This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
UTENA: "Well I'm only supposed to leave to remain in this coffin until a man gives me a ring. I hope he shows up soon because I need to pee again." (IMPATIENT)
*Takes out dick to pee again in front of Young Touga and Young Saionji*
YOUNG SAIONJI: "Whoever ordered you to stay in the box would have allowed you to take potty breaks you know you bubblegum brained moron AND WHAT THE FUCK is up with that thing?" (ANNOYED)
YOUNG TOUGA: "Come on Saionji, let's leave her to wait for a man to arrive to give her a ring." (BORED)
*Young Touga closes the lid of the coffin and walks out and back to bikes*
AUDIENCE: "Does Utena have a small bladder in addition to a short attention span?" *VERY CONFUSED*
UTENA: Oh, I'm okay, I just really had to pee. Do you have a ring for me, or not? (IMPATIENT)
*holds out one hand, while adjusting her junk with the other*
*follows Dios, skipping, then stops short*
UTENA: I know that for some reason that I can't remember that I was waiting for you, but my mom told me never to talk to strangers. (DOUBTFUL)
*Dios point out a tortured Anthy to Utena*
DIOS: "That girl there is my sister. She sealed my power away years ago now she is forced to suffer for eternity. Only a prince can save her." (EMOTIONLESS)
*Dios sighs loudly and pulls out his ring*
DIOS: "My name is Dios. Now take this ring and don't lose your nobility and you'll become a prince, as long as you cross dress that is." (REALLY BORED)
UTENA: "Cool I get a ring and to wear pants too." (GIDDY)
*Utena accepts the mission but quickly forgets Anthy and only remembers to act like a prince for the next several years.*
*When she is 14, she transfers to Ohtori Academy and enters the school wearing a black boys jacket and red shorts*
UTENA: "Look at me! I'm a prince! Aren't I cool in my boys uniform?" (SMUG)
*The Guidance Counselor then steps out in Utena path*
GUIDANCE COUNSELOR: "Tenjou-san, what the hell are you wearing? Not only are you wearing a boys uniform, it's not even this school's boy's uniform." (MAD)