This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Just watched the very last episode of Avatar: the Last Airbender, a show that I discovered barely one month ago and have been enjoying in study pauses every day at 6.30 pm. I wish I had started watching it before, since it's been a great find. The graphics are very much my taste, and so is the story, though at bits reminded me of Dragonball (the fights! Lots of years have passed, but this will be my reference show forever, as it was the first for me), Dragonquest and probably many other anime series.
It did surprise me when I saw that it's not anime, but an American production... something I didn't notice until the Nickelodeon icon popped out at the end, since I was watching a dubbed verson.
The next episode of Heroes is on tonight, as well as Chuck, so I really really need to stay awake so I can.... zzzz.....
Last edited by Lady Nilamarthiel (10-13-2008 07:40:21 PM)
anyone a fan of Japanese TV and know where I can find some shows for download? I found some torrents for HEY!HEY!HEY! Music Champ on JPopSuki, but i want to watch more. Especially since I found out that Downtown hosts other shows in Japan (like DowntownDX) or that shows like Hole in the Wall are lovingly(?) ripped from existing Japanese shows.
1. Why the hell is Total Drama Island trying to make me throw my shoe at the TV? It damn near succeeded this week.
2. Someone cure me of my addiction to shitty VH1 reality shows NOW!
3. According to E!, Pushing Daisies might not get a Season 3, let alone finish Season 2. They were supposed to have 22 episodes, but due to low-ish ratings, the ABC execs have told them to rewrite episode 13 as a pseudo-finale just in case.
Oh man, I need to start watching then. I haven't really been watching TV lately besides the occasional episode of some reality tv show, and I was planning on holding out on watching Pushing Daisies until I had the time to do a marathon of this season. But, if its fate is being threatened by low ratings, I may have to start again. Honestly, though, I do hope it ends below 39 episodes at least, because the concept can get stale pretty easily and I prefer my series to be shorter anyways.
Raven Nightshade wrote:
1. Why the hell is Total Drama Island trying to make me throw my shoe at the TV? It damn near succeeded this week.
I really enjoy the show. Although I'd feel less angsty while watching it if they weren't so good at covering up spoilers online. I mean, Canada knows the ending already!
Raven Nightshade wrote:
1. Why the hell is Total Drama Island trying to make me throw my shoe at the TV? It damn near succeeded this week.
2. Someone cure me of my addiction to shitty VH1 reality shows NOW!
3. According to E!, Pushing Daisies might not get a Season 3, let alone finish Season 2. They were supposed to have 22 episodes, but due to low-ish ratings, the ABC execs have told them to rewrite episode 13 as a pseudo-finale just in case.
Yeah I heard about that...totally ruins things for me, it's one of my favorite shows. But! I found a petition that can be signed so any signatures from here...are greatly appreciated
I read recently that FOX is cancelling King of the Hill (in it's 13th season, they'll have a half-season next year) due to lackluster ratings. Evidently, even American Dad! is getting better ratings than KotH. It sucks cuz if any show should be canceled from the Sunday night lineup it's The Simpsons, because in it's 20th season, it hasn't been funny for about 7 years or so.
In other news, I've seemed to adopted House's manner of speaking IRL. Anyone care to help me break this habit? I'm starting to annoy myself.
hayama wrote:
Oh man, I need to start watching then. I haven't really been watching TV lately besides the occasional episode of some reality tv show, and I was planning on holding out on watching Pushing Daisies until I had the time to do a marathon of this season. But, if its fate is being threatened by low ratings, I may have to start again. Honestly, though, I do hope it ends below 39 episodes at least, because the concept can get stale pretty easily and I prefer my series to be shorter anyways.
That's why I'm glad I watched this instead of America's Next Top Coathanger--I mean, Model. ANTM will always be in reruns, so if I miss it, I'll marathon it later. With shows like PD, sometimes you don't get a second chance. Remember Wonderfalls?
secret_lover_of_tenjou wrote:
Raven Nightshade wrote:
1. Why the hell is Total Drama Island trying to make me throw my shoe at the TV? It damn near succeeded this week.
I really enjoy the show. Although I'd feel less angsty while watching it if they weren't so good at covering up spoilers online. I mean, Canada knows the ending already!
Well, to be fair, it's a Canadian series that aired last year. If CN stays on the ball, we might get Season 2 as soon as this is done. Also, thanks to Wikipedia, I was spoilered weeks ago. However, I have a shitty memory, so I tend to forget things.
Last edited by Raven Nightshade (11-04-2008 03:15:21 PM)
Oh, if Wonderfalls were still on I would definitely be keeping up with it every week. I don't know; I enjoyed the first season of Pushing Daisies, but I don't feel as compelled to watch it as it doesn't have that same cynical appeal that Wonderfalls had. I don't feel like I can relate to the characters as well in this series because they're just too gushy for me. I really hope that another Brian Fuller series comes out soon that has the same snarky personality of Wonderfalls
I absolutely hate myself for enjoying 6teen. IDK, but it reminds me of the good old days of shows like Recess and The Weekenders, but with teenagers in a mall.
It's official, Pushing Daisies will be canceled after episode 13.
So were Dirty Sexy Money and Eli Stone, but I don't think anyone was watching those.
I kept up sometimes with Eli Stone but not enough.
This news makes me so sad.....
Heroes was actually good tonight! It's been sucking major balls lately, which I didn't think any season could be worse than season two. Maybe now that Jeph Loeb and Jesse Alexander have been fired, it will get better? I hear that they're trying to get Joss Whedon to join the writers...
Lady Nilamarthiel wrote:
Heroes was actually good tonight! It's been sucking major balls lately, which I didn't think any season could be worse than season two. Maybe now that Jeph Loeb and Jesse Alexander have been fired, it will get better? I hear that they're trying to get Joss Whedon to join the writers...
Dude, if Joss Whedon would join the writers, the series would be so awesome.
I think I'm smelling a Hero sing-along-blog
Hiraku wrote:
Lady Nilamarthiel wrote:
Heroes was actually good tonight! It's been sucking major balls lately, which I didn't think any season could be worse than season two. Maybe now that Jeph Loeb and Jesse Alexander have been fired, it will get better? I hear that they're trying to get Joss Whedon to join the writers...
Dude, if Joss Whedon would join the writers, the series would be so awesome.
I think I'm smelling a Hero sing-along-blog
Well. Bennet did say that he was wondering if Elle was going to burst into song in episode 8...
EDIT: a;skljdf;klsda Sylar would so trump Captain Hammer's ass DO WANT SO HARD.
Last edited by Lady Nilamarthiel (11-24-2008 09:22:50 PM)
Damn me and my new netflix (is that spelled right?) addition.
I am overdosing on British Comedies to my delight. Black Adder, Absolutely Fabulous, and Chef (who insults people so damn brilliantly it hurts.
I so need to give PBS some cash some day they introduced me to Britcoms.
Oh shit they have my Hero....It is like crack and or candy.
SexingTouga24/7/365 wrote:
I am overdosing on British Comedies to my delight. Black Adder, Absolutely Fabulous, and Chef (who insults people so damn brilliantly it hurts.
*Cheers* Isn't Black Adder the best?! I can't decide which season I like the most. Although any of the ones with Hugh Laurie are big contenders. I think the Elizabethian one takes the cake though, the cast is so perfect. *nods*
Black Adder = After all, Hugh Laurie and Rowan Atkinson?! It's a match made in British comedy heaven! I personally enjoyed the Britcom Father Ted, which was brilliant for it's use of cameos and character based humor. Graham Norton played a reoccurring role an obviously in the closet priest. It was hilarious!
So I just watched 24:Redemption a.k.a. season 6.5/the prequel to season 7 of 24. It was great. Although I felt it paralleled Stallone's recent outing as Rambo (aka Rambo IV). Badass wants to find a quiet place in the middle of nowhere, and nobody will let him do it, so he kicks some ass in the process. The best part was, as I watched it on hulu, I caught this little mistake:
I have over 400 DVDs in my NetFlix queue.
Half of it is anime, 1/4 of it is Doctor Who, and the other 1/4 is Britcoms.
^ Wow
I have been watching Daria on youtube.
yeah, that's how I learned that the maximum queue you can set up is 500.
And I love Daria. Unfortunately, MTV and Viacom are being assholes about putting it on DVD.
Here's a site you'll want to see then: Petition to get Daria on DVD.
Somewhere in there is a link to the main(and possibly only) Daria forum that's still active, the PaperPusher's Message Board.
Thanks babe I have so signed that.
My pal told me, a theory about why MTV is not going to put Daria on DVD...some thing to do with them not being able to license all the music on the show. But then I don't get how they aired it in the first place.
Anyway for those who want to join in on the daria love note the episodes are very disorganized.
When you get a chance to read the entire site, it actually mentions the music licensing issues.
They got permission and paid the money during the run of the series, but if you got to see any of it while it was on The N/Noggin, you'll notice that there was a lot of the background music missing.
hollow_rose wrote:
SexingTouga24/7/365 wrote:
I am overdosing on British Comedies to my delight. Black Adder, Absolutely Fabulous, and Chef (who insults people so damn brilliantly it hurts.
.*Cheers* Isn't Black Adder the best?! I can't decide which season I like the most. Although any of the ones with Hugh Laurie are big contenders. I think the Elizabethian one takes the cake though, the cast is so perfect. *nods*
While that season rocks hard. I think that the Christmas carol is very funny due to it's imagining of him as a nice man.... who got screwed over for it.