sign up for the website he made.
The other political party.
This trend is self explanatory.
This one may have been accidental.
Not something I'd like to tell my parents.
o _o
More trolls.
I declare today Pie Day.
More trends.
Does Akio post on Gaia?
If you think this is bad, there's a billion threads about Naruto.
Last edited by Razara (06-09-2007 08:56:49 PM)
Razara, reading that.. brings back.. memories.. bad ones.
I've been on Gaia for years and years, but I haven't visited in much at all in the past few years. I've recently lurked every now and then, but then I stop, realizing how much I hate Gaia... even if it has so many charming things about it, like the avatars, events, and features. But why must the people be so stupid?
I used to hang out in the General Discussion. I preferred it to Extended Discussion because the discussions are more laid-back. However, almost everyone there was a troll, dumb and believed trolls, a flamer, a spammer, etc. So I went to Extended Discussion. The discussions are nice to read, but I really don't feel like getting into debates and backing up facts every time I post. It was intelligent, but not laid-back. ARRGH.
WHYYYYYYYYYYYY. *cries tears of blood*
Last edited by SleepDebtFairy (06-09-2007 09:52:01 PM)
Why do you think I stay out of the forums and stick to the guilds, Razara?
Not that the guild I belong to is any more intelligent. It's full of anal retentives who constantly spout GIR quotes and say how cool GIR is and how dorky Dib is. (It's an Invader ZIM guild, so there you go. "TEH Invader Zim Guild" to be precise.)
Frankly, it's rather annoying when I post thoughtful comments or diatribes and am summarily ignored by everybody except for perhaps the three or four people who still post and have a modicum of intelligence. I joined Gaia when it was well into its declining stages, and damn near everybody on my friendslist has quit Gaia at one point or another for the same reason:
Gaia is becoming a site full of people I'd consider lower than /b/tards. (And before you get on my case, the only self admitted one I know is a member of this forum, and very bright and intelligent. I know nothing about /b/tards or 4chan, so lay off, please.)
I'd give up on Gaia entirely, but it's a place to go when IRG is moving kinda slow on threads I'm monitoring. Besides, you don't NEED to be in the forums.
If Gaia Online deleted the accounts of every jackoff, anal retentive bonehead, troll, SNERT (snot-nosed egotistical rude twerp) and asshole, population would drop by about 80%. Seriously. I'm sure I'll find plenty of Gaians on this forum that'll agree with that assessment, too.
So why do I still go to Gaia?
Because it's fun to see the idiots being slow.
SleepDebtFairy wrote:
*cries tears of blood*
I'm sorry, SleepDebt, please don't cry.
And BioKraze, as for the guilds, I don't really think that they help much. You still get a lot of stupid people that wind up there. In the GD, what I actually like about it is the stupid threads. Like the cat who was going to save the world, or the ice cream truck. It's just one of those simple pleasures in life that you can't get in the guilds.
Razara wrote:
What? I have not been lurking on Gaia...!
Okay, fine. I have. And I decided to waste my time by posting a bit about it.
Good Serious Threads:
These are hard to come by, but you'll find a few of them every now and then in the ED (Extended Discussion.) Honestly, I thought that I would be able to find more than two, and the first one isn't really a good example, but I thought that all of you might like it. The second one, on the other hand, is more common to find than you would expect. There are lots of people on Gaia who would make good IRG members. You just have to ignore all of the mind numbing stupidity of everyone else, which isn't worth it at all.
You don't want kids? You selfish, heartless monster!!!
The title is a satire. This thread discusses why not wanting kids isn’t the End of the World.
Homosexuality Is NOT A Sin: What Christ Said And More
An amazing thread that has quotes from the bible stating a convincing argument on why homosexuality is not a sin.
Not Serious, But Amusing:
There's a lot of these in the GD (General Discussion.) I used to post in the ED a lot, but then Kealdrea started posting in the GD, and I ended up liking it too. The ED and the GD are basically rivals. They both have discussion, but the EDers are considered to be smarter (or posers who think they know how to discuss) and the GD is considered to be the stupid version of the ED (which it is.) Even so, the GD is much more fun, and has lots of amusing threads.
Sorry, it made me smile.
Hi. I’M A MAC.
Once again, this made me laugh.
Excuse me, ice cream truck, but wtf r u doin? D:<
This is somewhat a good example of what I used to like about the GD. I’m still not sure whether or not this person is serious, but she might be. If so, then she has told an interesting story. A lot of the time people made threads about their everyday lives, and strange events, and I loved reading it. I need to find a better example, though.
Why Gaia Sucks:
The list of reasons goes on and on...
I found out my son was gay
The first post says, “Im fucking pissed and dont know what to do but all I know is hes not my son anymore.” (Added punctuation.) He's lying. This is an example of a troll. They’re everywhere. Everywhere. The worst part is that this thread had 280 posts the last time I checked. People take him seriously, which is bad.
i need a gf
My first reaction was that he’s serious, because a lot of people who make threads like this are, but he’s wearing flame clothes, which makes me think that he's trying too hard to look stupid. It’s stereotyped that only noobs wear flame clothes. The fact that I wished that girls could wear flame clothes when I first joined Gaia (which they now can) is proof of this stereotype.
13 year old girl… looking for master
Wait, here’s a better example.
donaters needed here
Take a moment to imagine if IRG was like Gaia… Shattered would be incredibly rich and powerful because he posts so much. As a result, other people would want to post more in order to become rich and powerful, too. As a result, you get lots of people “BUMPing” for gold, posting stupid shit, and begging for gold.
IRG > Gaia
I'm not defending Gaia. It's hell, especially when compared to IRG. And not the good part of hell, either. The good thing I'll say about Gaia is what Kealdrea mentioned about how Gaians accept homosexuality. Since I spent a lot of time on there at the impressionable age of 13, I grew up learning that if you hate gay people, you are a horrible person who is going straight to hell, and 40 or 50 people will tell you so. Had it not been for this, accepting my sexuality would have been a million times harder, and so I am thankful for this.
Edit: I knew I was forgetting something.
Sometimes, two threads in a row seem like a continued sentence, or are generally just amusing together.
Oh, God, my friends and I used to quote this in real life all the time randomly. … notgay.jpg
This was my favorite trend. Someone made a thread with that title, and he was serious, so a troll named Hazy spammed the hell out of the GD with threads with the same title. It was just that stupid of a title. … /Lucon.jpg
Someone named, you guessed it, Lucon, invited a bunch of people into a chat, and hacked a bunch of people's accounts and made threads about himself. Kealdrea was invited to that chat, but he didn't hack her account, luckily, because she didn't sign up for the website he made. … arWars.jpg
The other political party. … i/Copy.jpg
This trend is self explanatory. … Threds.jpg
This one may have been accidental. … father.jpg
Not something I'd like to tell my parents. … rapist.jpg
o _o
More trolls. … rryPie.jpg
I declare today Pie Day. … aaa8qf.png
More trends. … Fetish.jpg
Does Akio post on Gaia? … aiyuki.jpg
If you think this is bad, there's a billion threads about Naruto.
Oh god... oh god... I laughed so hard at this... jesus... oh my lungs... Razara. That post is pure win. Congratulations
BioKraze wrote:
Why do you think I stay out of the forums and stick to the guilds, Razara?
Not that the guild I belong to is any more intelligent. It's full of anal retentives who constantly spout GIR quotes and say how cool GIR is and how dorky Dib is. (It's an Invader ZIM guild, so there you go. "TEH Invader Zim Guild" to be precise.)
Frankly, it's rather annoying when I post thoughtful comments or diatribes and am summarily ignored by everybody except for perhaps the three or four people who still post and have a modicum of intelligence. I joined Gaia when it was well into its declining stages, and damn near everybody on my friendslist has quit Gaia at one point or another for the same reason:
Gaia is becoming a site full of people I'd consider lower than /b/tards. (And before you get on my case, the only self admitted one I know is a member of this forum, and very bright and intelligent. I know nothing about /b/tards or 4chan, so lay off, please.)
I'd give up on Gaia entirely, but it's a place to go when IRG is moving kinda slow on threads I'm monitoring. Besides, you don't NEED to be in the forums.
If Gaia Online deleted the accounts of every jackoff, anal retentive bonehead, troll, SNERT (snot-nosed egotistical rude twerp) and asshole, population would drop by about 80%. Seriously. I'm sure I'll find plenty of Gaians on this forum that'll agree with that assessment, too.
So why do I still go to Gaia?
Because it's fun to see the idiots being slow.
AND the avatars KICK ASS!
I was hornswaggled into joining Gaia back in '03. For the first year or two there was some decent RP I enjoyed like crazy. Then that board and I kind of.... drifted apart and I found myself in ED. Was pretty popular there too.
After that I went through my, "just there for the guilds" stage.
Aren't most of the guilds dead? Seems like Gaia's main upside is that there's so freaking much of it it can't all be bad.
Razara wrote:
SleepDebtFairy wrote:
*cries tears of blood*
I'm sorry, SleepDebt, please don't cry.
And BioKraze, as for the guilds, I don't really think that they help much. You still get a lot of stupid people that wind up there. In the GD, what I actually like about it is the stupid threads. Like the cat who was going to save the world, or the ice cream truck. It's just one of those simple pleasures in life that you can't get in the guilds.
Okay. *sniffles*
For me, being around all the stupid people just makes me sad. Sure, it makes me feel smarter, but i'd rather feel smarter by actually doing something smart.
TAMAGO! Don't even SPEAK of such horrible things!
I do have a few reasons, though, as to why this lovely forum will never become Gaia...
1. There's no money per posting system.
2. There's no customizable avatars that you need said moneys to buy cool shit.
3. We don't tolerate flamers.
4. We don't have 'guilds.'
5. We have the sexiest forumgoers around. Our combined fappability wards off all evil.
Therefor, we're safe... for now...
IRG will never become Gaia because we have Gio and Yasha watching out for us.
And those who are intimidated by college-level critical thinking, wouldn't post in IRG anyway.