This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)

#1 | Back to Top12-06-2011 03:03:58 PM

no, definitely no cons
From: New Orleans, Louisiana
Registered: 10-16-2006
Posts: 10328

Seeking an illustrator!

Hi IRG!  I made a new friend recently, and she has written a children's story that I think is pretty great.  She'd like to see it published, and asked me whether I know anyone who would be willing to illustrate it.  I know IRG is full of incredible artists, so I told her I'd put out the call.  The story is about three word-processed pages long, deals with loss of a parent and jealousy of a sibling, and is chock full of pretty imagery -- roses, fairies, kittens.  My friend doesn't have the money to commission art, so payment would have to come from the proceeds of publication.

Any takers?  If so, please PM me and I'll put you in touch!  emot-smile



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