This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)

#1 | Back to Top07-16-2008 08:33:31 PM

IRG Messiah
From: Virginia, USA
Registered: 10-22-2006
Posts: 361

Japanese Sega Saturn for sale

I've seen a couple posts from folks interested in Japanese video games so I thought I'd give a heads up that I'm selling my Japanese Sega Saturn console.

I'm bundling it with the original Neon Genesis Evangelion game but for IRG members I'd also throw in a copy of the Utena game, both are really fun to play. I'd also ship it for free. Here's the Ebay link: … amp;ih=015

Last edited by Dani (07-16-2008 09:01:01 PM)



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