This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)

#1 | Back to Top02-22-2011 08:29:40 AM

une personne horrible
From: Waiting at the window.
Registered: 10-21-2006
Posts: 3301

SKU AMV help!

Alrighty, so, as you guys may or may not have heard, I'm embarking on a quest to make an SKU video to Knights in White Satin.

My only problem is, I don't have any clips of the anime.  I was able to get the unsubbed movie from a friend, but as far as the show goes, I have nothing.

I own DVDs, but I don't have all of them, and the ones I don't have I really need. emot-frown

Does anyone have a way they could give me the show, unsubbed? (I don't even need audio, to be honest, because this is purely for AMV purposes.)
Hyacinth Black: Not much else to say, is there?



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