This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
I know it's a little early to bring up Spring Break, but this year will be my last Spring Break as an undergrad, so I'd like to, y'know, leave the state and do something for once.
So I've decided to go to Chicago. I've never been there, and Gaelic Storm, one of my favorite live bands, is doing a show at the Chicago House of Blues on March 16, which falls during my school's Spring Break. (I actually have March 10-18 to play with, but will probably go the 15th through 18th, because that's the only time my friend is available to go with me.) Since parking costs an arm and a leg downtown, I'm probably going to take a bus, perhaps Amtrak if it comes to that.
Anybody from the Chicago area have any suggestions about stuff to do, especially any special events happening March 10-18?
And, of course, please share any plans and pose any questions you might have for Spring Break travel. If anyone's looking to go to Detroit, I can help you with that. *snerk*
I hear that Antarctica is nice at this time of year, its got heaps of things going for it.
Its got ice,
its got snow,
its got the Aurora Australis...
and most importantly its got...
Whoa, I'm definitely going to Antarctica! I wanna see penguins
The spring break is ridiculously short, they expect us to rest in a week while we have our exams coming up shortly after that! I wish it was my summer break...
Gaelic Storm? In Chicago? Wow!
...wait, I'm in California. Damn. Gaelic Storm is great, but not great enough to go all the way to Illinois.
If anyone's going to Disney, I'll help you out, but my sincerest advice is not to.
Personally, I've always wanted to visit Alaska. Don't know why, as I hate it when the temp drops below 65 here.
I really wouldn't know anything about Chicago, but I hope you have much fun.
I wanna go to China and visit everyone, but I'm rather sure the space has been taken up by the doctor. ... And I'm poor.
I dont' see why people come vistit San Antonio in general. Its made of old and scary and half the people here refuse to talk to you in English because you should respect their Spanish. ~___~ It's also usually obscenely hot, but is currently covered in ice. *curls up in a ball* I can't help you get here though.
...I had a dream that penguins came into a broken window during my sleep because it was getting cold outside? Yeah, subconcious me isn't that bright.