This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
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I've been looking at some reviews for the Utena series, and frankly, I'm pissed off. Just look for yourself:
Aniview Weekly Episode 18 (the Utena review starts at 7:33): … pisode-18/
He said that there are "bad episodes" and "wasted arcs", and the only character he refers to by name is Utena. That is total BS. He did give a (mostly) positive review and a final rating of four out of five stars, but seriously?
Vixen Reviews: Revolutionary Girl Utena Part 1:
Vixen Reviews: Revolutionary Girl Utena Part 2: … re=related
She recognizes that Utena is not a stereotypical tomboy, and the way she acknowledges Touga's complete and utter lack of caring or respect for anyone or anything but himself and his own endeavors, must be seen to understand how well she hits the mark. (BTW, what's a yonic symbol?) However, she writes off the repeated scenes of Utena ascending to the dueling arena as laziness on the part of the staff, and calls episodes five and eight stupid and pointless as well as the other "filler" episodes.
Why is it that, even though they acknowledge the symbolism, they keep writing off things like the "filler" episodes, repeated scenes, or characters?
Because reviewers have a stack of stuff to get through, and pretty much rely on first impressions. They simply don't have the time to do the in depth pondering that a more complicated series requires. They may make an attempt if it's the latest instalment of Eva or the like, but shows like SKU are simply not popular enough for a reviewer to think it's worth the time and extra effort of going into any sort of depth.
As for Vixen Reviews bagging the repeated shots of Utena ascending to the duelling arena, that's showing a distinct lack of basic knowledge about traditional animation techniques on her part. I feel kinda embarrassed for her; it's not the sort of thing you'd expect someone who thinks of themself as a knowledgeable reviewer to say. Reminds me of Rimmer and hot gazpacho soup.
Haven't read/listened to the reviews in depth, but it doesn't sound like anything worth getting upset over. People's milage will vary, especially with odd, polarizing serieses like Utena.
RhythmFusion wrote:
Why is it that, even though they acknowledge the symbolism, they keep writing off things like the "filler" episodes, repeated scenes, or characters?
Well, as far as "filler" goes: at the very least, the very comedic, Nanami-type episodes are an understandable point of annoyance. Their tone is very different from the rest of the series, and it's jarring, especially at the beginning of the series when one wants to get drawn deeper into the mysteries of the series. They still make me a little bit nervous when showing the series to others, though ultimately I think I appreciate them: both for the humor itself (although they aren't always completely successful) and for the later emotional backlash when you hit an episode like 10, 31, or 32 that approaches Nanami seriously.
As for repeated scenes: they're stock footage. Undeniably, stock footage is essentially a cost-saving measure. I think the Utena series takes that cost-saving measure and makes the most of it symbolically, but it's still not unreasonable for a viewer to get annoyed with facing the same lengthy footage over and over.
For the characters thing, I suppose it's that some people are looking for the plot in a series, and want it to always have forward momentum. In truth, the only characters important to the plot in Utena are Utena herself, Anthy, and Akio, but the series spends most of its time circling around the other characters' heads, including an entire arc focusing on the secondary and tertiary characters, some of whom will never become important again. I enjoy that immensely; I can see how other people wouldn't.
Last edited by Dallbun (07-18-2010 12:32:08 AM)
(BTW, what's a yonic symbol?)
The opposite of a phallic symbol; something that symbolizes a vagina.
I think that most complaints aimed against Utena's animation are justified - it is terribly cheap at times. The plot, on the other hand has more to it than a single viewing can reveal, meaning that most people who watch the show only once never get to understand its full depth, and reviewers usually aim their reviews at normal viewers who don't know anything about the series, and won't appreciate too in-depth analysis of a show, since it detracts from the basic question of whether it's fun and entertaining to watch, or not.
Well, as far as "filler" goes: at the very least, the very comedic, Nanami-type episodes are an understandable point of annoyance. Their tone is very different from the rest of the series, and it's jarring, especially at the beginning of the series when one wants to get drawn deeper into the mysteries of the series. They still make me a little bit nervous when showing the series to others, though ultimately I think I appreciate them: both for the humor itself (although they aren't always completely successful) and for the later emotional backlash when you hit an episode like 10, 31, or 32 that approaches Nanami seriously.
Even the Nanami episodes have a place in the deeper meaning of things, as they subtly emphasize Anthy's passive-agressive vindicativeness, foreshadowing her role as the Witch. I still mostly skip them when I rewatch the show, since that revelation is no longer surprising when you've seen the series already, but it's still pretty amazing that such subtle foreshadowing has been integrated so seamlessly into such silly filler episodes.
Vixen's review was actually the thing that pushed me to finally watch SKU after all these years of simply knowing the series' existence, and even before watching it I kind of felt a little off about said review. Now that I've seen the series in full I have to say that I do find a lot wrong with her review, and I wish she'd just watch the whole series.
The Nanami episodes are easy to write off as filler if the person watching isn't able to pull them apart and realize they set up quite a few things: That Anthy isn't merely the submissive housewife-esque figure that the first arch kind of implies, that she has a much darker side, and even then she tries to play most of it off as coincidence. I think it also serves to make the shock of Nanami's fall a lot more hardhitting. We became so used to seeing her in mostly gag episodes that when the serious turning point finally hits, it hits us like a brick to the face.
The Student Council arch is by no means bad, it sets us the groundwork for what is going to be built upon in each arch that follows, but I wish people would view the whole series before making a review, because everything after the SC arch will melt your brain with how amazing it is.
I think Revolutionary Girl Utena is a cult series. You either love it or hate it.
As for people dismissing the Nanami centric fillers, I want to say that they're some of the few in any tv series which I like. Plus, "Nanami's Egg" is actually a real turning point for her because she finally shows that she can love something more than her brother. Don't forget that.
Riri-kins wrote:
I think Revolutionary Girl Utena is a cult series. You either love it or hate it.
I think its more of a love over time, re-watching is a must to fully get it. We're lucky they didn't review the series based on the movie.
Not as bad as the PROFESSIONAL's reviews of the series.
Fans of this epicene melodrama will enjoy the overwrought but inconclusive climax; more skeptical viewers will find it long on pretense and short on substance. (Not rated: suitable for ages 14 and older: violence, brief nudity, suggestions of homosexuality and incest) --Charles Solomon
I tend to be really picky when it comes to which reviewers I regularly watch. They usually get so caught up in MY OPINION SHOULD BE EVERYONE'S AND AREN'T I SO FUNNY? JO seems to be one of the better ones; despite her popularity she doesn't waste a lot of time on irrelevant opening sequences and her style and her rating system are more concerned with how well anime series stack up against others in their genre and how much someone would thus potentially enjoy them, so you can have Kino's Journey and Ouran Host Club with the same rating, because they both excel equally well within their genres. She also thusly really does (at the very least put some effort into) understand various audiences. She hates moe and most fanservice, but understands why others do like them and what they are looking for in a moe or ecchi title. She also awards Gateway Awards to point out anime that would be suitable for initiating non-anime fans into anime with. She also strives to talk about something new when she reviews an anime that has been reviewed quite a lot already (such as her Azumanga review).
I've really only ever been dissatisfied with one of her reviews, which was her review of Fruits Basket. I feel like she went rather easy on it and missed some big points of contention that would drive some viewers away because it held nostalgia power for her. I don't agree much with her personal tastes and values as a person though (I don't agree with some of her interpretations and take mild offense at her attitudes regarding Utena and gender); but it's easy to separate her from her reviews, since as I said, she tends to focus on objective quality.
As for Vixen's reviews... she doesn't seem to have quite grasped that same understanding of subjective vs. objective, and spends more time summarizing an anime than going over its good and bad qualities.
Last edited by OnlyInThisLight (07-19-2010 09:50:37 PM)
I can't agree more OITL. I mainly watch JO's reviews over Vixen's cause I feel JO does a bit more of a professional style. I tend to enjoy her reviews a fair bit as well but I have to admit (I know this ramble might make me sound like a bit of an asshole), I really have an issue with her views on Utena and Anthy. Why does that make me sound like an asshole? Cause I feel she brings too much of her religion into this viewpoint. She's gone on long rants about how God changed her life and etc, and I can't help but feel those Catholic views interact with how she views the series. I'm not trying to rant about religion or anything, and perhaps I'm biased cause I very much support the UtenaxAnthy relationship but I find it so hard to look at the whole of the series and just write them off as BFFs as she does.
I love the series for keeping it kind of open to how the viewer takes in their relationship, but I can't help but feel someone is wearing huge denial glasses to not see that there is a deep love between the two. Yes I know love has many levels, and a deep platonic love is possible, but by the end of the series, especially the very last frame of episode 39 when the episode title is listed, I feel it very openly spells out: They love each other on a deeply romantic level, even if Utena can't properly explain it for most of the series.
I give her credit for putting Akio on her top 20 villains list, but I once read a huge input she gave about Utena and Anthy and I just felt myself bothered by it.
This has been quite a speech and I hope I haven't put anyone off by it. I just remember reading one of JO's huge rants as to why Utena is not a yuri series and I just ended up feeling like so: :| I guess I'm mostly bothered by it because most things refered to as yuri or yaoi tend to have sex scenes abound instead of just being a series about same sex relations, as I tend to view the genres. To me, Utena is a series that kind of evolves into being a yuri, like how relationships themselves evolve, but it's a yuri series with emotion and conflict that extends much further than "Can I get in her pants? :B" It doesn't turn me off from her reviews or anything, I'm just basically going to avoid her views on the matter because I very much disagree with them.
Last edited by Calamity (07-21-2010 07:19:27 AM)
Dallbun wrote:
Well, as far as "filler" goes: at the very least, the very comedic, Nanami-type episodes are an understandable point of annoyance. Their tone is very different from the rest of the series, and it's jarring, especially at the beginning of the series when one wants to get drawn deeper into the mysteries of the series. They still make me a little bit nervous when showing the series to others, though ultimately I think I appreciate them: both for the humor itself (although they aren't always completely successful) and for the later emotional backlash when you hit an episode like 10, 31, or 32 that approaches Nanami seriously.
This. To be completely honest, while I enjoyed the silly episodes immensely when I watched them, they tend not to have a high replay value to me. I can appreciate the symbolism, the foreshadowing, etc, but they're not my native sense of humor so once I've had the laugh I kind of move on. The egg episode is probably the only one I'll easily watch again, I think because Touga contributes a thin layer of sarcasm to it that keeps me snickering. But I do understand when other viewers find them jarring and not exactly coherent in the larger tone of the show. Actually I think if it could be called that, that's a theoretical failing of SKU, that it doesn't do well integrating a sense of humor into the story at large, compared to something like Evangelion, where the silly and the serious are side by side and don't distract much from the other. The reason for it I think is that Utena doesn't try to weave the silliness through the story--it saves it for isolated scenes and episodes, but other episodes, in fact the majority of them, will pass without a real 'anime style' attempt at a laugh.
I am almost inclined to say that's because SKU's cast has no room to be treated that way--Shinji is naked! ROFL! Utena is naked! Uh...Akio what are you doing to her? The only comic characters are Nanami and Saionji (well Chu-Chu too I guess), because their personalities are so over the top that it's easier to mock them. Touga punches out a fucking kangaroo, but he's really never the subject of a joke himself...unless you ask Akio.
Anyway I can't fault a reviewer for finding those episodes jarring. Tastes vary and I think the sense of humor in SKU is harder to appreciate than most. The repeated sequences should surprise no one, they're par for the course in anime...but even there, yes, SKU was rather cheap. My issue there is that as a reviewer, I would prefer someone be able to look beyond obvious challenges faced by a production team to see whether the result was worth it. The budget and repeated sequences are worth a critical mention, but should not be held against the story, which was obviously the point. Sandman had HORRIBLE artwork for the vast majority of its run, but if you complain about it, you were never the sort of person that should have read it in the first place. SKU is like that, to me. Reviewers are immediately in a position to lose out here because SKU is so far removed from the common experience, and whether they mean to or not, because they compare one item to another as part of their job, they have a harder time swallowing the truly unique.
Unless that's what they're all about, which is the opposite problem--I hate reviewers that jerk off over anything weird or 'unique' without asking whether it was worth making unique in the first place.
So. Gio. Calamity. ARE YOU ME???
I can't agree more OITL. I mainly watch JO's reviews over Vixen's cause I feel JO does a bit more of a professional style. I tend to enjoy her reviews a fair bit as well but I have to admit (I know this ramble might make me sound like a bit of an asshole), I really have an issue with her views on Utena and Anthy. Why does that make me sound like an asshole? Cause I feel she brings too much of her religion into this viewpoint. She's gone on long rants about how God changed her life and etc, and I can't help but feel those Catholic views interact with how she views the series. I'm not trying to rant about religion or anything, and perhaps I'm biased cause I very much support the UtenaxAnthy relationship but I find it so hard to look at the whole of the series and just write them off as BFFs as she does.
Exactly, it's not even that she doesn't see Utena and Anthy as a couple -hey, interpretation and what not, it's how defensive she is of this fact. Dare anyone find the slightest hint of shoujo-ai in a show she likes! And I found it incredibly rude of her to imply that anyone who sees Utena and Anthy as a romantic couple has missed the point of the show entirely, and that the movie was just lesbian nonsense. She even seems to have a problem with anyone implying that Touga could have bisexual tendencies...
JO wrote:
EDIT: On a random note, Juri would be a totally canon lesbian, as her sexual identity is tied directly into her masculine disposition because of her INTENSE sense of pride...and Touga is actually straight. Yup, you heard me right, straight. Remember, he actually SAYS that he finds homosexuality disgraceful and he is a total narcissist pig, but the point is that, while not being attracted to men, he TAKES ON the feminine role by subjugating himself to a power-wielding figure for a fulfillment of his desires, instead of wielding a "sword" of his own to obtain power with his own hands. So...this is exemplified by making him Akio's little sex toy. It's not like he was attracted to Akio per se, but he was attracted to the "princess" role rather than the "prince," and that's why Touga never achieves revolution...yet. Utena's release may have done him some good, as you'll notice he's the least quick to forget about her, and she brings out the most masculine aspects of him, which are emblems of his true identity, and not the wussification that Akio perverts his power lust into.
Yeah. Just a few things there I take issue with. :/
I ended up stating my case on this whole matter on the D2 brigade forums (In Vixen's Utena thread), but I don't frequent that site anymore (they deleted all the old comments on videos when they revamped the site!) because I find the other reviewers subpar and can catch JO on anyway.
I can't blame her for attaching her religious views to the scenario, or hate or for it, it just bothers me how judgmental she is being. I don't know if she is aware of the fact, but she's being a tad homophobic and some of what she has said reeks of very subtle sexism (women who have masculine traits are cool, as long as they act all girly and vulnerable around guys!). At least she keeps this shit out of the reviews, for which I am very appreciative. Okay, so there was a hint of it in her Evangelion review, but she sectioned all that off separately as a rant unrelated to the final score, and I still feel her main beef wasn't with the message but the storytelling, which I kinda agree with.
-- As for the Nanami filler episodes, at the very least they are self-contained, so one can choose to skip them. I like them, but only enough for a rare re-watch.
I actually haven't watched her Eva review yet, mainly because on the very same D2 forum I read her basically freaking out about them using imagery from her "dear religion" (her words, not snark on my part). I guess I'm not exactly the best person to say anything on the matter, as I'm basically Agnostic, but I was worried that she would break her usual rather professional review style and spend the length of the review angsting about how Anno is a douche for using religious imagery of her given religion.
Her defensiveness on differing opinions is what bothers me as well. In the aforementioned UtenaxAnthy rant she seemed to try to more or less beat someone down because they viewed Utena and Anthy as a couple and she did not. She wasn't cruel about it, but it lead to what my brain translated as a lot of "YOU'REWRONGWRONGWRONGANDI'MRIGHT" til basically the other person folded. I never wanted to join the forum more badly than I did right at that moment just so I could tell JO that she really was being ridiculous on the matter. I didn't though, cause it just wasn't worth my effort when I can come here and talk about Utena with people I like being around and I know won't pounce all over each other for differing opinions.
I'm not about to write a five page book post to anyone that doesn't view them as a couple and how wrong they are (which is basically what I feel she did on the opposite side of the matter), opinions exist because we aren't all hive minded and can think for ourselves.
Calamity wrote:
I actually haven't watched her Eva review yet, mainly because on the very same D2 forum I read her basically freaking out about them using imagery from her "dear religion" (her words, not snark on my part). I guess I'm not exactly the best person to say anything on the matter, as I'm basically Agnostic, but I was worried that she would break her usual rather professional review style and spend the length of the review angsting about how Anno is a douche for using religious imagery of her given religion.
Her defensiveness on differing opinions is what bothers me as well. In the aforementioned UtenaxAnthy rant she seemed to try to more or less beat someone down because they viewed Utena and Anthy as a couple and she did not. She wasn't cruel about it, but it lead to what my brain translated as a lot of "YOU'REWRONGWRONGWRONGANDI'MRIGHT" til basically the other person folded. I never wanted to join the forum more badly than I did right at that moment just so I could tell JO that she really was being ridiculous on the matter. I didn't though, cause it just wasn't worth my effort when I can come here and talk about Utena with people I like being around and I know won't pounce all over each other for differing opinions.
I'm not about to write a five page book post to anyone that doesn't view them as a couple and how wrong they are (which is basically what I feel she did on the opposite side of the matter), opinions exist because we aren't all hive minded and can think for ourselves.
I feel like, yes, Utena's completely up for interpretation on that subject matter since they don't make it very explicit either way, but I'm on the side that believes there was probably something there more than just "bffs". Personally, I feel like, regardless of religion what's there is there. And if she's biased to think that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING THAT HAS TO DO WITH SAME SEX EXISTS IN UTENA just because of her religion, then that's almost like plugging your ears and screaming LALALALALAICAN'THEARYOUUUUU.
Argue, share interpretations, counter, disagree, agree, whatevs. Just don't be a judgmental, condescending asshole about it and all is well. My biggest beef with her was that... Uh. You can have both. You can "get" all there is to get about Utena while still looking at Utena and Anthy as a couple (or potential couple). The two of them can love each other romantically and in all other ways, and can still represent and carry the show's messages about gender and growing up. Ikuhara feared that you can't have one with out the other, that one would overshadow, but he didn't think it impossible, and IMHO successfully gave us both.
Last edited by OnlyInThisLight (05-16-2011 10:14:45 PM)
I've seen her Eva review, although I haven't seen the anime. Her problems didn't seem to be with religious imagery, but the storytelling. That was what she ranted on.
And I think it is a lovely thing that Utena and Anthy's relationship remains ambiguous throughout the anime. It really doesn't make sense to me for someone to declare it one way or the other. Yes, they were taking on typically romantic roles. But yes, it went past that. In the end, their feelings for each other can't be summed up as "prince" and "princess", so why say the degree of romantic to platonic should be simplified in that way? You can have your opinion, but the show doesn't back one side or the other up.
A lot of it is personal choice. I showed my mother A Very Potter Musical, which has two male characters that, while maintaining the guise of friendship, are obviously not fooling anyone down to the language they use. It's a satire on the concept; it's supposed to be obvious they're in lurrrrveee. My mother is fairly accepting, but she sees it as strictly platonic, and it's just because that's how she wants to see it.
'Cause I'm happy as a squirrel, when I'm with Professor Quirrel~
Short Fat Otaku - Episode 6: Revolutionary Girl Utena (1/3): … re=related
Short Fat Otaku - Episode 6: Revolutionary Girl Utena (2/3): … re=related
Short Fat Otaku - Episode 6: Revolutionary Girl Utena (3/3): … re=related
This Guy Is the Absolute Worst!
As if ripping apart the series, movie, and game wasn't bad enough, he bad mouths the fandom too!
I'm seriously considering flagging this jerk, any objections?
Last edited by RhythmFusion (05-16-2011 06:02:34 PM)
Eh, this kind of semi-inflammatory backhanded compliment review is kind of in vogue, I wouldn't worry about it too much.
What do you mean in vogue?
Haha, no, this is pretty funny He doesn't say anything that isn't either true or a matter of opinion, and he's clearly put thought into what's going on in the show; it's no fair to flag a guy because he thumbs his nose at a show we like. And he gets bonus points for using Naji's dub
I agree with Gio; there's no real distinction between this and what the Nostalgia Critic does. Utena is a show about iconoclasm, but the show itself is an icon. Let this guy clasm it.
Oh would you look at that, he really is saying a lot about Empty Movement.
I don't mind. You run a site this big and you have to be ready to be called fucking nuts.
God why isn't that my computer boot sound???
Someone rip this for me so I can make it a windows sound.
Yeah, he's pretty much a fat-hating asshat who believes possessing a penis and watching anime makes his opinions all important and infallible, and confuses copious amount of cussing and pointing out things he does not like for critique. Nothing new here.
Cosplay? Analysis? Dear lord, we are crazy! We surely must do these things because we devote our lives and every waking second to this show -not because it's, yanno, fun. What's wrong with us? We need more half-naked women and pre-pubescent girls on our walls, stat!
I've long since come to terms that not only are there very, very many people out there who do not 'get' Utena wholly (as in, they understand and appreciate the character development, but not the literary or other types references, or that it's absurdist fiction that focuses on the themes and motifs of shoujo) but that aren't interested in getting it -they came to Utena wanting either super-sappy or detailed yuri, or moe, or at least lots of boobs, and when they didn't find that, really couldn't care less about the rest of it. And mostly, that 99.9% of what most of us here "get" about the deeper themes and ideas in Utena we gained because we loved it first, and then delved in deeper- we re-watched the episodes, studied references, looked up information about the makers and discussed theories with each other and in general devoted a certain amount of time and thought to figuring it out. Most of us were young when we saw it, or had not seen a lot of shoujo. We didn't immediately understand or fully appreciate it on first watch. This is going to be true for any anime fan when they first watch it. They will either like it a lot and start thinking about it, and be willing to have their own perspectives on it challenged, and figure more and more about it out, or they will not be particularly interested and will simply think it pointlessly weird or boring.
Utena is hailed as a masterpiece, coveted and adored by a few, and the kind of show that people can take away different, equally valuable things from. If it's not popular, so be it. Just the way things turn out.
Though I do think he needs to credit Naji for using clips from her dub.
[And I thought all the characters do the Sega Logo Tune, you get a different one each time, unless I am very likely mistaken.]
Last edited by OnlyInThisLight (05-16-2011 11:16:20 PM)
He does credit Naji in the end credits, and bemoans that she hasn't been more prolific.
Honestly, I thought it was pretty funny. And when he isn't cursing and whining about the repeated sequences, his descriptions of the characters are more spot on than they'd be if he hadn't been paying attention--most people who don't pay attention think Touga is a good guy.
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