This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Oh, damn. I get the free basic cable in the ASU dorms.
I have the DVDs anyway.
Okay, you force my hand, people! Gotta keep this thread alive somehow...anyway, here's what I wrote about hybrids in the Zim universe on Gaia...
Irkens and humans could not reproduce sexually, for Irkens lack the necessary organs. Using certain technologies, however, an Irken might be able to "engineer" a sperm cell to fertilise an egg, thus creating the embryo, which would be placed in a modified smeeting chamber. The chances of a successful embryo, however, are between extremely slim and nonexistent. This is because the Irken genome most likely does not have the necessary set of chromosomes.
However, should an Irken-human hybrid exist, there would be benefits and drawbacks. Hybrids would possess superior strength, constitution and intelligence as compared to normal humans, plus not need the vital Pak that a pureblood Irken needs to survive. There would most likely be redundant organs, as the squeedlyspooch is supposedly a combined supraorgan that does everything the heart and brain cannot.
The drawbacks are water tolerance and food allergies. Irkens must have some form of water resistance to survive on Earth without special environment suits. The planet's atmosphere contains a significant amount of water vapour and moisture; if Zim could not handle water, he would be incapable of setting foot on Earth without instantly sizzling. A hybrid would have increased water tolerance, perhaps so that swimming would cause pain like a mild sunburn. Food allergies would be present, but not so terrible as to cause the hybrid to choke or burn on contact.
In short, an Irken-human hybrid would be superior to either race alone, but would be nearly impossible to produce under most conditions, even with the benefit if the Irkens' mastery of their own genetics to the fine art of creating a smeet to order. Perhaps if they could master the humans' genome, a hybrid could be researched and produced. The perfect Invader, indeed!
So shall it be said, so shall a million more ZADR fics be written.
It is a sad day for wormbabies across the globe, indeed...
The absolute best site to go to for character information on anybody who got so much as a femtosecond of screentime on the show, The Scary Monkey Show website (URL, has suffered a fatal case of headpigeons. We mourn its loss on the Web as the best place to go for solid information on the series. Gone are the transcripts of the cancelled episodes and the complete listing of episode scripts. Gone are the biographies of the characters, the stock characters and (especially) the Halloweenies. Gone too are the Planet, Alien and Irken Guides.
Farewell, Scary Monkey. You will live on in our squeedlyspooches always...
Bio, you truly are my tallest for this. I wonder how I missed this thread in the first place? Just out of curiousity is it wrong that i find Gaz kinda hot?
No, not really. Because she'll never return another person's affection. She's an angry little girl who hates mankind for obstructing her path to what she sees as the true meanings of life: Bloaty's Pizza Hog and Vampire Piggy Hunter.
Though, should you be curious, official art of her at the age of 16 does exist, drawn by one of the chief animators.
BioKraze wrote:
No, not really. Because she'll never return another person's affection. She's an angry little girl who hates mankind for obstructing her path to what she sees as the true meanings of life: Bloaty's Pizza Hog and Vampire Piggy Hunter.
Though, should you be curious, official art of her at the age of 16 does exist, drawn by one of the chief animators.
Why do you think I think she's hot? And where can I find this picture that im already corupting in my mind? Man im creepy.
Epee_724 wrote:
Why do you think I think she's hot? And where can I find this picture that im already corupting in my mind? Man im creepy.
Yes. Yes you are.