This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
ROFL IRL @ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
God that killed me. SRSLY.
That was completely hilarious!
Hya, mind if I use that for my Shadow Horror Picture Show thing I'm working on?
Iris wrote:
Hya, mind if I use that for my Shadow Horror Picture Show thing I'm working on?
Somebody's going to be ROFLing.
Iris wrote:
Hya, mind if I use that for my Shadow Horror Picture Show thing I'm working on?
Go ahead, just make sure to give me credit!!! (read: credit=money)
But I has no moneys
Nor will I make moneys
Only vIRGins laugh.
Miki: "And, it's the best! Put your sister to the test!
Kozue: I’ve done all the other boys, now I head for the best!"
"Down the hall just a little too far, across the street, so last year, bed beside me is the place to be!"
Iris wrote:
But I has no moneys
Nor will I make moneys
Only vIRGins laugh.
Miki: "And, it's the best! Put your sister to the test!
Kozue: I’ve done all the other boys, now I head for the best!"
"Down the hall just a little too far, across the street, so last year, bed beside me is the place to be!"
Fine, I'll settle for theoretical internet dollars.
hyacinth_black wrote:
Fine, I'll settle for theoretical internet dollars.
You people never cease to amaze me.
I wish I could flirt x3. Be the charming prince type.
Instead I just freeze or get quiet or blush and stumble over my words like an idiot @_@
You can; if I can, you damn sure can. Besides, a person as smart and as beautiful as you must know a thing or two about the flirting business. (See, just that easy!)
It's not that hard... just stop listening to that little voice in your head that says "I'm embarrassed!"
Flirting isn't my strength, I'll have to be a wallflower. Still, I'd like to see some crazy chat up lines, because I'm still giggling from one I heard on television the other night.
"All right, the answer is ten percent -- what is the question?"
" Dundee, what is the success rate of the chat up line do you want pumped?"
...obviously, I should have spent more time in Dundee.
Learn the ways to absolute and/or subtle flirting.
Satisfaction guaranteed--or your money back.
We pride ourselves in transforming you into an infamous lady killer.
Please fall in line. There's plenty for everyone. Come one, come all.
*sells tickets with his Seitokai shirt partly opened*
Last edited by Seitokaichou (06-19-2008 01:47:35 AM)
Can I be the awkward one who flirts by drawing senseless attention to herself?
Of course, Anthy.
I'll take a ticket, Seitokaichou... *L* (Already has learned alot.)
Hya, you're not awkward You're adorable.
Weirdest pickup line I've ever heard. It really threw me off guard.
Especially since a girl said it.
"You have the most beautiful blue eyes... did you know people with blue eyes have a higher pain tolerance?"
Iris wrote:
"You have the most beautiful blue eyes... did you know people with blue eyes have a higher pain tolerance?"
What, did she have a dick or something, because I could only imagine a guy saying that.
Iris wrote:
"You have the most beautiful blue eyes... did you know people with blue eyes have a higher pain tolerance?"
...possible answers? "So, are you going to bring the taster or shall I? Or do you prefer whips and chains?"
No... completely a girl.
A girl who desires to be a drill Sargent in a year. And goes to a military academy.
Too bad she's my friend's little sister, and there's no way I'd cause that sort of drama. No one knows the girl's bisexual.
Last edited by Iris (06-19-2008 01:52:17 AM)
I go to military school too and will be a lieutenant in a couple of years; school never made me say that. If she was from West Point though, I could understand.
Last edited by Prince_of_Stars (06-19-2008 01:54:22 AM)
Weirdest pickup line I've heard: Are you an angel? Because you've got nice cans!
Oh, no no. You misunderstood me. That's part of her personality, and always has been.
It's an example of her personality to do things like that. Very aggressive girl.
(And yes, is a Westpoint girl *L*)
Last edited by Iris (06-19-2008 01:55:44 AM)
Iris wrote:
(And yes, is a Westpoint girl *L*)
Figures; the Pointers are all like that. The Monties (Norwich kids-I'm one), and the Blue Angels (Air Force kids in Colorado) are subtle...
You should post pictures of you in your uniform soon