This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)

#1 | Back to Top11-26-2016 01:27:23 PM

Sunlit Gardener (Finale)
From: is-real
Registered: 10-21-2016
Posts: 193

Pokemon sun and moon

So game freak saw that go couldnt become there new cash cow so they made this to make everyone buy there stuff again. But it was pretty good imo so i will keep throwing my money at them.  Yay...

Last edited by itavin (11-26-2016 01:28:02 PM)

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#2 | Back to Top11-26-2016 04:15:32 PM

Tour Guide to Crawling Chaos
Registered: 10-19-2006
Posts: 719

Re: Pokemon sun and moon

itavin wrote:

So game freak saw that go couldnt become there new cash cow so they made this to make everyone buy there stuff again. But it was pretty good imo so i will keep throwing my money at them.  Yay...

Well, Sun and Moon were in development long before Pokemon Go was released, and Go was outsourced to a different development company anyway. The success or failure of Pokemon Go was never going to impact whether or not a new handheld game came out.

Glad to hear you enjoyed it, anyway! I've only heard good things. At least one of my other friends sounds like they'll be tempted back into the franchise with this generation as well.



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