This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :) are absolutly right...
...go me?...
Attention those who like Sally:
She has become pregnant and isnt suitable for pictures at the moment. so untill her child is born...
pics are postponed!
KissingT.Kiryuu wrote:
Attention those who like Sally:
She has become pregnant and isnt suitable for pictures at the moment. so untill her child is born...
pics are postponed!
So who's the father?
Of course you can see more pictures of Orchid. They won't be new, they will be stock out of my "D&D lives" folder because.....
Orchid is pregnant for the 4th time!
and the father of the soon to be Sally Spawn is...
This Man! His name is Albeir... don't be offended by his "Ken"-ness
Before getting pregnant...smexy.
Sally is on her Maternity break. she says hi.
Orchid coming soon...she has a while before she starts showin, so i'll do that tonight!
Last edited by KissingT.Kiryuu (12-23-2006 06:17:31 PM)
Your sim jinxed Kozue. I demand she pay child support.
That guy isn't me. I don't look like Ken.
Im very sorry about Kozue but just about all my female sims are pregnant right now, including my 3rd favorite house the mizer house featuring Lolita and Kami.
i remember back in the first sims when all you would have to do is kiss till a box poped up saying "wana have a baby?" now you just go...
At least you can't get pregnant from kissing anymore. That sounds like the product of a fundie's nightmare.
Another set of pictures to comment and laugh and stuff about.... Death! on the toilet!
Orchid's wings clip right through the couch!
Eiries is posing.
My best friend's favorite pic of Kami and Lolita.
In the original sims games the closest your sims could get to having sex was that vibrating bed in The Sims Livin' Large. Oddly enough, sims never seemed to ask if they wanted to have a baby after using it. There was also an adoption service, but it was just a random phonecall.
Jeez, I'd hate to get a phonecall like that late at night.
Kami and Lolita = HOT
As for the psychic advisor's head exploding... I don't want that conversation! Ever! I'm going to go hide under my bed now.
more of my sims are hot.. Then this is a bad time to mention my sad looking Bunny girl stripper?
Is it a bad time to see Shatter sad that he can't step into your computer?
the only pic i have of bunny girl is from the body shop and its mostly her face...
Meet Kumiko!
I am sad that I can't step into your computer now.
You have so many redheads... and I really have a thing for redheads.
my hair is a deep red (but i dye it) thats why i make so many. i should make a sim that looks mostly like me.
I have my next project...right now.
I did see your hair in your picture in the non-suit thread. It's a very nice color.
And Sims of IRG members would be way cool.
well...if people who want one can give me good current pics, i bet i could easily do it. i am very good with a face gen.
I'd like to be made into a Sim. There are many pics of me over on IFD, too.
I'd like to make sims of some of the people on this forum. That would be fun! I don't like the idea of making myself into a sim, because goodness knows that I would abuse my power and steal Shiori from Juri, but I wouldn't mind having sims of other people