This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Like the title says. The unfortunate business with Bio outed the nefarious plan to help me with my medical bills. You people are awful in the best of ways. Here I am for the second time writing a thank you post because you're all so awesome and thoughtful, and again I'm at a loss for what to say. (I'M BAD AT THIS.) Those of you who donated know who you are, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I've always kinda fought with myself about opening up donations, even when people have offered money. I didn't want to sound like a jerk, or act like I deserve anything any more or less than you. But seeing it in businesslike terms doesn't work as well when it's not just fans of the site donating, but friends. Forum members I know and talk to and care about, that care about me back.
I have that, and I don't forget it for a second, but you guys insist on reminding me anyway. So thank you. Bunches and bunches. I promise I'll use the money to do good. If by good we're talking about pay medical bills.
Since this is as good a place as any, here, have this!
Okay I know so it's a toaster strudel, but that's close enough! (Mmm. Raspberry.) That's supposed to say 'IRG YAY' with a little star, but the icing spread a bunch and it looks all weird. Still... a toast to IRG!
It was delicious. Also nevermind me in my bandana, it keeps the hair out of my face, ok?
Edit: Now that I'm looking at the icing, it looks vaguely like a very, very bad joke about Akio's aim.
Last edited by Giovanna (05-13-2007 07:41:12 PM)
You're fabulous darling. And I like the bandanna. Says "Grrrr..."
Not "gangbanger" or anything like that.
morosemocha wrote:
And I like the bandanna. Says "Grrrr..."
Not "gangbanger" or anything like that.
What about 'Yarrr...'?
Coincidentally, I just saw the trailer for the fourth Pirates of Caribbean three minutes ago
What really caught my attention there is the yummy and the plate. The plate looks really adorable. Was it hand-made?
I'm just glad that I was able to help out a little. And that IRG Toaster Strudel is awesome.
Hiraku wrote:
Coincidentally, I just saw the trailer for the fourth Pirates of Caribbean three minutes ago
What really caught my attention there is the yummyand the plate. The plate looks really adorable. Was it hand-made?
Wow! and the third's not even out yet.
That's a tough matchup though... Jack Sparrow vs Gio. Better yet, maybe they should team up instead.
The other day Kealdrea and I were debating whether Jack or Juri would win in a fight. She said Jack, because he would have the power of miracles on his side, but I still think that Juri would win.
Aww, Gio, you look so cute and happy in that picture.
I'm glad all of it helped. I wish I could have donated more, too. (If my donation even went through, that is.) But yay IRG!
*toasts with new rum given by grrl*
Must be a rum night, eh? So I'll raise another rum & coke in celebration!!! YAY GIO!!!
Q: Why are pirates so scary? A: They just YARRR
(bandana, huh? I'm distracted by that swan neck)
Yeah sweetie, you're still beautiful.
And toaster strudel = win.
Razara wrote:
The other day Kealdrea and I were debating whether Jack or Juri would win in a fight. She said Jack, because he would have the power of miracles on his side, but I still think that Juri would win.
Juri, no contest. I think a lot of Jack's power kinda disappears if he's dealing with a woman that isn't attracted to him. At the very least she'd get him all tied up and he'd manage a laughably miraculous escape.
Frosty wrote:
(bandana, huh? I'm distracted by that swan neck)
The two beauty marks/freckles/whatever on my neck mark where I'm most sensitive.
You know. FYI.
I look bad in a bandana, but you look amazing in one, Gio. Really.
Actually you look a lot like one of my friends who I haven't heard from in a while and have to contact because she still has my How to Draw Couples book... and I miss her...
So thanks for reminding me!
And that IRG strudel is epic. Raspberry...Mmmmmm...
We love you Gio!
Hiraku wrote:
The plate looks really adorable. Was it hand-made?
I forgot to answer this, oops. It probably is, but I don't remember where my mom got these. Either one of those catalogs you get in the mail or Pier 1. I'll ask.
We all love you Gio
huzzah medical bill reduction and a very cute Gio in a bandana
and silver looks good on you sorry random remark
BTW angelicreation do you mind sharing the rum i could use a drink
SexingTouga24/7/365 wrote:
huzzah medical bill reduction
And not a moment too soon! I just got a bill from the anesthesiologist. I totally forgot he was going to bill separately. At this rate I'm waiting for a bill from the nurses for removing the catheter. It really rubs me the wrong way that there's so much secrecy about your bills until after the fact. At no point did or could anyone provide me with a total cost of the operation. It certainly wouldn't be a dealbreaker, and ended up less than I had thought at my worst moments, but still. The only number I ever heard was an estimate for the hospital stay, which didn't include the anesthesia, the doctor, the blood tests, the drugs, and probably something else I forgot that'll pop up in my mailbox soon. Are they really this unorganized? Or does everyone see themselves as so separate an entity that they can't contact you before the operation to tell you what you're getting billed? They know what my co-pay is, they know my percentage charge, they know my max out-of-pocket. You know, when you get your car fixed, they are legally obligated to provide an estimate in writing.
[/Gio's daily rant about how fucked the American health care system is]
Giovanna wrote:
[/Gio's daily rant about how fucked the American health care system is]
You know, people wonder why we Canadian pay so much income tax, now this is exactly why. I'm always glad that we have no hospital (or surgery) bill to pay.........and also why our meds are cheaper.
I don't know how much donation you ended up getting, but I'm happy that it is helping you in some way.
Oh it definitely helped a whooole whole bunch. :hug:
As for you Canadians and your socialized kin... I would happily pay a higher income tax if health care and some other basic services were included in the package. I'm willing to bet that your income tax totals a lot less than our income tax + health insurance premiums and payouts. My health insurance plus the charges for my monthly meds accounts for about 80% of a week's pay for me. Granted, I have a more expensive policy right now because I knew the operation was coming, but still. People in America use our chronic illness as an excuse not to offer socialized care. What I think they're not accounting for is that in America, it's totally normal to get sick as a dog and refuse to see a doctor, because it costs a ton of money without insurance. (And a pretty chunk with it, really.) We don't get our regular check-ups, because who has the money for it? When you don't have health insurance, you have to sit there thinking about how stupendously fucked you'd be if you broke an arm, or had a tumor, and preventative care just isn't an option. And most Americans don't have insurance. It's really pathetic when I find myself acting like a kid in a candy store because I have insurance and YAY I can now see a dermatologist about this problem that's driven me nuts for years! YAY I can get allergy medication so I can breathe! YAY YAY.
Sometimes America really pisses me off.
Oof I'm all venomous tonight.
Giovanna, you are totally hot.
Tamago wrote:
Alexandra wrote:
Giovanna, you are totally hot.Gio-tan is more hitable than Anthy and thats saying a lot.
I will deny that i said it -because i'm a seme, i mean, i'm the supreme seme- but i'd almost prefer that Gio hit me more than hitting her.
Tamago wrote:
Alexandra wrote:
Giovanna, you are totally hot.Gio-tan is more hitable than Anthy and thats saying a lot.
DEPENDS ON WHAT YOU'RE HITTING WITH! *baDUM TSSSSSSSS* Thank you ladies and gentlemen, I'll be here all night!
Okay, bad jokes aside, Gio is VERY ((random overheard quote that i HAVE to write down: These Schnozzberries taste like Schnozzberries!!!)) Hittable. She has to be. She's Ends of the freaking Forum!!! Anyone with Ends of the... as a prefix to their title HAS to be sexy!! Sexy like, I-brought-it-back-before-Timberlake-sexy!
Tamago wrote:
Gio-tan is more hitable than Anthy and thats saying a lot.
But I'm pale. The bruises will show more.
Epi_lepsia wrote:
I will deny that i said it -because i'm a seme, i mean, i'm the supreme seme- but i'd almost prefer that Gio hit me more than hitting her.
Wow, that's just slightly below the gravity of changing a person's gender preference. Aren't I just the AWESOME.
hyacinth_black wrote:
Okay, bad jokes aside, Gio is VERY ((random overheard quote that i HAVE to write down: These Schnozzberries taste like Schnozzberries!!!)) Hittable. She has to be. She's Ends of the freaking Forum!!! Anyone with Ends of the... as a prefix to their title HAS to be sexy!! Sexy like, I-brought-it-back-before-Timberlake-sexy![/color]
Alright, alright that's enough flattery. As to my custom title, I never meant to suggest I have Akio's sex appeal. Only that I similarly have absolute power over this forum but do so from the background while my Touga does the actual legwork.
Seriously, Yasha's picked up a lot of slack for me while I've been dealing with this surgery stuff, and I owe her the world for it. Or maybe just a little car ride. After all, she did organize this behind my back, the dear.
...that said, if you people do think I'm that sexy, who am I to argue?