This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
No one is ever concerned about happiness, sadness, anger, fear, jealousy..etc.. Most are concerned about one emotion. it rules many peoples thoughts and actions, i speak of course...
of love...
Haddaway said it best... "What is love?" I am having a plethora of strange thoughts right now. why do i tell Taylor i love him? Out of habit? I wouldn't even tell him i "loved" him till i felt we had reached that point in our relationship where i could say, "this is love".
but how did i know? It makes me sick to my stomach to hear middle schoolers in "relationships" tell each other they love each other. it also makes me sick to hear people who have been dating for no more then a few weeks to say it to each other. Not only do i feel no one can ever truly understand the concept of "love" itself, but i also feel the word has been beaten up and broken down to mean just as much as the word "is" or "and".
Nothing more then a filler...
Please help me on this quest to understand one of the hardest things possible.
The same goes for the words like "cute" or "pretty". Even CLAMP has talked about it. Words ARE, in a way, magic spells, and they usually have to be said by the right person at the right situation. That's when words can have that magical effect on you. That ability to actually bring love into realization. Love is not a word. It's a kind of emotion, a passionate one you have toward something or someone particularly unique to you. Words are just something people come up as some kind of measure, a standard of sorts that allow us to communicate easier. Sometimes, you know how you have strong surge of emotions but you JUST CAN'T lay your finger exactly what that is? You're not sure if you are being happy, but you know you're not depressed either, but it's overwhelming, but the word "overwhelming" is not the right word to say, either. It's like that. Words alone can never to them justice, but again, right person & right situation. Always.
Don't bash love altogether, though, because it's there. I know it. I've seen people who'd scorn and make fun of other people for believing in love, and that is equally sad as those who abuse the word itself.
Last edited by Hiraku (09-05-2007 10:47:14 PM)
im not bashing it. im trying to understand it.
KissingT.Kiryuu wrote:
im not bashing it. im trying to understand it.
I know. I was merely stating that either extreme isn't good. What you said, though, reminds me of someone who made fun of me for believing in it <_< It still hurts whenever I think back on what that person said. But, oh well, she's a crazy bitch.
Last edited by Hiraku (09-05-2007 11:36:06 PM)
Well... if you've read the founding post in my thread about types of love, you know I'm seeking sort of the same thing you are.
The problem is that -- Hiraku notwithstanding -- love is just a word. Not that it doesn't exist -- I know it does! -- but ultimately, the word is just another lexical item: it means what we say it means. The way we typically use the word covers a staggering panoply of emotions -- sexual love, platonic love, fraternal love, parental love, narcissistic love, altruistic love, romantic love, friendly love, and God knows how many more. What do all these kinds of love have in common? Do they have anything in common? Or is the willy-nilly way we're using the word "love" fooling us into expecting relationships where none may exist?
I may rarely or never experience deep friendly love for a girl that isn't accompanied by sexual love, but even I can separate the two emotions. They're nothing like each other. Friendly love means I care about you and want your life to be amazing; sexual love means I want your bod pressed against mine right now. There's some superficial similarity in that both kinds of love make me want you near me, but for very different reasons. And not all love even includes that idea of proximity; you can hold altruistic love for a smelly panhandler on the street who you don't want within fifty feet of you.
But if the forms of love have nothing in common with each other, then how did the word "love" get to be associated with all of them? They must have something in common. They all deal with human beings, of course; on the other hand, we talk about "the love of money," too, and I don't get the impression that money is being personified when we do it. The only common thread I can tentatively grasp at is that they all have to do with desire. Who or what is being desired, and how, varies radically among the forms of love -- from "desiring the best for you" to "desiring to suck your nipples" to "desiring to be filthy rich" -- but anything called love incorporates desire.
On the other hand -- there is always another hand -- you can have desire that is not love. Just because I happen to desire some KFC right now, say, doesn't mean I love KFC. So if there are kinds of desire that aren't love, which kinds of desire are love? At a first pass, I'd say "the enduring kinds." If I want KFC now, and I want some tomorrow, and the next day, then at some point it becomes fair to generalize "I love KFC." Similarly, if I find I want to spend time with you a lot -- not just once in a while, but most of the time -- then I probably love you in one of those multifarious senses.
So I guess that's my best offhand effort at a definition of love in general: "consistent desire." Defining a specific kind of love would probably be even more complicated
Last edited by satyreyes (09-06-2007 10:51:19 AM)
Last edited by KissingT.Kiryuu (09-06-2007 09:42:05 AM)
Such gratitude you show for his attempt to help, KTK.
satyreyes makes a good point, though I think it's fair to add "consistant caring" to the description, as well. It could be called "the desire to care for," but that shifts the love to the act itself, not the person, which usually just ends up complicating things.
I think that's the most difficult question in the world, KTK. I always know when I'm in love, I have no doubts and other people are as sexy as rocks. (Sorry ) I realized lately that love has totally different effects and meaning for other people. I don't understand people who can "turn off" love from time to time - they don't need to see their beloved all the time, they don't think about them constantly. For me love reminds obsession - I know that I'm addicted to my love but I know that I feel something real.
What is love? Tenderness and care at the first place. Lust is more egoistic because we put our needs in the first place, in love it's clear that we want to make someone happy. Tenderness without desire and trust is incomplete.
dlaire wrote:
What is love? Tenderness and care at the first place. Lust is more egoistic because we put our needs in the first place, in love it's clear that we want to make someone happy. Tenderness without desire and trust is incomplete.
This is a really good observation. There's love that incorporates desire for someone else's well-being, and love that only incorporates desire for our own.
To a first approximation, I'd say that sexual love (lust), narcissistic love, and love of money/KFC are the kinds of love I've mentioned so far that are exclusively self-directed. The others contain components of self-love and components of other-love, except for altruistic love, which by definition is other-directed only. (Though I can imagine that even "altruistic" love might be selfish in some circumstances; how about the Jesus wannabe who cultivates love for everyone because it makes him feel virtuous?)
I think other-directed love is what Archambeau means by "caring," too.
I like the broader view on love, that love means to care about someone, like Archambeau pointed out. I'm very sceptical about people who keep saying they love someone because it really does cheapen the whole idea of love in my eyes.
I think of love as something deeper and as something which you cannot express so easily with just a few words. Whenever I hear someone say "I love you" I regard those as nothing more than words. I know they may hold truth in them (even if not entirely) and that whoever says that might also be sincere about it, but I rather believe it after I've been convinced that it's true indeed. And that's something words cannot express well. You can be loved by someone without ever being told of that and it's still possible to know you're being loved. And when you know that then what's the point of saying it? At most, if someone told me they loved me, I'd try to find out how much truth there is in their words, rather than accepting it right away. Gah, maybe I'm being too harsh about it but it seems so overused to me. I'd much rather be told that somebody cares about me or thinks about me, than that. That would mean much more to me than being told that someone loves me.
And now something more relevant: there are many types of love and everyone has their own way of loving others and understanding the concept. There are people who love others selflessly and being that way benefits themselves because it makes them happy so is it really a selfless love? And then there are people who love the feeling of being in love. I forgot what other types there were (we briefly talked about this topic in our Psychology class about a year ago, I can't recall much). What seems quite true, though, is that love is messed up. It is a mix of different emotions, it's not a pure feeling (which makes it hard to define). It has always been like that and will probably stay that way, too.
satyreyes wrote:
(Though I can imagine that even "altruistic" love might be selfish in some circumstances; how about the Jesus wannabe who cultivates love for everyone because it makes him feel virtuous?)
Given that he does it in order to get himself a pleasant feeling, that would mean there's some self-love, definitely. I do think altruism does not exist.
I once read somewhere a definition of love which involved three terms: passion, intimacy and compromise. Obviously, it rather describes the feeling the expression "falling in love" refers to [it could be called 'romantic' love], more than fraternal or filial, to mention a couple. If we were to look for a definition for all of them, I actually like the "consistent desire" satyreyes proposes. "Consistent caring" (I imagine it in close proximity to the tenderness dlaire mentions) is something I would understand as love, and even could ask for, but it's certainly not in everyone's definition. What I mean is that KTK love for KFC is "consistent desire", but not "consistent caring", so that second concept appears to be of a more reduced area. [Now I see that satyreyes has also pointed out that it probably refers to the 'other-directed' love]
Both Archambeau and Maarika mention the shift of the object: from the person to the act of caring/loving. I do perceive that as dangerous and a sure bet to end in an emotional mess. And, about saying "I love you", I do have mixed feelings about it. Sure someone doesn't love you only because he/she says it, and if the caring is shown and demonstrated, there's no real need to verbalize it. And, being as broad as the concept 'love' is, I rather hear (and I'm closer to understand the meaning of) a "I think of you" or "I care about you", too. But, and now I'm shifting to a psychological/anthropologic point of view, these three words are strongly fixed in our imagination images, so it's quite usual we expect or even hope to hear them, and they cause an important reaction on our minds, because of how they are associated to different feelings.
Edit: spelling.
Last edited by Asfalolh (09-06-2007 12:25:37 PM)
For me, everything relates to values and esteem. That seems to me to be the difference between "I love you" and "I love KFC". I may enjoy KFC, and desire KFC, but it's hard to imagine esteeming KFC beyond its purely utilitarian virtues, i.e., it tastes good and sates my hunger. (Note, the views just expressed may not be the actual views of Stormcrow. I don't like fried chicken much, and KFC is vomitous.) When I say to a person "I love you", I'm making a statement about that person's value to me. I'd make the same distinction between love and lust. Not that I've ever made that distinction really, but we're talking in abstract terms here.
You can also characterize the difference in terms of your expectations from others. If I say that I love a person to a third party, and that third party rolls their eyes and makes a rude remark, I'd be a little upset, whereas if I say "I love KFC" and someone makes gagging noises I'd probably just laugh it off.
A brief word about love and who's entitled to it, though. Let me tell you a story about a man I know. He was driving near the campus of the school he was attending, and a woman ran into his car. They exchanged insurance information, and a week or two later he was wanting to go out on a date but had no one to ask. So he remembered that he had this girl's phone number and called her up. Six weeks later they were engaged, and they've been married nearly forty years. That's right, my parents met in a car wreck and they're the most happily married people I've ever seen. It's kind of embarrassing actually. So I try not to roll my eyes much when people talk about love. It can happen in strange ways.
so many educated and well thought out ideas here. if only i could be as intellectual to have thought of that, but then i wouldn't have to ask. One thing i'm also noticing more of is people who feel that NOTHING good comes out of a loving relationship with someone. how can someone who hasn't been in a relationship say that?
what is up with them EMO kids and their "love is pain" attitude? sure love can bring pain, so can happiness and anger and jealousy and etc, etc, etc...
its inhuman, to think that one can live without love. some day when they are older, their feelings may very well change. i pitty those who say they will never love. they are missing out on quite an experience.
I like "esteem" better than "direction" as a way of subdividing love. It neatly cuts out sexual love and "love of KFC," which are quite like each other, from the other kinds of love, which are not much like them. Narcissistic love is self-directed, yet it does involve esteem (you esteem yourself); it's also more like romantic love than like sexual love, I think.
If we're talking about how to define romantic love in particular... I don't know, that's a really hard question. It might help if we could shed some light on the difference between a romantic couple and good "friends with benefits." Both have consistent desire. Both have esteem (friends with benefits). Both are screwing. What's the difference? Does it boil down to commitment? Generally, a romantic couple has committed to staying together, usually in a monogamous relationship; friends with benefits don't generally enjoy any explicit commitment, though since they do have "consistent desire," their relationships may last a long time anyway.
So how does this definition strike you? Romantic love is a state of consistent desire for another person's company that includes elements of esteem, lust, and a wish for commitment.
Last edited by satyreyes (09-06-2007 07:10:05 PM)
KissingT.Kiryuu wrote:
It makes me sick to my stomach to hear middle schoolers in "relationships" tell each other they love each other.
I was that middle schooler once. At the time, I figured that it was just what I was supposed to say in a relationship. It wasn't until he started telling me just how much he loved me, and even saying that he wanted to marry me that we were way too young to understand things like that really started to click. Perhaps the reason why I never take him seriously when he says that he cares about me is because I still see it as the same as it was back in middle school. Of course, this does bring up the question of whether or not age has to do with whether or not a person can really be in love...
I've never been in love. There are people that I love, but not in the way that could be qualified as "true" love. Someone I know is convinced that love is evil, because you can't control who you fall in love with, and because people sometimes do horrible things because of it. As for me, I just see love as something that is dangerous. When I was listening to my aunt talk about how much she was in love with this one guy, I became worried that she would get hurt. Sure enough, the two of them broke up recently.
I feel like, if at my age, i don't understand love, that middle schoolers are even more clueless then me. adults way into their later years will still be searching for love and not understand what it truly feels like.
I fear I may have little to contribute to this thread, as much as I enjoy reading it.
When I hear others try to describe love, although not necessarily you guys, there's often one thing the definitions given will have in common. Love is viewed entirely as a positive. This isn't to say people don't think love can hurt, but that there is nothing negative or 'wrong' with feeling love, and that in and of itself, love is an absolute good.
I can't say I agree with this, since I do agree that love is always related to some form of desire, and desire is not always an absolute good. (In fact it's rarely so.) So instead of trying to define love on its own, perhaps another useful approach would be to question situations where love may or may not be present. For example, you hear many children say of their parents that they love them, but don't like them. You can love someone without liking who they are as a person. Why? Because you're related? Does it require they did something as binding as raise you? Is a man that beats his wife in jealous rages capable of loving her? Why not? His love and caring for her may be pure, but he desires her and fears losing her to such a degree that the rest of him must lash out to keep what he loves with him. People can love objects. A person may love their house, or the city they live in. It doesn't have a personality of its own, and it doesn't love them back, but is this love less genuine? It's probably motivated by the same thing love for other people is. The happiness and satisfaction you feel being there.
Ultimately, I think all love is somewhat self-directed. As much as we'd like to say otherwise, while we may love the hobo on the side of the road, we don't love them nearly as much as we love the person we curl up against at night. It's the kind of loves that serve us in some way that we tend to feel the most strongly, though I agree there is some thick line dividing completely self-directed love from the others. After all, Akio is clearly capable of plenty of self-love, but we see no evidence at all that he can love another. Touga spends a large chunk of the series with these two kinds of love battling it out in his head, but it does raise an important point. Can self-love ever really agree with love directed at others? Sure there are occasional circumstances where they're not in complete conflict, but most of the time, they just don't agree, do they? Pure love for another carries with it the heavy burden of another's happiness being more important to you than your own. We all like to strive for that, and present love we feel as being that kind, but when push comes to shove, how often to people break up and go 'I just want what makes you happy.'
In that regard, perhaps self-love is the closest thing to true love that we can get. If you want to be cynical about it, you could go so far as to say maybe we only love others in the hopes that some of it will be given back to us. We all want to be loved, even when we can't define it.
KissingT.Kiryuu wrote:
I feel like, if at my age, i don't understand love, that middle schoolers are even more clueless then me. adults way into their later years will still be searching for love and not understand what it truly feels like.
It's really maturity and experience more than age. I'm sure there are plenty of middle schoolers more mature than you who can safely say they have as decent of a grasp as anyone can get on love.
Archambeau wrote:
middle schoolers more mature than you
OUCH! that stung.
KissingT.Kiryuu wrote:
Archambeau wrote:
middle schoolers more mature than you
OUCH! that stung.
I think Archie means that they might exist, not that the halls of your local middle school are teeming with them Some kids are emotionally precocious, just as some people are intellectually or sexually precocious, and certainly I've known kids that are more mature than some fifty-year-olds. I'm not sure how a kid gets to be that mature. Hopefully it's not the result of having to grow up too fast, as by <disturbing content>being forced to ritualistically kill your own identical twin in order to keep the gates of Hell shut</disturbing content>. That would suck.
Last edited by satyreyes (09-06-2007 11:41:59 PM)
Ya but, in all due respect its still gonna hurt hearing that middle schoolers could be more mature then adults.
(if they exist, they don't exsit in my town. i know one on my street who is a prostitute...)
A middle schooler can be more mature if the adult is a complete moron. (Not suggesting anything. :)
As for romantic VS. friendly love, I have a thought that in ideal cases (in which a friend is a true friend) there is no difference. That a person loves a friend and a lover equally, except with the difference of being sexually attracted to your lover. That adds an extra dimension in which you feel closer to your lover because you share intimacies with them, but doesn't need to mean you love them more. Hmm, this is all highly theoretical and superficially explained on my side.
Though I easily see how in an ideal case of a true friend the only difference with romantic love is the sexual attraction involved in the later, that reminded me of another (almost opposite) situation: when a friendship is only (or almost only) based on the sexual unilateral interest one of the partners/friends has on the other. I believe that's something that happens more usually than we realize.
Oh, and I can tell of middle schoolers whose take on love is way more mature than some adults'.
let me tell you a little story.
there once was a princess who was quite confused with what life was bringing her. she was in love with another girl. they had a wonderful relationship (except she was abusive to her love) one day a boy came along and she wanted him too, but didn't want to break up with her love. she devised a stay with both and have two relationships at once. for a while that worked out until she thought the boy wanted sex, she dumped him in an instant. it was back to the original pair.
her lover found a man one day and everything changed... "im not gonna take this anymore. im sorry, you should understand." and she was gone.
the princess and the girl are still good friends, but the girl believes the princess still harbors feelings deep inside, of the romance that could never be...
When the two girls hooked up, they were only in 7th grade. the boy came along in 9th...the split was in 10th and the girl left later that year.
sure, you could say that they were mature when it started (besides the abuse i suppose) but then...what happened?
Giovanna wrote:
For example, you hear many children say of their parents that they love them, but don't like them. You can love someone without liking who they are as a person. Why? Because you're related? Does it require they did something as binding as raise you? Is a man that beats his wife in jealous rages capable of loving her? Why not? His love and caring for her may be pure, but he desires her and fears losing her to such a degree that the rest of him must lash out to keep what he loves with him. People can love objects. A person may love their house, or the city they live in. It doesn't have a personality of its own, and it doesn't love them back, but is this love less genuine? It's probably motivated by the same thing love for other people is. The happiness and satisfaction you feel being there.
Love in family is strange issue, because it's "forced" by culture and blood-lines. Is that real love? Mother has to love her kids no matter what they do. Love toward city/country is similiar to parental love, because we didn't choose our nationality. Maybe patriotism is the most noble type of love? It includes sacrifice and passion.
I love my family and Poland but I wouldn't if I was born in different place. This unconditional love is shallow in some way. I don't like to think that my feelings are my fate/destiny, because I think that we should love because of something. Don't get me wrong: Not because of money or something like that. We should love people who deserves it. It sounds pragmatic, but I'm sure that we fell in love with personality which is positive in our eyes.
Giovanna wrote:
Ultimately, I think all love is somewhat self-directed.
Maybe we fell in love with pieces of ourselves in different people? "Oh, how sensitive she/he is!" or "He's so mature". Usually we love people with similiar preferences, aims, statements. It's like admiring mirror.
Oh, and another thing - love in movies. Music in sountrack, no one is burping or pissing, everything is perfect and even arguing isn't as bad as in life. My friend was disappointed that she didn't feel fireworks and euphoria when she fell in love - we suspect that love is something magical but life is more prosaic. That's strange that we find love in books or movies more "real" than love which is real close to us. Some people cry with The Lady of the Camellias but they don't melt because of friend's crush. It's ridiculous that something real is less important than "too glaring" fiction.