This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)

#1 | Back to Top03-19-2015 08:52:51 AM

Registered: 03-23-2013
Posts: 387

Hard truths that most people don't seem to realize 99.9% of the time

The big one, for me: Everybody is going to die. The refusal to acknowledge this is behind most of the sound and fury that plagues all organized societies.

What brought this particular revelation on, in case you want to know:

[I looked up an article for Ginger the Mummy and I saw that he was curled into a fetal position, as if his family members, or whoever buried him, wanted to believe that dying merely meant a return to some kind of spiritual womb. I was immediately struck by the level of fear and denial that would be necessary for this belief and it made me very sentimental. So there.]

Last edited by zevrem (03-19-2015 08:56:04 AM)

The real purpose of elections is to make the people hate each other more than they hate their government.



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