This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
*Season 2 Spoilers*
At the end of Season 2, Buffy fights Angelus, an immortal vampire who took her virginity, because he wants to destroy the world by pulling a sword out of the heart of a petrified demon. They duel with thin swords, and Buffy almost loses until she reminds herself that despite everything that she has lost, she still has herself, which turns the tide.
Does any of this sound remotely familiar? I thought so.
Last edited by Overlord Morgus (04-12-2011 03:57:47 PM)
That does sound cool! Whedon is an anime fan, who's to say he wasn't influenced bu Utena?
Oh good, I thought I was the only one making that comparison. Joss seems like the kind of fellow to enjoy Utena, so I wouldn't put it past him.
It might be an irrelevant observation, but Buffy reminds me of Utena for some reason.
They're both strong, naive, good-hearted and girly. It also helps that Buffy's basically a mahou shoujo show hand-crafted for an American audience.
Last edited by Overlord Morgus (04-13-2011 02:30:13 PM)
I wouldn't think Buffy is necessarily naive (Well, at least by the end of season 5) so I guess she's kind of like a girlier version of movie Utena?
She maintains a steadfast belief in the banalities of suburban American life throughout. I mean, that's basically Why She Fights.
Last edited by Overlord Morgus (04-13-2011 02:31:24 PM)
True, but I wouldn't call her naive (at least not to the point that Utena is). (Because let's face it, Buffy must have gotten laid at least ten times throughout the series while Utena was barely aware that she was getting laid just that once )
She's still a utilitarian figure raging against the forces of patriarchy with one foot in the new world and another in the world of old world privilege (Mom's art gallery).
SKU aired in Japan during the summer of 1997, the same year that Buffy Season 2 aired (Sept 97 - May 98).
The concept in and of itself isn't that imaginative, so I find it unlikely that Whedon was influence by Utena either directly or indirectly. I would also argue that Buffy does it for humanity and other people, while I think Utena does it almost completely for herself (and maybe Anthy).
Buffy and Utena make a pretty interesting foil though. Buffy understands her despair early on and has a long time to think about her decision, while Utena is smashed with it, and essentially acts on instinct throughout the entire final scene.
Last edited by KaleMarsh (06-27-2011 06:23:31 PM)
The concept in and of itself isn't that imaginative
You mean the last duel, or Buffy itself? I agree, I've acknowledged that it's Sailor Moon Sunnydale.
SKU aired in Japan during the summer of 1997, the same year that Buffy Season 2 aired (Sept 97 - May 98).
That's still enough time for them to push it into the season finale. The demon statue isn't even introduced until like the last 2 episodes.
Overlord Morgus wrote:
The concept in and of itself isn't that imaginative
You mean the last duel, or Buffy itself? I agree, I've acknowledged that it's Sailor Moon Sunnydale.
I laughed.
I meant the concept of the last duel. Namely, people who have done it are fighting, one of them starts to lose, but then finds some strength and comes out victorious. That's really all that's common between SKU's finale and end Season 2 Buffy, so it's quite likely that writers came up with the scenes independently.
Last edited by KaleMarsh (06-27-2011 09:16:07 PM)
What about the fact that he pulls a sword out of a demon's heart?