This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Guess what, your co-worker has a clean bill of health! Not only they don't have shingles, they also have no roof. This carries over to any building they enter, so you'd need to remember to carry your umbrella around more often.
I wish I could have a cat as a college roommate. That would be cool.
Granted. It's a serval. You are arrested for owning an exotic animal and raped in prison.
I wish college was free.
Granted. College, around the world, is free. With no investment deterrent, instead of dealing with a small bit of competition for your field, the job market is swamped with people who are apathetic, buggered and otherwise worthless, not caring about the field but wanting something they can do. Unemployment, even for the medical field, reaches new heights. You're lucky if you can land a job at all, no matter what level of education you have now. Non-private universities are no longer able to keep class sizes down, which reflects on how much effort teachers put in to helping out their students (it's zero). But hey, at least it was free, right?
I wish that I didn't feel overwhelmed, or negatively at all, about projects that I take part in.
Granted. You're in no projects whatsoever. Enjoy being a Hikikomori.
I wish I were not such a fuck up.
Granted. You can take pills which make you perfect in every way but when they wear off the side effects are worse than somebody coming off of cocaine. You become addicted to these pills and are stuck in a never-ending cycle.
I wish to be a mermaid for a day.
Last edited by Riri-kins (04-16-2014 01:07:52 PM)
Granted, but if you can't get the prince of the merfolk to kiss you by sunset, you'll turn back into a human, and I get to keep your voice.
I wish I had a dime for every dime I had.
For every dime you get, you get another dime for the dime that you just received. One dime becomes two, two becomes four, four becomes eight, and so forth. As your wealth increases, eventually the materials required for proper dimes decrease. You notice that the latter dimes are made of a strange, flesh-like material. And strangely enough, your legs do feel a bit lighter...
I wish I could find someone who'd appreciate my sense of humor.
Granted. You find a sexy model who will laugh at every joke you make...for fifty dollars an hour.
I wish vegetables tasted like chocolate.
Granted, but only the taste. The texture remains the same, so this means that even if that broccoli tastes like chocolate, each one of the florets will resonate in your mouth. You will experience a slight aftertaste as well... for about 3 days afterwards. And this doesn't even taste like good quality chocolate, just the cheap, oily kind that pops up in dollar stores.
I wish I was able to know exactly when people needed me for things.
Granted. After finding out exactly how many people need you for things, you realize that you can't be in all of those places at once. Not being able to please everybody, you have a nervous breakdown and lock yourself in a room for weeks. Because they can no longer rely on you, they learn to make do without you, thereby needing you no longer. As soon as the last vestige of your power fades, you unlock the door and enter a world in which you are now irrelevant.
I wish I didn't have to do taxes.
Granted! You don't have to do taxes because you are now a hermit! After years of stealing food and supplies from the vacation homes of the wealth, you slowly are forgetting what it was to be human. One day, you are found and put into a sideshow as a wildman!
I wish I could focus better.
Granted! You now have a Canon Ef 500mm lens.
I wish I was better at the Hasbro's game "Don't Break the Ice."
Granted! But beware; if you ever step out on a icy lake no matter how thick and sturdy it may be, the ice beneath you will sink in a perfect cube. Unless you have a red chair.
I wish I could just wake up after september ends.
Granted, but you end up in a Groundhog Day time-loop at the start of September. Now there's something eternal
I wish I were a moon god.
Granted. Your electric company is still trying to figure out how you drew that much power in just a couple hours, but they don't really care as long as you pay their five-figure bill.
I wish for another step, and another one, and another...
Granted. You get one long staircase just going up, and one even longer coming down, and one more leading nowhere, just for show.
I wish I had my own real, to scale and functional, Metal Gear Rex.
Granted! Too bad a grumpy clone with an eyepatch is determined to blow it up in the name of saving the world.
I wish I could telepathically communicate with people. I always have better confidence in my head with what I want to say than when I open my mouth.
Granted. Everybody that you use your telepathic powers on goes into hysterical panic as thoughts that are not their own flood into their minds. Even when they know what to expect, the reflex is always the same.
I wish that someone else were qualified to work late at my job besides just me.
Granted, but they make three times your salary.
I wish I had a garden of flowers which were made of silver and gold.
Granted. As soon as corporate and government interests discover your miraculous garden, they use all of their combined resources to take possession of the land. In desperation, you're forced to melt the flowers down in order to afford the outrageous legal fees necessary to battle them. You manage to reach a stalemate of sorts this way, but every flower must be plucked as soon as it blooms in order to maintain the equilibrium. You are granted fleeting moments when a gorgeous gladiolus or geranium graces your garden, but you are no longer enamoured by their beauty. Instead, you simply see one more source of income and nothing more.
I wish that the Shaved Ice Lounge could see more activity than it does.
Granted, but it is all ads for high tops or in latin in such a large quantity you can not find anything you can comment on.
I wish karma was a force I could control for justice.
Granted, but you were placed into prison when it was discovered you had that ability.
I wish I had a helicopter.
Granted. It has no gas though. It makes a nice lawn piece.
I wish I knew where everything I lost was.
Granted, the X-rays found you've been eating all the lost items in your sleep.
I wish for a glitch.