This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Utena in the movie rose bride dress is so gorgeous and utterly breath taking.......Anthy doesn't look as good but still awesome.
ShatteredMirror wrote:
Utena looks hot as a guy.
Duh - dude, movie-Utena when she's not in dueling form? I'd hit that - hard - and she looks like a boy there.
Tamago wrote:
That is soooo cool looking! Tamago-kun wa kakkoii desu ma! (sorry, I just got back from Japanese class... so I had to... ^^; and, for the record 'ma' can be used as an ending to a declarative statement, but usually only really old guys use it... which doesn't explain at all why I would use it... ^^; )
Tamago wrote:
Is it just me, or does Mitsuru have something weird on his face in this shot?
A Day Without Me wrote:
Tamago wrote:
Is it just me, or does Mitsuru have something weird on his face in this shot?
You noticed that as well, I didn't add that to his face it was already like that before I started. I am guessing that it is either just dirt on his face or he got thats cats eyes and cat whiskers expression for some reason.
As for the adding ma at the end of the phrase 'Tamago-kun wa kakkoii desu ma!', wouldn't saying nyan at the end be cuter?
Tamago wrote:
As for the adding ma at the end of the phrase 'Tamago-kun wa kakkoii desu ma!', wouldn't saying nyan at the end be cuter?
Haha, maybe - but I always use 'ware' as opposed to 'watashi', so it just seems to go along with the general theme... that theme would be talking like an 80 year old man, apparently.
I don't know about Japanese but I do know that I like the Duellist Anthy/Rose Bride Utena pic.
Tamago wrote:
hyacinth_black gave my last recolour a hug
So how you feel about a golden blonde Anthy with a light brown haired boy Utena. … ena21g.jpg
EDIT: I altered the picture some more to fix up some mistakes I made.
Just my attempt at some Nanami fanservice.
Hya-tan, I see by all the that you like my Blonde Anthy & Boy Utena a fair bit.
Last edited by Tamago (02-02-2007 06:09:08 PM)
Fanservice WAI! I like it, and I'm not even a Nanami fan. But then, you've already done the Juri fanservice.
damn your good!
Damnit, Tamago, you made me blush.
Tamago wrote:
I know that Razara amongst others here are Shiori fans so they deserve a bit of fanservice as well. … imsuit.jpg
I think you owe it to me to go get the mop now.
Oh my. And I'm not even a major fan.
Tamago wrote:
I cannot remember who it was or even which thread it was where someone asked for the movie-Utena in the Rose Bride costume and movie-Anthy to be wearing the Duelling costume, but I decided to give it a shot and while I would not claim that this is great art, but I hope it is at least passable. … versed.jpg
The black and white first draft is on my devart account. I'm not overly fond of it, especially Utena's face, but the third and fourth versions were far better -of course, my scanner's been busted for going on two years now, so those aren't online anywhere.
Nope, I drew it.
Edit: It was over on the SIMS thread I think, in the SKU forum.
Last edited by morosemocha (02-03-2007 01:09:06 AM)
...I figure those three minutes I just murdered with this weren't gonna be for anything useful anyway. X__x
yeaaah... I'm lazy.
Ooh, more sexy recoloring. Yay.
their hair went much more smoothly X___x
I am sad that I do not have Tamago's image-manipulation skills, but I figured I'd share what I've got. (It'll be a long and relatively image-intensive post.)
First, I have my two movie-brides that some of you have seen in another post.
This is the original. This is an original Utena-RPG character of mine named Kizuhana. This was colorized from a line drawing.
This is the one I recolored for hyacinth.
One of my oldest, a slightly recolored (colored from a line-drawing) sword of Dios. It was Kizuhana's Dios-sword.
This is a purple-lit Black Rose call-out letter. It's older, and not as good. It was intended to be used in the RPG with Kizuhana. The text is also mine.
This one is icon sized, as I never colorized the full image for it. It's a recolor for another RPG character of mine, Danika a.k.a. the angel Mephistopheles.
Now we get into the recent stuff. These are all character-recolors for the same RPG character of mine, Amagi Katsuki from the ATL game I advertised in the Roleplaying section.
Golden-haired Utena looks pretty nice. The nudity is an added bonus.
Oh, yes. Golden-haired Utena + newly recolored Bride's dress =
There is a reason why Akio's shadowed out. I.... just don't quite remember it.
A simple recolor of a red background and gold hair.
More golden Utena, and a recolored Miki!
Aaaaaand, the last one of the day..... a golden Utena with a different Boy's uniform recolor. It matched her Bride's dress.
*stretches* That's all the ones I was willing to share/had done at the time I saw the thread had been made. There'll be more later.
I have a special obsession for black haired Miki, that I do.