This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Oooh, you could do it reversed. After all, you already did Nanami. Mmm... Juri-kun...
Tenjou_sailorsaturn wrote:
Actually I wonder how Anthy will look in boy's uniform.
She was wearing one in the manga. I'll try to get a pic of it.
Tenjou_sailorsaturn wrote:
Or, Tamago, you can do it reversly, so that we can have Kozue kun, Utena kun, Anthy kun, etc.
Actually I wonder how Anthy will look in boy's uniform.
I will struggle to meet as many of these wishes as I can pull off
For now you will have to settle for some squeeky cuteness that is Miki-chan and Juri!
Last edited by Tamago (01-05-2007 01:52:23 AM)
Haha, Miki-chan... I love Juri's smirk. That's so perfect.
ShatteredMirror wrote:
Haha, Miki-chan... I love Juri's smirk. That's so perfect.
Thank you
I recently bought a book on body language and the reason I got this one was two reasons, one, it was dirt cheap $8, and two, because it has many realistic anime like drawing in it with lots of facial expressions and I plan on using that to alter the faces to convey the feeling I want them to convey.
Just for the hell of it, I created a What If picture of Utena and Dios if they were truely fused together into one being, a being I call Diena!
Edit: Added New and Improved Diena picture.
Last edited by Tamago (01-05-2007 04:30:42 PM)
Tenjou_sailorsaturn wrote:
Or, Tamago, you can do it reversly, so that we can have Kozue kun, Utena kun, Anthy kun, etc.
Actually I wonder how Anthy will look in boy's uniform.
MANTHY!!!!! MANTHY!!!!!!!
(see IFD thread A surprise for Touga. [Rated R for rose-crested genitals])
And there is no way you cannot love Diena. No way in hell. Or IFD.
Maarika wrote:
The eyes should be blue, though. I see much more Dios in it than Utena
I agree, actually. It does look more like a female Dios than an Utena/Dios combo.
Umm... I would like to take the time right now to apologize for these following entries into this thread.
I am so sorry.
Please forgive me for what I am about to post.
And also forgive me for this addition to Tamago's sex change series...
I thought that it would be very likely that Saionji, Akio, & Touga would make some kinda porno, seeing as that is the kinda thing they do.
Don't hate me.
*takes deep breath and shakes fist to sky*
KissingT.Kiryuu wrote:
I was going to argue that's the wrong Star Trek, but actually I can totally see Touga travelling to worlds unknown to have sex with green chicks.
Except he's not really a brawler type. Touga's a hot Romulan.
...that I just considered starting a thread for this is proof I'm a god forsaken pathetic nerdy jackass.
(Akio = Q, Saionji = Worf, Miki = Wesley)
People wrote:
Diena looked too much like Dios and not enough like Utena
When I look at my Diena picture again I was forced to agree so I re-edited it and added more Utena touches to Diena appearence.
I hope you all like this one better!
Much better!
Heehee, Juri's naked!
This thread gives me such joy
Here are my contributions
Bonus points for those who know this reference.
when im not lazy im gonna join in....
Speedracer reference!
One internet are belong to you.
These two pictures I edited I gave up on as I suffered from writers block trying to give them clever captions... maybe you guys and gals can come up with something clever.
Ruka 'Jugs' Tsuchiya
Miki 'All over me' Kaoru
hyacinth_black wrote:
Great, it's my senior year of high school all over again.
You can blame an ad for the Hulk movie I saw while I had this picture on display.
Edit: Changed pic url and Nanami was thinner before and her suit was previously intact!
Last edited by Tamago (01-06-2007 02:30:16 AM)
Needs more bulging biceps! Nanami SMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASH
( Tamago
Busty Ruka and Gamma-Nanami... oh my...
Last edited by ShatteredMirror (01-06-2007 02:12:12 AM)
Yasha wrote:
Needs more bulging biceps! Nanami SMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASH
I hope you are happy with the now musclier and bouncier Nana-Hulk!
Yasha wrote:
Tamago needs all the good hard textual loving Tama can get!
Last edited by Tamago (01-06-2007 08:31:37 AM)