This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
It actually really surprises me that there are so few Nanami videos out there. You certainly did a fantastic job on this one-- and extra props for using The Dresden Dolls!
I liked it! Your video really made me appreciate Nanami much more(it's hard to take her seriously with the way the series portrays her sometimes).
I like your trademark screen-sliding technique. You really create a lot of flow in your videos.
(my only complaint was the yelling at the end of the song, which came very suddenly and woke up my parents. )
dollface- Thanks! I noticed that there where so very few of her, which I think is strange, considering what a complex character she really is.
Adrasteia- Thanks It took me a second to realize what you meant... and the screen sliding things are really handy to make something less boring.
Ditto! I also like the more serious approach. I especially liked the scenes near the end, they were nicely put together. Never heard Dresden Dolls before but now it's made curious.