This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)

#201 | Back to Top05-22-2015 08:01:43 PM

Bitch Queen
From: Edmonton, AB, Canada
Registered: 10-15-2006
Posts: 6031

Re: Little things you realized after watching this show too damn much

YamPuff wrote:

Saw this on Facebook and it creeped me out, looks like the 100 boys Nemuro torched. … ursp4.jpeg

Quick, check for mysterious fires on campus! emot-gonk

Hat Mafia Member: Ratchedface
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#202 | Back to Top07-28-2015 10:23:29 PM

Qualified Duellist
From: Portugal
Registered: 09-10-2007
Posts: 741

Re: Little things you realized after watching this show too damn much

I just started rewatching SKU yet again, finished the second episode and noticed a few things I'd yet to realize before:

*Episode one, when Utena is lying on her back next to Wakaba and telling her about her fateful encounter with the princely figure of her childhood, as she stares fondly at her ring. I could not help thinking of the infamous sex scene much later on. It is probably the way the hair pools around Utena and the great contrast between the two scenes suddenly brought them together in my mind. The fact that in both Akio is involved, albeit only indirectly in the first one, clinched it further.

*Episode one, right at the end when Anthy meets Utena after the duel. Anthy says she will be Utena's flower from there on; then on episode two, mid-duel, Saionji claims that Anthy and the sword of Dios are his 'flowers'. It makes me wonder if he is not quoting Anthy and probably unconsciously so. Assuming Anthy also gave him the same spiel of being the winner's 'flower' as she did to Utena, that is. Saionji is the type to have taken such a speech at face value, too. It could be a very subtle proof of Anthy's manipulative ways.

*Episode two, Saionji's sword rack actually has the ever present rose crest. It amused me greatly.



#203 | Back to Top08-01-2015 05:28:52 AM

Troublesome Insect
From: under the dogstar sail
Registered: 09-30-2013
Posts: 643

Re: Little things you realized after watching this show too damn much

It's really a thing you realize after watching the op once and I am so ashamed that it took me so long to notice.

Those drops coming from Saionji in the op are not sweat, as I previously thought.

They are TEARS.

The lyrics go 'even if I cry' at that point.

Saionji you poor baby emot-gonk

(TIL I'm dumb)

Nocturnalux wrote:

*Episode two, Saionji's sword rack actually has the ever present rose crest. It amused me greatly.

'Nice rack, Saionji.'

Last edited by Snow (08-01-2015 05:30:47 AM)



#204 | Back to Top10-09-2015 12:35:58 PM

Thorn of Death
From: Austin, Tx
Registered: 09-29-2008
Posts: 507

Re: Little things you realized after watching this show too damn much

Moved over from random thread.

No but really, jeez -- how much hair does Utena lose in duels. I get that they are using scenes over and over again, but i mean... im pretty sure you could collect pink fibers on the dueling arena and make a pillow.


[side note: i was going to post a picture, but i think i accidentally killed the gallery D: . i visited and then it 500'd, im sorry!]



#205 | Back to Top10-09-2015 02:36:42 PM

Atlantean Singer
From: Vancouver, B.C.
Registered: 03-26-2007
Posts: 570

Re: Little things you realized after watching this show too damn much

KissFromARose wrote:

Moved over from random thread.

No but really, jeez -- how much hair does Utena lose in duels. I get that they are using scenes over and over again, but i mean... im pretty sure you could collect pink fibers on the dueling arena and make a pillow.


It's a trope!

They mention Nanami's mid-duel de-braiding in the trope examples, but there's nothing about Utena.

We're here, we're queer, we don't want any more bears!
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#206 | Back to Top11-05-2015 03:53:54 PM

Sunlit Gardener (Finale)
From: Brisbane
Registered: 10-31-2012
Posts: 194

Re: Little things you realized after watching this show too damn much

Re watching the duels on their own, I've realized something, During the final duel "Revolution" while a portion of it's animation is reused from previous as expected of a post-Kurobara arc duel since JC Staff was using most of their animation budget for the non-action scenes and the revised stock footage for the reoccurring scenes like the sword and the arena ascension and it shows in the actual duels especially Juri's final duel in episode 29 which reused almost all of the animation from her first duel in episode 7.

Yes the fact that were two duel happening at roughly the same was swell but It ultimately felt gimmicky because the duel with ruka and juri was juri duel from episode 7 but with juri on the defensive and because most of the duel was focus on Juri and Ruka's; we don't know how juri was fairing against utena but the duel against ruka implied that juri was a lot weaker then she was back in episode 7 but because of the fact that most of Juri's duel against was utena overshadowed by her duel against Ruka in screentime and does't help that utena is still on the defensive like in episode 7 and juri was portrayed as her the untouchable duelist seen during episode 7 the only clue of her weakness in the duel against utena was the fact that she didn't parry utena when was under the power of Dios like in episode 7(again)

But moving back to the main topic of this post, when they used a specific piece of animation from juri's duel at 4:28 of this video:

Realized how Utena is on offensive against Akio showcasing how much strong she was compared to her first duel with Juri in episode 7, the only reason why she lose was because Anthy back-stabbed her and wounded her for the duration of episode 39, it does't help that despite her capabilities; Akio was still going to win because at the core of it, the duels were created for Akio's benefit since he needed someone who retained their sense nobility like Utena to break the steal to the power of Dios thought that might be fabrication in it's self and Akio just wanted to fuck around with the more emotionally insecure students of the school and took advantage of them by fabricating the power dios and say that it fix their problems because he was bored being the temporary chairmen and needed something to entertain himself so he got his little sister who was going to ohtori academy and asked her to make up some bs about being a witch and having the seal to the power of Dios regarding herself to fool student council members into sympathizing with her.

I don't know what I'm talking about anymore
We need more emoticon so I don't have to copy and paste images from something awful, Also can someone created variant of this from The Dark Id's Something Awful for the Drakengard 3 let's play but with Ikuhara instead of Yoko Taro's sock-puppet:
Ok now I'm done with my over analysis, continue posting in this thread as normal etc-jurishlick



#207 | Back to Top12-16-2015 10:35:54 PM

New Student
Registered: 12-07-2015
Posts: 2

Re: Little things you realized after watching this show too damn much

This might have been really obvious, but in Wakaba's BR episode, we see Anthy just strolling around with the hair clip Saionji made. I always wondered how exactly Anthy wound up with it, but then I realized that Mikage must have given it to "Mamiya" as a present. Taking the hair clip might have even been her idea.



#208 | Back to Top12-17-2015 12:09:36 AM

Thorn of Death
From: Austin, Tx
Registered: 09-29-2008
Posts: 507

Re: Little things you realized after watching this show too damn much

damn, thats brutal and i hadn't thought of it that way.

I never really put the thought through it though... does Mikage give it to Mamiya? obviously he wants to kill the rose bride so... he's not really pleasant with anthy... is he? how *did* that event happen... did anthy do it on purpose and did mikage know this would happen?? !!

man this show, always more questions.



#209 | Back to Top12-17-2015 12:20:56 AM

no, definitely no cons
From: New Orleans, Louisiana
Registered: 10-16-2006
Posts: 10328

Re: Little things you realized after watching this show too damn much

Yeah, that was a lovely bit of visual storytelling, wasn't it? emot-smile  Mikage definitely asked Saionji for the hairpin in order to drive Wakaba into his elevator, so he must have known Anthy would end up with it.  Maybe Mamiya offered to "give" the pin to Anthy.  Or maybe Akio acted as go-between.  That's a great example of an author leaving out a detail that consumes screentime and doesn't matter much; you get the whole story, at least the important parts, in a few seconds of footage. etc-love



#210 | Back to Top12-17-2015 11:44:43 AM

Qualified Duellist
From: Portugal
Registered: 09-10-2007
Posts: 741

Re: Little things you realized after watching this show too damn much

More than the hairpin, what really makes me wonder is Juri's locket. Just how did Mikage get his hands on it? Did he go scuba diving into the lake? Or did he make a replica, somehow? Finding a locket that looks the same might not be all that easy but the photograph would be a different story. It's not impossible but I still think Mikage got the original locket. Either that or he got Mamiya-Anthy to do it but I doubt it, Mikage would probably not endanger him/her.

Of course Mamiya-Anthy could always use their powers to magic it into existence but I cannot help imagining Mikage, in full scuba diving gear, complete with a metal detector. It'd be hilarious if Nanami caught him.

Last edited by Nocturnalux (12-17-2015 11:52:19 AM)



#211 | Back to Top12-17-2015 06:34:13 PM

Mikage Mistruster
Registered: 10-18-2015
Posts: 67

Re: Little things you realized after watching this show too damn much

(( Nocturnalux,

Just how did Mikage get his hands on it? Did he go scuba diving into the lake?

I think the answer is simpler than you're giving it credit for.

In previous episodes it was suggested that Anthy has some affinity / control over animals.  Usually this has manifested itself as incidents against Nanami.

However, there is a bird theme featured predominately in this duel episode featuring Mikage and Juri and Shiori.  And... there is a freeze-frame bonus as well.  If you stop the show just before the coffin gets tossed into the incinerator, there is a bird alongside the dead duelist.  (As an aside, a number of the coffin cremations have freeze-frame bonus.  Kozue's features a pair in the coffin, and Tsuwabuki's has a child's backpack in the coffin.)  Anyway, this episode is one of the few episodes where Anthy's ability to control animals is used on someone other than Nanami.

So... for me, I always just thought that Anthy had her birds fish out the locket from the lake, and then give it to Mikage... who gives it to Shiori.  If that makes sense.

Though... with my luck... I just pulled an Inspector Lestrade.  ))



#212 | Back to Top12-17-2015 08:48:02 PM

Qualified Duellist
From: Portugal
Registered: 09-10-2007
Posts: 741

Re: Little things you realized after watching this show too damn much

Yeah, animals under Anthy's control is covered by her using her powers but I actually think a more overtly magical explanation would fit the bill better. Anthy would probably not have to use any animals for this, her own powers would more than suffice. So I'd rather think it has more to do with Ohtori's magical nature and its being under Anthy's control than anything else.

But it still makes me wonder just what Mikage thought of it. He shouldn't be aware that Mamiya has any special powers, after all. Who knows, maybe Mikage did scuba dive into the lake and managed to find it. emot-dance

Last edited by Nocturnalux (12-17-2015 08:56:29 PM)



#213 | Back to Top12-27-2015 02:22:24 AM

Thorn of Death
From: Austin, Tx
Registered: 09-29-2008
Posts: 507

Re: Little things you realized after watching this show too damn much

I've mentioned in other threads im rewatching with a friend. But occasionally, i will jump ahead to final episodes and rewatch them on my own just to enjoy the feels again. (snorting kool-aid, once again)

but boy am i stupid. I've seen utena n number of times... so many.

Anthy is in a coffin because Utena was in a coffin when she was a kid hiding from the world. Hiding her "self" ... Utena is symbolically opening that coffin and giving anthy that chance to escape and move on. holy fuck.

I feel like an idiot, and my head is exploding.

WELP time for my next rewatch of that episode



#214 | Back to Top01-24-2016 09:33:29 AM

New Student
Registered: 10-19-2015
Posts: 2

Re: Little things you realized after watching this show too damn much

This really isn't 'little' persay but I only recently realized there was more than one ending song and animation. I had watched the youtube version hosted by nozomient which didn't have any animation in the credits, only the actual 'credits'. ED 2 even has a kissing scene between Anthy and Utena.

And ED4 just says nya nya nya la la la, over and over. But I'm sure you guys already know these things and I just never knew til recently.



#215 | Back to Top02-07-2016 08:59:53 PM

Tenjou Tilter
From: New Orleans
Registered: 01-26-2016
Posts: 89

Re: Little things you realized after watching this show too damn much

In watching episodes 22 and 23 for writing-research, I noticed quite a few things; how convenient that there's already a thread for "revelations that come from excessive watching"! emot-biggrin

It was funny to notice the production staff in the wall photographs of Nemuro Memorial Hall, but I finally realised that their presence is really appropriate and not merely a sight gag: they're the creators of Nemuro/Mikage and so indeed form a vital part of his memories!

I did wonder about the image of the hundred boys that appears throughout the BR, because all of the other wall photographs seem to record moments that actually happened.  Then I realised that the shot of them looking up, and the creepy *boom* that accompanies it - which reminded me of the sea of faces surrounding Anthy at the ball, with ominous music underscoring her fear - might have represented Nemuro's first day on the job, perhaps an introduction done deliberately in the most isolating and intimidating manner possible:

"Students, meet your new advisor.  He just got here five minutes ago and is now in charge despite having no idea what's going on, so I'm sure this won't create any sort of resentment.  Have fun!"
*Cue one hundred startled strangers turning around and looking up at whatever staircase or balcony, while Nemuro mentally crawls under a table and dies there.*

I also realised that after Tokiko asks Nemuro if there's anyone special to him, the next shot shows him outdoors, flanked by two students who each hold a tree: a growing thing, one for each person he loves, because Tokiko and Mamiya are both his answer.

And I think, though I'm not sure, that Mamiya's robes are colour-coded to tell you when he's real and when he's not: real Mamiya wears a purple robe the same colour as Nemuro's jacket, the false a red robe that matches Akio/Anthy.

Last edited by Astrinde (02-07-2016 09:33:36 PM)



#216 | Back to Top02-08-2016 10:48:21 AM

Nest Boxer
From: Crystal Millenium
Registered: 02-13-2007
Posts: 973

Re: Little things you realized after watching this show too damn much

Astrinde wrote:

And I think, though I'm not sure, that Mamiya's robes are colour-coded to tell you when he's real and when he's not: real Mamiya wears a purple robe the same colour as Nemuro's jacket, the false a red robe that matches Akio/Anthy.

I think more a case of the lighting in the false/true scenes/memories making his robe appear different colors more than the robe itself being colored differently, but I think you have a point there.



#217 | Back to Top02-11-2016 12:34:00 AM

Ends of the Fandom
From: Edmonton, AB
Registered: 10-12-2006
Posts: 8797

Re: Little things you realized after watching this show too damn much

How about the opposite? I haven't been watching it enough. I'm editing a scan of the shot of Miki imagining Touga on the bed talking BS. And I'm confused because I remember Touga's pants being open.

They're not. It's not even a close enough shot for them to draw it identifiably open.


Akio, you have nice turns of phrase, but your points aren't clear and you have no textual support. I can't give this a passing grade.
~ Professor Arisa Konno, Eng 1001 (Freshman Literature and Composition)



#218 | Back to Top02-11-2016 12:20:56 PM

Nest Boxer
From: Crystal Millenium
Registered: 02-13-2007
Posts: 973

Re: Little things you realized after watching this show too damn much

Giovanna wrote:





#219 | Back to Top02-11-2016 12:56:33 PM

Qualified Duellist
From: Portugal
Registered: 09-10-2007
Posts: 741

Re: Little things you realized after watching this show too damn much

Astrinde wrote:

"Students, meet your new advisor.  He just got here five minutes ago and is now in charge despite having no idea what's going on, so I'm sure this won't create any sort of resentment.  Have fun!"
*Cue one hundred startled strangers turning around and looking up at whatever staircase or balcony, while Nemuro mentally crawls under a table and dies there.*

This is an interesting mental image but I somehow doubt it went like that. Without a doubt Nemuro's former colleagues are very likely to resent his new position of authority over them but Nemuro would not care or perhaps even notice it. That is part of Nemuro's tragedy, that so much of human experience seems to go not so much over his head as past him entirely.
I canot see social ostracism as something to greatly impact Nemuro and certaintly not something to make him unravel. If his now subordinates refuse to actually do their job and thus hinder him then Nemuro can just have them replaced. But as far as Nemuro sees it, he is the most competent person and the one who should be in charge and he probably expects this to be obvious to everyone. As long as his now subordinates can get along with the program, though, Nemuro does not cre whether they accept his superior status or not.

So no, Nemuro would not be intimidated even by overt resentment and would just get the job done. He just does not prize or is aware of the social element enough.

Last edited by Nocturnalux (02-11-2016 12:57:15 PM)



#220 | Back to Top02-12-2016 08:33:27 AM

Tenjou Tilter
From: New Orleans
Registered: 01-26-2016
Posts: 89

Re: Little things you realized after watching this show too damn much

Nocturnalux wrote:

So no, Nemuro would not be intimidated even by overt resentment and would just get the job done. He just does not prize or is aware of the social element enough.

I apologise; I meant for the "crawl under the table and die" reaction to be a jest, and I too often forget that my written words don't convey changes in tone and intention. :/ The idea I wanted to express was that the image supports a situation designed to create isolation and resentment, with a new person being placed above the rest in both authoritative and physical position - even if the picture metaphorically represented that idea, rather than a depiction of any actual event.  But the image of the hundred boys is quite striking and unsettling, regardless, and it certainly doesn't need any fanciful scenarios to achieve that effect.

Last edited by Astrinde (02-12-2016 08:35:02 AM)



#221 | Back to Top02-15-2016 01:30:33 PM

New Student
Registered: 10-19-2014
Posts: 6

Re: Little things you realized after watching this show too damn much

Astrinde wrote:

Nocturnalux wrote:

So no, Nemuro would not be intimidated even by overt resentment and would just get the job done. He just does not prize or is aware of the social element enough.

I apologise; I meant for the "crawl under the table and die" reaction to be a jest, and I too often forget that my written words don't convey changes in tone and intention. :/ The idea I wanted to express was that the image supports a situation designed to create isolation and resentment, with a new person being placed above the rest in both authoritative and physical position - even if the picture metaphorically represented that idea, rather than a depiction of any actual event.  But the image of the hundred boys is quite striking and unsettling, regardless, and it certainly doesn't need any fanciful scenarios to achieve that effect.

Perhaps it was intimidation of a different sort? When we go back to Anthy's experience at the ball as she is purportedly frightened by the crowd surrounding her, I believe the general canon is that the atmosphere felt too much like the 1000 swords of hate for her to bear it. However, her current manipulative manner allows her to control the duelists emotionally, though it is unknown exactly how much a part Akio plays in that facet. So why not emotionally control the entire crowd? That crowd is alike to the mob that surrounded rallying against Anthy in Prince Dios's name, except now they are in Akio's power. The difference between the individual and the herd is a repeated theme in SKU, in particular because it is an integral part in determining identity in adolescence. In a sense, Anthy retains her state of adolescence as Akio, being an adult, twists her world around to in order to make her conform as much as possible. Her strange loyalty to her brother, whether moral or no, remains an integral part of herself.

With Nemuro, I see the Boys of the Black Rose as an attack on his identity, for neither has Nemuro actually grown up. That's why he, or his ghost, lingers at Ohtori and ends up facilitating the second arc. The derisive comments that rise from the boys are not an attack on Nemuro's pride, but his sense of self. For all his genius, Nemuro does not want to be a computer, but his very being is not built for relationships of the sort Tokiko and Mamiya know. That turns into the corrupted dynamic we see the three take on. Nemuro wants revolution in order for himself to obtain love and humanity, but being the cold genius he is, the ways he goes about doing it are completely wrong, i.e., purely through physical and social control. The image is unsettling, however, because Nemuro does not control the boys in the way he thought he could. The boys have the emotional natures and the passion Nemuro craves, which is why they come closer to Revolution first and why Nemuro commits arson to stop them.

Akio does wield power over emotion, and thus in reality (however much reality is actually present in SKU) is the one in control of the boys, just like Dios controlled the mob. Utena has the same passion as the Black Rose boys, thus giving the current Nemuro known as Mikage reason to want to bring her down. Akio deals in emotions, making Utena and the duelists a threat to Nemuro. As such, each of the duelists in connected to one or more Black Rose Boys in the Black Rose Arc. To Utena and the Black Rose Boys, emotion and relationships are means to an end, but to Nemuro, they are the end he sought through the uilization of control. As their professor, he can control everything but the boys' emotions, which is, in reality, a more volatile position from Nemuro's perspective. He gives their emotions direction through his own knowledge, but in his position can do nothing to stop this exploitation of self Akio set up. This connects back to Anthy's plight where her own emotions turn their back on her when harnessed by the mob. As Mikage, Nemuro uses the confession elevator to profit off the emotions of the people surrounding the duelists, but he fails continually because the projection of emotion and hate channeled is still not deep enough. "Go deeper" becomes a desperate cry for Nemuro as he tries to fill his own emptinesses.

So, as I see it, the Black Rose Boys seem to Akio's over-the-top taunt reminding Nemuro of his lack of real emotion and his obsession with control. This gives Akio leverage for when Utena and the new round of duelists appear because identity and desire are Akio's two primary currencies. But that's just my take.

Currently on a quest to revive SKU fanfiction. For fluff, crackfic, or angst, follow this link to the Ends of the World:



#222 | Back to Top02-15-2016 01:45:19 PM

Qualified Duellist
From: Portugal
Registered: 09-10-2007
Posts: 741

Re: Little things you realized after watching this show too damn much

I think Celian raises some very interesting points regarding Nemuro/Mikage. Nemuro's very skewed attempts at reaching a kind an emotional connection still use his 'human computer' methods so that the whole enterprise was flawed from the outset. And it is of course very telling that for of Mikage's disturbing insight into the darkest areas of the human psyche he is still clueless about this own, it is not just poetic justice that he ends up taking a ride in his own elevator, it is the logical conclusion of all he has done up to that point.

I always wondered whether Anthy really is as upset in the ball scene or if she is not actually manipulating Utena through it all. It may be a mixture of both, Anthy is entirely capable of using her trauma to channel distress but I cannot help thinking she was not simply terrified.



#223 | Back to Top02-15-2016 02:02:48 PM

New Student
Registered: 10-19-2014
Posts: 6

Re: Little things you realized after watching this show too damn much

Nocturnalux wrote:

I always wondered whether Anthy really is as upset in the ball scene or if she is not actually manipulating Utena through it all. It may be a mixture of both, Anthy is entirely capable of using her trauma to channel distress but I cannot help thinking she was not simply terrified.

Very true! It reminds me of the episode where Anthy tries to commit suicide, resulting in Utena pursuing her quest with even more fervor. How much is true pain and how much is manipulation, in any situation? (and thank you for the compliment)

Currently on a quest to revive SKU fanfiction. For fluff, crackfic, or angst, follow this link to the Ends of the World:



#224 | Back to Top02-17-2016 08:55:03 AM

New Student
Registered: 02-13-2016
Posts: 2

Re: Little things you realized after watching this show too damn much

CelianAdellanie wrote:

Nocturnalux wrote:

I always wondered whether Anthy really is as upset in the ball scene or if she is not actually manipulating Utena through it all. It may be a mixture of both, Anthy is entirely capable of using her trauma to channel distress but I cannot help thinking she was not simply terrified.

Very true! It reminds me of the episode where Anthy tries to commit suicide, resulting in Utena pursuing her quest with even more fervor. How much is true pain and how much is manipulation, in any situation? (and thank you for the compliment)

I personally think her suicide attempt was genuine in its emotional distress, though it wouldn't have worked considering Anthy is an immortal. She'd probably wake up Groundhog's Day style that same morning over again, or never hit the ground, or regenerate a new form.

I think she was faking it at the ball though because the scene helped spur Utena into noble action (since Akio & Anthy were all about testing Utena's limits) AND punish Nanami (Anthy knows Touga would be annoyed with his sister for the cruel prank thus negating any triumph Nanami would've felt).



#225 | Back to Top03-17-2016 03:38:23 PM

no, definitely no cons
From: New Orleans, Louisiana
Registered: 10-16-2006
Posts: 10328

Re: Little things you realized after watching this show too damn much



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