This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)

#1 | Back to Top04-18-2011 09:47:36 PM

Tenjou Tilter
From: Exploring the psyche
Registered: 10-04-2009
Posts: 83

Carl Jung's Archetypes and Utena

Just found this on Carl Jung and his archetypes and found it suited RGU pretty well: … etypes.htm

I guess that Akio might be Dio's Shadow archetype?

In lumine tuo, videbimus amor ('In your light, we shall love') Slippy slippery mambo~ everyone at Ohtori is in some kind of spiritual land, created by Goddess Anthy and her brother Akio?!



#2 | Back to Top04-21-2011 06:42:00 PM

High Tripper
From: New Jersey
Registered: 12-16-2007
Posts: 243

Re: Carl Jung's Archetypes and Utena

Ah, Jung. Where would Utena be without your analysis?

Twirling round with this familiar parabol
Spinning, weaving round each new experience.
Recognize this as a holy gift and
Celebrate this chance to be alive and breathing



#3 | Back to Top04-24-2011 07:23:05 AM

Tenjou Tilter
From: Exploring the psyche
Registered: 10-04-2009
Posts: 83

Re: Carl Jung's Archetypes and Utena

I find it really interesting about the anima and animus where every female supposedly has a masculine soul inside her and vice versa, I wonder what would happen if we applied this theory to the whole SKU cast xD

In lumine tuo, videbimus amor ('In your light, we shall love') Slippy slippery mambo~ everyone at Ohtori is in some kind of spiritual land, created by Goddess Anthy and her brother Akio?!



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