This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Has anyone else ever heard of it?
it's really strange, but i love it. it's compelling as much as it is creepy and pretty.
it's a social online game/social experiment called "The Endless Forest" by a group called "Tale of Tales."
i've only been playing it for about three days, and ...i dunno. i like it.
check it out, and tell me what you think.
it is not the only project they've got going. there are other equally interesting and creepy games. like the up coming "The Path." it's a twist on the theme of "Red Riding Hood," as well as a game called "8" which is a twist on the Sleeping Beauty fairy tale.
...hold on, i'm sensing a theme.
Last edited by Soukougnan (02-15-2009 09:29:13 PM)
vedy interesting i must check this out for me self.
did you spell da link right? because my computer says it no exsist.
that should be right. "<<
sounds like babmi gone where thumper and flower