This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I'm Ayla from Hong Kong, a HUGE fan of Toga!!
(And also a fan of Saionji x Toga...)
My Toga shrine here
Hope I can meet more Toga fans here!
I mean...
Hi, I'm Brenna! Um... what else should I say? My favorite characters are Akio, Juri, Mikage, Miki, Tsuwabuki, Touga, and Saionji. But Juri-san is my prince! *refers everyone to my avatar* Yeah, I know, that one doesn't say "prince". I made another one that said "prince" in kanji, but I like this one a lot better.
While Juri-san is my prince, Mikage is my sweet little boy toy... *sighs* I'm working on a sig tag with him in it.
Mm, what else... I live on the West Coast, US. And I'm a total dork.
Yep, that's about it.
Yay, an active Utena forum!
I'm Jude, "heavenscalyx" on LJ. I love the Utena series, I'm picky as hell, and I'm older than dirt. Or, well, maybe I'm not older than dirt, per se. Old enough to mostly know better? Or something like that.
Hey Jude, don't make it bad
Take a sad song and make it better
A salute from someone who is also cursed with a Beatles name.
Well, I always prefer the Beatles reference to the silly nonexistent Cary Grant reference I got so much when I was younger. You know, the "Ju-dee, Ju-dee, Ju-dee..."
tohubohu wrote:
Well, I always prefer the Beatles reference to the silly nonexistent Cary Grant reference I got so much when I was younger. You know, the "Ju-dee, Ju-dee, Ju-dee..."
I don't know
I have no experience with old movies at all. I'm working on it! After I get my fill of Takashi Miike movies.
Uhm... Hi.
I'm Shance. I've sat on Utena panels at Anime North before, so if you've been there the past two years, you've seen me. Both times, I was out of it, not the best for trying to discuss Utena.
I've been into Utena since 2002ish. I was active in the fandom for an obscure Japanese animated series no one has heard about called "Sailor Moon" way back in the day, and we moonies heard a lot about new shoujo anime. Utena had been recommended to me many times, but it took me a long time to actually find tapes of it. These were the days when only episodes 1-13 had been released, and the rest (including the movie) were only out in fansub. We dealt with funny translations like "Heroically, I will throw away my clothes 'til I'm nude..." and untranslated duel songs.
The older I get, the more meaning I find in Utena. I was only a teenager when I first watched it, but now that I'm an adult (in age only), I'm coming to understand a lot of the meanings about discovering oneself and letting go of childhood ideas.
My favorite characters are Nanami, Shiori, and Mitsuru. I also have an obsession with the way Kozue looks.
I'm from Ottawa, Canada (born, raised, and currently residing). I'm just hopping around various educational locations to find my place in the world. Right now, I'm taking first-year psychology, and I'll be taking sexual psychology in the winter/spring. My interests are photography, sexuality, astrology, and fish (yes... the ones that swim in water and have fins).
*bows* Welcome aboard. Always nice to have one more person who sees all the literary goodness in Utena. Fandom has taught me more about interpreting literature and symbolism than any English class I've ever taken.
Hi everyone. :D New here, obviously.
Um. I like Utena a lot. I'm not really big on anime in general, however.
I spend most of my time reading and watching old movies with my mother. u_u Also, I like to draw.
Last edited by Nessy (11-04-2006 11:46:19 AM)
Nessy wrote:
Um. I like Utena a lot. I'm not really big on anime in general, however.
I'm actually really surprised so far by how many people are saying this. I've personally pretty much fallen off the face of anime fandom myself, I only watch what I'm nagged into watching, and I think it's interesting a lot of people who aren't huge on anime are still into SKU. I've always considered SKU a niche within a niche, and that a non-anime fan, someone who isn't used to 'anime reality', would run from this series like a bat out of hell. This would appear not to be the case, though.
Further proof that SKU is a transcendent series.
I'm an anime fan myself, but I only watch what interests me, not what 'the masses' think I should. When someone with similar interests recommends a series, I'm more inclined to check it out.
Dare I say it's the depth and intellectualism of SKU that can make somebody a fan of the series, even if they aren't really into animation in general. Artistic merits know no medium.
Last edited by Imaginary Bad Bug (11-04-2006 04:15:15 PM)
Here's an interesting thing about me that I forgot to mention:
Hello. I'm belladonna. (I also go by the name belladonna trap). I'm really excited about this forum:dance:. I've been a lurker for a while, and this forum is, I think, very impressive. It looked like great fun, so I decided to join. I really love postmodern fairytales, and Utena is one of, if not the, absolute favorite titles. I could go on and on forever about why and how much I love it. I also I love Neil Gaiman, so it's GREAT to have Neil fans on the board. Neil is hot.
I read a lot (when I'm not devouring Neil's work I read a lot of Fancesca Lia Block) and obsessivley enjoy listening to Tori Amos. I love to write poetry and draw, and I drabble in short fiction. When I was little, I played with a lot of dolls. (I still love them.) But I never played with Barbies. I hated them because they were not what real girls looked like. I watched a lot of Disney movies, and oddly enough, I asked my parents why the princess was always saved by a prince, and why couldn't she do it herself? (Or why couldn't she save the prince, even?).
We need us a Gaiman and
thread up in this piece.
belladonna wrote:
(when I'm not devouring Neil's work I read a lot of Fancesca Lia Block)
Any author mentioned in any context with Gaiman immediately has my interest. On a very brief googling, I came across Psyche in a Dress, which sounds rather like I'd enjoy it. She seems to do primarily young adult work, though, which has a fairly dubious reputation with me. Tell me more about her?
Also, you're right Yasha. We need a Gaiman wank thread 'round here. I'm not surprised in the least to see overlap in SKU fans and Gaiman fans, and those who aren't in the know need to hear the Gospel of Gaiman. (Sandman shows the gods in such a beautiful way it makes me sad it's not real. I'd rather it were.)
I would LOVE LOVE a Gaiman thread. Gio is right. Anyone who hasn't read Neil, go read him. I reccomend starting with Sandman, but his children's books are also delightful.
Also Gio, I'll tell what I know about Fancesca Lia Block. She does right young adult fiction, but it's among the best of that type that I've read. Her stories are kinds of fairytales in the modern world, almost. At least, that was the impression that I got from her writing. Her narratives are almost dream like in the way that the main character speaks. It's really best to just pick up some of her work and try it. I reccomend Violet and Claire, the Hanged Man, and the Beast and the Rose (which is her re working of classic fairytales. I loved it.) Her plots are often melodramatic, dealign with rape, incest, drug and the like, but it's almost in a way that makes you like it. The narrators of her stories don't pretend to be always good little girls. If you read any of her work, let me know what you think!
Giovanna wrote:
belladonna wrote:
(when I'm not devouring Neil's work I read a lot of Fancesca Lia Block)
Any author mentioned in any context with Gaiman immediately has my interest. On a very brief googling, I came across Psyche in a Dress, which sounds rather like I'd enjoy it. She seems to do primarily young adult work, though, which has a fairly dubious reputation with me. Tell me more about her?
Actually, (if I may interject, considering that this question wasn't addressed towards me ,) her work goes way beyond most young adult fiction. She's smart, talented, and her stories are very well-crafted and beautiful.
All of her stuff is basically an ode to LA. It's all sex, drugs, rock'n'roll, glitter, fairies, and unhealthiness, with this weird love behind everything...kind of hard to explain. Almost draining. It's delicate, but harsh at the same time. Very poignent.
As far as plot content...mostly her stories are these melodramas that involve broken people becoming whole again, with some kind of magical undertone. (But not mages and fantasy worlds--more like reality-based magic or the kind of magic really young children dream about. There's a childlike feeling to her writing in general, actually. It's written in a very careful, descriptive, and stylized manner--sort of A.A. Milne-like at times [short sentances, not a lot of pronouns, not a lot of contractions]--it kind of dances around character's emotions and talks about how they think and what they eat a lot.) Her work is also very character-based and there's always some kind of adventure to go on.
There are times when her writing style can get tiresome, and it definitely isn't for everyone, but if you can get into it it's hard to stop reading her stuff. If I'm in a mood, she's definitely one of my top choices.
With all of that said, I personally recommend Girl Goddess #9 or the Weetzie Bat books as starting points.
Last edited by Nessy (11-04-2006 09:56:53 PM)
Somebody write this girl up in the book thread.
Nessy wrote:
Giovanna wrote:
belladonna wrote:
(when I'm not devouring Neil's work I read a lot of Fancesca Lia Block)
Any author mentioned in any context with Gaiman immediately has my interest. On a very brief googling, I came across Psyche in a Dress, which sounds rather like I'd enjoy it. She seems to do primarily young adult work, though, which has a fairly dubious reputation with me. Tell me more about her?
Actually, (if I may interject, considering that this question wasn't addressed towards me
,) her work goes way beyond most young adult fiction. She's smart, talented, and her stories are very well-crafted and beautiful.
All of her stuff is basically an ode to LA. It's all sex, drugs, rock'n'roll, glitter, fairies, and unhealthiness, with this weird love behind everything...kind of hard to explain. Almost draining. It's delicate, but harsh at the same time. Very poignent.
As far as plot content...mostly her stories are these melodramas that involve broken people becoming whole again, with some kind of magical undertone. (But not mages and fantasy worlds--more like reality-based magic or the kind of magic really young children dream about. There's a childlike feeling to her writing in general, actually. It's written in a very careful, descriptive, and stylized manner--sort of A.A. Milne-like at times [short sentances, not a lot of pronouns, not a lot of contractions]--it kind of dances around character's emotions and talks about how they think and what they eat a lot.) Her work is also very character-based and there's always some kind of adventure to go on.
There are times when her writing style can get tiresome, and it definitely isn't for everyone, but if you can get into it it's hard to stop reading her stuff. If I'm in a mood, she's definitely one of my top choices.
With all of that said, I personally recommend Girl Goddess #9 or the Weetzie Bat books as starting points.
Listen to Nessy guys. Her summary was much much better than mine.
Joined the forum cuz I have a request (which I don't think deserves its own thread).
I recently got a tattoo on my wrist of one of the Utena rose symbols, which I traced from a screenshot of her ring in the series. I'd really like to get an alternate version on the other wrist of the very abstract and triangular rose symbol that is, I believe, on the floor of the Arena. (Also on the floor of the elevator in the last duel ascension.)
I took a look through the screenshot gallery and didn't see one of the whole symbol, just of bits and pieces. I was wondering if anyone knew where I could get a whole image of that to trace, or if anyone could make a screenshot that showed the whole thing (or at least most of it).
Um, to follow thread-form. I'm 23. Been an Utena fan since I was 17. Used to read all the scripts and stuff on, which was the only way I'd actually "seen" the ending until 2001. Watched it 6 times. Cried. Damn thing can still get me tearing up if I don't watch it for a few months.
Been Rhyaniwyn online since uhh... I think 1995? Have a bunch of AIM names, a livejournal, all those friendster/myspace/etc. things that I'm aware of, and a website.
Used to be into the Sailormoon thing, wrote some fanfiction back then. Have had and been involved in a host of anime fansites and forums, when I was younger. I still say I like anime, cuz I do...sorta. But I haven't seen anything that I LOVED since I saw Utena. Hoping that someday anime will reclaim my loyalty with another story as good.
A lot of my interests branch out from that point. Enjoy reading Fantasy & Scifi novels, mythology, about mythology, psychology, philosophy. In that order. Do web design, some web development, digital photography with heavy editing, and graphic design. Lately I've been watching a lot of TV.
Utena is like a wonderful microcosm of everything, in my mind. Not only does the series have a million relevant over-arching themes, each episode contains its own themes and story. My closest friends tend to groan everytime I say "That reminds me of Utena...", because it generally prefaces a lengthy speech.
Last edited by rhyaniwyn (11-09-2006 11:46:11 AM)
I'm jealous of all you guys who've used the same name on the internet for like 11 years. Things I thought I were cool back on the Sailormoon forums of yore don't even interest me, so I have a bad habit of changing my mind constantly.
Luckily, this also means nobody can trace me. ;D
And I think I know what you're talking about and I have a bunch of the episodes on my computer right now so I'll try going through them and see if I can dig up a good shot.
Welcome new forum members, too.
Hinotori wrote:
I'm jealous of all you guys who've used the same name on the internet for like 11 years. Things I thought I were cool back on the Sailormoon forums of yore don't even interest me, so I have a bad habit of changing my mind constantly.
I've used this name since I was 11 or so, & it actually was a product of Sailor Moon fandom. (at first it was Sailor Dragoness, the character I'd made up...then it went Sailor Dragonessy -> Dragonessy -> Nessy)
rhyaniwyn wrote:
Utena is like a wonderful microcosm of everything, in my mind. Not only does the series have a million relevant over-arching themes, each episode contains its own themes and story. My closest friends tend to groan everytime I say "That reminds me of Utena...", because it generally prefaces a lengthy speech.
Haha, mine too.
Also, I really like the idea of getting a rose signent tattoo, myself, maybe one over my heart. Yours is pretty awesome, anyway.
(& I'm having trouble getting my program to screencap things properly, [so I traced it,] but are you talking about this thing? EDIT: or this thing?)
Last edited by Nessy (11-11-2006 07:50:45 PM)
And I am a girl, 19 and living in an obscure little country called Croatia.
I was an obsessive manga/anime fan back in the days, but ever since I've stepped into college I've cooled off dramatically. Which doesn't mean I don't visit every now and then and rushed to subscribe to this forum the second I saw it, though. Utena is... special.
I don't expect to post a lot here (and I'd better not because my collegework shall suffer greatly), but I'm sure I'll stop by to reeeeeead. Seriously, the only other forum I'm on is pretty much like, well, /b/ so this is a pleasant change indeed.
Arki wrote:
16 year-old girl from Croatia
zomgwtf!!!1 Hi.
Yes, there are some slightly embarassing things you can track with me--but I was 16 at the time, anyway. Who isn't silly when they're 16? But sometimes it's interesting...recently I found a fanfic I posted to an ML that I didn't remember ever writing! That was particularly interesting because in those days my aspiration was to be a fiction author when I "grew up", and I don't think I was that bad back then... I probably couldn't even do as well today. (My attention shifted somewhat over the years).
O_O Thank you! I was thinking of the 2nd, more abbreviated version that you offered. I'm wiggling with joy!!
Last edited by rhyaniwyn (11-12-2006 12:20:29 PM)
Hi new people!
Aww, I'm jealous! There are already two Finns here and two Croatians, but I'm still the only Estonian.
OR maybe I should be glad 'cause I have no rivals!
(not that there is any rivalry here >_<)
Oh, and shouldn't this topic be sticky? It tends to get lost in the forum at times :/