This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)

#1 | Back to Top05-10-2013 11:33:31 AM

Registered: 03-23-2013
Posts: 387

Who is your favorite poorly-known philosopher?

Mozi would be mine. He was a skilled artisan and engineer during the Warring States period in China who was widely sought for his services in building fortifications. He wrote texts on geometry and logic that predate Euclid's Elements, and he believed in the universal love of all mankind. During the Warring States Period, his followers went from city to city, helping fortify cities that were under attack. Their skill was such that news that a city was being aided by a Mohist was enough to convince generals not to attack.

Mozi was a badass.

The real purpose of elections is to make the people hate each other more than they hate their government.



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