This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I would love to see any fanart of Chigusa
dollface wrote:
Misa has furry sheets? I've never noticed! This just makes her more amazing.
It was her fault, haha! But you can drop it, dear, if you like. *winks*
...I had furry sheets for a while.
......It's not too great actually.
Does anyone have something like, tablet, hamachi and OC1 so multiple people can link together and draw in open canvas together?
Coco requested: Fic: UtenaxAkio, you fucking heard me, UtenaxAkio, a short fic where Akio's feelings for Utena are at least a half milimetre mutal, I would like how Utena apparantly reminds Akio of he's former self "Dios" to be involved.
I think I could handle this one. The idea is exciting, and dare I say, challenging. I shall start chewing over how to try and write it believably.
Edit: Well luckily for any Utena/Akio fans out there, I'm meant to be doing an assignment and so am filled with all the natural procrastination that goes along with it. So I've finished your fic request, Coco, you lucky thing you.
I've posted it here: … 63#p126963
Last edited by sharnii (09-09-2008 07:52:49 AM)
Anthy meets Demona of Gargoyles after "The Journey" and ignores all other episodes from season 3.
It would be awesome if you could set it after Thailog kicked her out of her own company in the virtual fan continuation. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, ignore this paragraph. It would take too much reading to find out all that those writers came up with. It took me weeks to read.
I'd die of happiness if someone wrote a Touga/Saionji oneshot with the prompt "favorite shampoo" for me. I'd gladly grant a fic request back for whoever does it.
Last edited by Riri-kins (09-23-2008 02:15:58 PM)
Seitokaichou wrote:
Duelist Megu wrote:
As much as Juri and anything with a penis usually makes me want to break out in hives, I will most definitely read this.
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
Go right ahead and post! I'm sure there are plenty of others who would also be interested in reading.
Thank you, guys! I will post it today. *smiles*
you know what that remindes me of. it remindes me of that hentai video sailor moon and the seven balls part1. one of goku's ball hops into moon vagina and gives her a dick its a really funny video.
Shinolala2 wrote:
Seitokaichou wrote:
Duelist Megu wrote:
As much as Juri and anything with a penis usually makes me want to break out in hives, I will most definitely read this.
Imaginary Bad Bug wrote:
Go right ahead and post! I'm sure there are plenty of others who would also be interested in reading.
Thank you, guys! I will post it today. *smiles*
you know what that remindes me of. it remindes me of that hentai video sailor moon and the seven balls part1. one of goku's ball hops into moon vagina and gives her a dick its a really funny video.
its actually a movie and it is very funny i mean it has sailor moon, dbz, oh my goddess, evangelion, streetfighter, ranama1/2, cardcaptors, trigun,uhm... i cant remember the rest of the characters. i think the characters were all done on paint and the background on paint sometimes to.if the link dosent work go to, go to video, make sure the safe search is off, and type in: sailor and the seven ballz. it should be the first video on the list. saddly to say i cant find the second part.
here is the video for part 1. … ideo84788/
Last edited by Shinolala2 (02-05-2009 01:15:53 PM)
Ta much XD
Back on topic: I am absolutely desperate for anything with Juri/Shiori. I ship those two ridiculously hard but I'm finding it pretty hard to find a lot of stuff with them in. Help? Anyone?
Hm, anything Akio/Touga-ish, please? Maybe the two of them posing rather suggestively in a fanart?
oscarthewild wrote:
Hm, anything Akio/Touga-ish, please? Maybe the two of them posing rather suggestively in a fanart?
Ugh why would you want to look at that?
akio and touga went gay and had a kid you want that? you want me to draw akios and tougas kid? .. im not excatly sure thats why im asking
Giovanna wrote:
oscarthewild wrote:
Hm, anything Akio/Touga-ish, please? Maybe the two of them posing rather suggestively in a fanart?
Ugh why would you want to look at that?
Because they're pretty~
If they had a kid, I wonder what they'd name it.
oscarthewild wrote:
Giovanna wrote:
oscarthewild wrote:
Hm, anything Akio/Touga-ish, please? Maybe the two of them posing rather suggestively in a fanart?
Ugh why would you want to look at that?
Because they're pretty~
If they had a kid, I wonder what they'd name it.
Mpreg is so... oddly justice.... but who's the mommie?
Can I request from someone a image of Nanami IN HUMAN FORM wearing both the cowbell and the nose ring? It'd be awesome if it could be something I could easily make into a wallpaper to surprise my boyfriend with.
Miss Bluesky wrote:
Anthiena wrote:
Mpreg is so... oddly justice.... but who's the mommie?
Gotta be Touga.
Pregnant Akio is just a crime against humanity.
Well, not mpreg, as that's just so bizzare, but suppose in some alternate universe, the two adopted a kid. Alternate universe, that is, with alternate personalities, since Akio does not strike me as the family type. Neither does Touga, actually.
oscarthewild wrote:
Miss Bluesky wrote:
Anthiena wrote:
Mpreg is so... oddly justice.... but who's the mommie?
Gotta be Touga.
Pregnant Akio is just a crime against humanity.Well, not mpreg, as that's just so bizzare, but suppose in some alternate universe, the two adopted a kid. Alternate universe, that is, with alternate personalities, since Akio does not strike me as the family type. Neither does Touga, actually.
akio seems like the family type but he would probably try to screw the kid when it got older and touga he would be a more older brother than a mother/father figure. i could see saionji as a mother. hes a great cook from what i can tell.
Miss Bluesky wrote:
oscarthewild wrote:
Giovanna wrote:
Ugh why would you want to look at that?
Because they're pretty~
If they had a kid, I wonder what they'd name it.Damein
i like that name damein. it sounds like only something akio could come up with. it sounds evil like akio and akio is the
Shinolala2 wrote:
Miss Bluesky wrote:
oscarthewild wrote:
Because they're pretty~
If they had a kid, I wonder what they'd name it.Damein
i like that name damein. it sounds like only something akio could come up with. it sounds evil like akio and akio is the
I believe that this is a reference to The Omen; it's still frighteningly good for Akio.
okay so i didnt know what hair colour to give him, it would be brown so i decided to go with turquise intersting i know. he looks more like a mix of touga n miki DAMMIT! i will so recolour it. what colour for the hair ideas plz.
^ I would hit that, even more so, in the second pose fact that is how I knew that touga was somehow a relative of his (before I even read anything).
As for hair suggestions try strawberry blondish/pale purple type thing. (mostly red but perhaps undertones of pale purple ) I am just guessing.
Miss Bluesky wrote:
Anthiena wrote:
Mpreg is so... oddly justice.... but who's the mommie?
Gotta be Touga.
Pregnant Akio is just a crime against humanity.
Come to think of it I feel the same way about touga being knocked up.
I mean really I can't fathom either of them being perggers.
Seeing as how Akio has some kind of strange powers and all of the fertility options we have available I am banking on a surrogate. (hopefully Akio and Touga can can somehow get both their DNA in the mix)
Or we can just go for the slightly simpler route of, Touga knocking up Anthy. Him and Akio would raise the offspring as their own.
Can you draw a mock up of what a child of touga and ruka's would look like? Please
Also nice job to whomever straightened Saionji's kinda made me want to go all Pantene Pro-V or Herbal Essence on him and touga. In fact most of the Utena cast could star in that Ad campaign...but this time the moans would have authentic inspiration.
Last edited by SexingTouga24/7/365 (02-04-2009 08:51:37 PM)
Miss Bluesky wrote:
Shinolala2 wrote:
Seitokaichou wrote:
Duelist Megu wrote:
As much as Juri and anything with a penis usually makes me want to break out in hives, I will most definitely read this.
Thank you, guys! I will post it today. *smiles*
you know what that remindes me of. it remindes me of that hentai video sailor moon and the seven balls part1. one of goku's ball hops into moon vagina and gives her a dick its a really funny video.
On an unrelated note, I have a very odd request. I was talking with somebody the other day, about girls' hockey in Warroad, where apparently everyone's hockey power level is over 9000. I realized, I want to see Juri drawn as a hockey player. Can this be done?