This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)

#2026 | Back to Top10-25-2016 10:29:55 AM

Belladonna Buster
From: British Columbia
Registered: 09-05-2013
Posts: 211

Re: Corrupt a Wish [Game]

Granted. Scandals ensue from the very beginning when it's leaked that her First Lady, Anthy, is a witch. After Utena explains the circumstances, people from both sides of the political spectrum berate her for participating in the exploitative system of duels that she'd been criticizing, rather than putting an end to it, thereby putting into question her promises of electoral reform. As more and more secrets come out, Utena rapidly loses support. Even the LGBT community, previously her most loyal base, back out when they learn of her affair with Akio, putting into question what her actual sexuality might be. And let's not even talk about the Birthers. Her numbers in the polls dwindle compared to her opponents, Kiryuu/Saionji, until she eventually announces her running mate, Wakaba. She's able to turn the tide, allowing them to eke out a narrow but Pyrrhic victory. Because, though the Tenjou/Shinohara team makes it into the Oval Office, there is little that they can do. Distrust among politicians from the countless scandals during the campaign, coupled with the fact that she's a girl (seriously, she has a vagina; how can she possibly be trusted to know how to run an entire country?) causes everyone to push back against every one of Utena's decisions, making her the most notorious lame duck President in history.

I wish I could speak dolphin.

Somewhere, there is an unplugged toaster sitting on a Coleman stove.

Does it feel lonely?



#2027 | Back to Top10-25-2016 12:10:52 PM

Sunlit Gardener (Finale)
From: is-real
Registered: 10-21-2016
Posts: 193

Re: Corrupt a Wish [Game]

Wish granted. You talk to the dolphins but they want to use you to nagotiate between the humens and the dolphins. However, the dolphins demands are to much for the goverment to handle (because apperently there greedy) and there is a war between dolphin supporters and haters. DJW(dolphin justice warriores) and anti DJW take over the internet and before you know it, there are a bunch of pepole who hate you and blame you for this mess. Whenever you are out of the house you get peole throwing stones and bowing you untill yourun from fear hime. With no other choice, you commite suicide.

I wish I was touga's boyfriend (like, after the series was over).

If you ever feel like wanting to ruin your life...



#2028 | Back to Top11-06-2016 10:27:46 AM

World's End
From: Cloud Nine
Registered: 09-22-2008
Posts: 2354

Re: Corrupt a Wish [Game]

Granted. Things seem nice at first given how he's no longer a playboy and you guys are a cute lovey-dovey couple. Then you find out you're actually his cousin and unlike most of the cast incest bothers you so you put a pistol in your mouth.

I wish to look like I'm twenty-three for the rest of my natural life.

Proud Saionji and Mikage fangirl
My Utena fanfiction:



#2029 | Back to Top11-08-2016 12:07:15 AM

Belladonna Buster
From: British Columbia
Registered: 09-05-2013
Posts: 211

Re: Corrupt a Wish [Game]

Granted. You are now a large (but still quite young looking and attractive) anthropomorphic number 23.

I wish I could see what I'm typing instead of guessing what's being hidden by my cat's fuzzy little butt.

Somewhere, there is an unplugged toaster sitting on a Coleman stove.

Does it feel lonely?



#2030 | Back to Top11-10-2016 06:42:24 PM

Juri Jeerer
From: your dreams
Registered: 10-30-2015
Posts: 48

Re: Corrupt a Wish [Game]

Granted. Your cat moves its butt away, unveiling what has been hidden from you. Behind the fuzzy behind was the forbidden knowledge of the universe. Upon reading its secrets that are just barely in the realm of human comprehension, you feel yourself beginning to go mad.... and yet you cannot turn away. It is too late. Try as you might, you cannot forget the words that now echo in your mind, threatening to tear it apart. Unable to hold on, the final shreds of your sanity slip away.

I wish I could have a hug from my crush.

Last edited by pagetheplush (11-10-2016 06:46:32 PM)

🌹Let's become like rose petals, blowing free!🌹



#2031 | Back to Top11-11-2016 03:19:06 PM

Sunlit Gardener (Finale)
From: is-real
Registered: 10-21-2016
Posts: 193

Re: Corrupt a Wish [Game]

Granted. your crush hugs you with every last energy he has left after your crush saved you from being stabbed by a serieal killer. Your crush then says its final words "I love you...". Then your crush dies and you gained a good amount of years with a pshychiatrist.

I wish Donald Trump was de-elected feom being president.

If you ever feel like wanting to ruin your life...



#2032 | Back to Top11-19-2016 02:06:07 PM

Juri Jeerer
From: your dreams
Registered: 10-30-2015
Posts: 48

Re: Corrupt a Wish [Game]

Granted. Akio is now president.

I wish I could live somewhere else.

🌹Let's become like rose petals, blowing free!🌹



#2033 | Back to Top11-19-2016 03:49:54 PM

Saionji Slapper
Registered: 04-01-2016
Posts: 29

Re: Corrupt a Wish [Game]

Sure. You live underground in complete darkness without ever being able to come back to the surface.

I want to be valedictorian.

Rule 1: You can never be too sure what will happen next... -Ruby Redfort



#2034 | Back to Top02-16-2017 08:01:08 PM

From: Poland
Registered: 10-03-2011
Posts: 209

Re: Corrupt a Wish [Game]

Granted. Alas, your graduation speech was so horrible that your folks died of embarrassment while you somehow survived only to become the most pitiful youtube and meme hero of all times. You never come out of your cellar ever again.

I can't afford this pendant but it speaks to me, and it says, "We were destined to be together from the dawn of time. We're perfect for each other. Stop resisting, can't fight them stars."
I don't even wear jewelry. Somebody please kindly kick me in the head. I want it.

a lot of hope in one man tent



#2035 | Back to Top02-18-2017 02:16:34 PM

Sunlit Gardener (Finale)
From: is-real
Registered: 10-21-2016
Posts: 193

Re: Corrupt a Wish [Game]

malna wrote:

Granted. Alas, your graduation speech was so horrible that your folks died of embarrassment while you somehow survived only to become the most pitiful youtube and meme hero of all times. You never come out of your cellar ever again.

I can't afford this pendant but it speaks to me, and it says, "We were destined to be together from the dawn of time. We're perfect for each other. Stop resisting, can't fight them stars."
I don't even wear jewelry. Somebody please kindly kick me in the head. I want it.

Okay,its yours. But it is a shame it cost you 15,000 dollars and you bought it even though you cant really afford it and you have to work extra hours to pay off the debt it caused you. But the worst part is that everyone thinks you look ugly in it, but they dont outwrite say it, so you are delusional that everyone loves it while in reality people think it looks horrible in you...

I wish I was a successful and critically acclaimed movie maker that cant die from an unnatural death (nothing from people, objects or overly deadly disease like aids or cancer) and will live a relatively long life.

malna this looks amazing and I hope you could buy it.

If you ever feel like wanting to ruin your life...



#2036 | Back to Top02-19-2017 08:14:28 AM

Rose Bride
From: omnipresent
Registered: 07-22-2016
Posts: 102

Re: Corrupt a Wish [Game]

Granted! You're very successful and make beloved movies with a unique style, thought-provoking concepts and relatable characters. But, as your career marches on, you find yourself making movies both critics and general audiences despise, some even comparing you to Michael Bay! Ouch... In the year 2400, your last film is Pulp Fiction with Pokémon IN SPACE!, which single-handedly crashes every art industry. You change your name and retire to a quaint village town.

I wish there was more Utena merch so I could clog my room with all of it.

This binch be postin' once every century



#2037 | Back to Top02-19-2017 08:41:18 AM

Sunlit Gardener (Prelude)
Registered: 02-22-2014
Posts: 172

Re: Corrupt a Wish [Game]

sailor-anthy wrote:

I wish there was more Utena merch so I could clog my room with all of it.

Good news! The latest item of merch is a 1:1 scale replica of the octopus balloon that was in Anthy's closet in the fourth episode. It takes up as much room as expected, and it's a bit more of a hassle than it needs to be figuring out how to deflate it... And there's a distinct squeaking noise whenever you try to go around it.

I wish I could sleep less at night, with all the benefits of the average 6-8 hour rest cycle, and pull myself out of bed with enough motivation in the day to get ready to do things.



#2038 | Back to Top02-19-2017 11:31:38 AM

Sunlit Gardener (Finale)
From: is-real
Registered: 10-21-2016
Posts: 193

Re: Corrupt a Wish [Game]

zeedikay wrote:

sailor-anthy wrote:

I wish there was more Utena merch so I could clog my room with all of it.

Good news! The latest item of merch is a 1:1 scale replica of the octopus balloon that was in Anthy's closet in the fourth episode. It takes up as much room as expected, and it's a bit more of a hassle than it needs to be figuring out how to deflate it... And there's a distinct squeaking noise whenever you try to go around it.

I wish I could sleep less at night, with all the benefits of the average 6-8 hour rest cycle, and pull myself out of bed with enough motivation in the day to get ready to do things.

Granted, but to have this effect you must take special pills that will allow you to sleep less and have the benefits of a 6-8 hour sleep. But there is a side effect... you have constant vomiting in the morning when you wake yup, but it could be from the moment you wake up to 3 hours afterwards, and you cant stop it from happening.

I wish I could lose some weight so that I dont look too thin, but have the perfect balance of totally hunk to average over weight person, and come off as a little better looking then the norm, but nothing extraordinary, so that I wont be sexually assaulted in any possible way.

If you ever feel like wanting to ruin your life...



#2039 | Back to Top02-22-2017 02:12:16 PM

Wakaba Wrangler
From: Serbia
Registered: 02-21-2016
Posts: 14

Re: Corrupt a Wish [Game]

itavin wrote:

zeedikay wrote:

sailor-anthy wrote:

I wish there was more Utena merch so I could clog my room with all of it.

Good news! The latest item of merch is a 1:1 scale replica of the octopus balloon that was in Anthy's closet in the fourth episode. It takes up as much room as expected, and it's a bit more of a hassle than it needs to be figuring out how to deflate it... And there's a distinct squeaking noise whenever you try to go around it.

I wish I could sleep less at night, with all the benefits of the average 6-8 hour rest cycle, and pull myself out of bed with enough motivation in the day to get ready to do things.

Granted, but to have this effect you must take special pills that will allow you to sleep less and have the benefits of a 6-8 hour sleep. But there is a side effect... you have constant vomiting in the morning when you wake yup, but it could be from the moment you wake up to 3 hours afterwards, and you cant stop it from happening.

I wish I could lose some weight so that I dont look too thin, but have the perfect balance of totally hunk to average over weight person, and come off as a little better looking then the norm, but nothing extraordinary, so that I wont be sexually assaulted in any possible way.

Wish granted...But every time you feel happy you get double the weight you've already had.

I wish I could exit the paradox of wishing for my wish not to be granted!

~The real is but a dream...



#2040 | Back to Top02-24-2017 08:45:43 AM

From: Poland
Registered: 10-03-2011
Posts: 209

Re: Corrupt a Wish [Game]

Sorry, sorry, just had to go back for a moment to this!

itavin wrote:

the worst part is that everyone thinks you look ugly in it, but they dont outwrite say it, so you are delusional that everyone loves it while in reality people think it looks horrible in you...

itavin wrote:

malna this looks amazing and I hope you could buy it.

Itavin, thank you! etc-love

Okay, ad rem!

DragonOfThePond wrote:

I wish I could exit the paradox of wishing for my wish not to be granted!

Granted! You meditate until you reach enlightenment and want for nothing anymore, wish for nothing. There is no point in wishing for wishes not to be granted because you're rid of them all. As result, you have nothing in your life but a terrible case of leg cramps from sitting in one position for way too long.

I wish I was bolder.

a lot of hope in one man tent



#2041 | Back to Top02-25-2017 07:34:07 AM

Sunlit Gardener (Finale)
From: is-real
Registered: 10-21-2016
Posts: 193

Re: Corrupt a Wish [Game]

malna wrote:

itavin wrote:

malna this looks amazing and I hope you could buy it.

Itavin, thank you! etc-love

No prob, bob

malna wrote:

I wish I was bolder.

Granted. but everyone thinks you are obnoxious and annoying and your friends tell you that they perfect that you be the real you, malna, and that you shouldn't try to be something you're not... emot-aaa(cant find rolling eyes emoji)
so you undo the wish, and realize that you wasted your time with a dumb, dumb cliche.

I wish I had the ability to go to large parties (social anxiety and autism keep me away from going to large flashy parties)

Last edited by itavin (02-25-2017 07:34:41 AM)

If you ever feel like wanting to ruin your life...



#2042 | Back to Top05-22-2017 03:25:22 PM

Belladonna Buster
From: British Columbia
Registered: 09-05-2013
Posts: 211

Re: Corrupt a Wish [Game]

Granted. However your inexplicable tendency to wear clothing that dissolves when exposed to water means that you almost always wind up having to leave the party early.

I wish that golf balls would rise up against their wealthy oppressors and lead to a new age of equality.

Somewhere, there is an unplugged toaster sitting on a Coleman stove.

Does it feel lonely?



#2043 | Back to Top05-23-2017 03:47:54 PM

Saionji Slapper
Registered: 04-01-2016
Posts: 29

Re: Corrupt a Wish [Game]

Unfortunately, it's the 'Animal Farm' type of equality where some people are more equal than others and to pass the time, golf balls throw themselves at people.

I would like some mint chocolate chip ice cream.

Rule 1: You can never be too sure what will happen next... -Ruby Redfort



#2044 | Back to Top05-23-2017 03:54:48 PM

Sunlit Gardener (Finale)
From: is-real
Registered: 10-21-2016
Posts: 193

Re: Corrupt a Wish [Game]

Revolutionary wrote:

Unfortunately, it's the 'Animal Farm' type of equality where some people are more equal than others and to pass the time, golf balls throw themselves at people.

I would like some mint chocolate chip ice cream.

Sure. You actully realy like it and go buy more. And more. And more. And more. And more. And more. And more. And more. And more. And more. And more. And...  oops. Youre over 300 pounds.

I wish my finales were over.

If you ever feel like wanting to ruin your life...



#2045 | Back to Top05-26-2017 04:57:56 PM

Juri Jeerer
From: your dreams
Registered: 10-30-2015
Posts: 48

Re: Corrupt a Wish [Game]

Your finals end...because they were canceled due to the alien invasion apocalypse. You then get beamed into one of the motherships, and the alien leaders tell you that the only way to save the earth is to solve for x.

I wish I could stop sneezing constantly, it even happens when I take allergy medication. Ah, springtime.

🌹Let's become like rose petals, blowing free!🌹



#2046 | Back to Top09-18-2017 02:51:23 PM

Rose Bride
From: omnipresent
Registered: 07-22-2016
Posts: 102

Re: Corrupt a Wish [Game]

Granted! Instead of sneezing constantly, you now sneeze once every month. The buildup from those days without a single sneeze creates an earth-shattering exhaustion of air that causes the ground to crumble and bystanders to get tossed like ragdolls. You are now banned from most public areas due to this ailment.

I'm the only person I know who prefers hot weather over cold weather. Will I finally find another??

Last edited by Empress_Arcana (09-18-2017 02:53:04 PM)

This binch be postin' once every century



#2047 | Back to Top09-18-2017 03:40:13 PM

Touga Topper
Registered: 08-14-2014
Posts: 54

Re: Corrupt a Wish [Game]

Oh, yes you will meet others like yourself... IN HELL.
Ooop, I coughed. I ment to say Flordia.
( no offense to Flordia... I have two friends who are like that. One lives in Florida and the other wishes the do rather than living in the frozen northeast. They both use up lots of hot water in the shower.)

I wish that I could teleport.

"Here is my secret. It is very simple: one sees well only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes."



#2048 | Back to Top09-27-2017 02:23:49 AM

Sunlit Gardener (Finale)
From: is-real
Registered: 10-21-2016
Posts: 193

Re: Corrupt a Wish [Game]

Mangorabbit wrote:

Oh, yes you will meet others like yourself... IN HELL.
Ooop, I coughed. I ment to say Flordia.
( no offense to Flordia... I have two friends who are like that. One lives in Florida and the other wishes the do rather than living in the frozen northeast. They both use up lots of hot water in the shower.)

I wish that I could teleport.

Granted... but you cant control where you telport in the entire universe. Most likely, it has no oxygen.

I wish I got higher grades on my finals.

If you ever feel like wanting to ruin your life...



#2049 | Back to Top09-29-2017 06:37:17 PM

World's End
From: Cloud Nine
Registered: 09-22-2008
Posts: 2354

Re: Corrupt a Wish [Game]

Granted. You get a new brain that is twice as smart and you ace your finals but you lose your common sense in exchange for it.

I wish I could discover a cure for the common cold.

Proud Saionji and Mikage fangirl
My Utena fanfiction:



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