This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
danced merrily, until
from bomber planes,
ripe papayas.
midget varsity cheerleaders
, causing a flood
EDIT: for colour
Last edited by BioKraze (02-28-2008 07:45:46 PM)
to spray all
future duelists in
Chocolate Body paint
and pureed carrots
the rabbits were
from Wakaba's dorm.
(okay, end of story, I think! That was the last sentence or so.)
Good idea, get Tamago to do the slave labour!
Here it is the complete Chapter 8. I hopes yous all likes it.
Took me over 2 hours to do this, I was better off using Word 2000 instead of 2003.
Chapter Eight on its Side is Infinity!
When I wake, I shall see the corpse of a fat Pikachu rotting beside me.
I arose from the evil sight and started cooking the body in whale oil so tasty, the globules will form a rubber monk's sexual Playdoh. Tatsuya decides to suck golf balls through the awkward night as his right testicle was created. His George Foreman Grill™ swam through gelatine and, weeping, he pulled swords from Chu-Chu, who suffered anal discharge. However, Utena came upon them and sprayed coolant from Anthy's shaved ice into their beady eyes and stabbed with her gleaming cocktail mixer as nimbly as tomatoes which have passed through Keiko's anal...retentive cat.
Yuuko peeled off her clothes for International Nudist Day as Akio gleefully executed a guitar move worthy of Nanami's Ultimate obliteration powers.
PMS was affecting Touga, in that Juri shot him in his nuts with a ‘laser’ she'd stolen from the KKK-mart, but Chu-Chu won't buy Rasta weed.
The only option outside of shooting acid is to revolutionize the world. With that done, Kanae got lucky because she became addicted to enthusiastically horny disabled hobos. They were Fun enough, but she would pay by catching Saionji's fat nipples which were pricked with an amazingly delicious kumquat tray made of kumquats naturally.
Meanwhile, Sean Connery grinned at his 'guest' while viciously penetrating Chu-Chu with his phallic shaped spatula of sexiness.
Utena rammed her shinai into Akio's misshapen hole that mysteriously appeared in his throat. Kozue kicked Keiko between her boobs, while screaming "Stop molesting my brother, you skanky fuzzbag!" To which Keiko replied with a “Moan harder you bitches, Mummy wants some goatsed goodness!” and then collapsed.
The cast gasped sullenly on Tuesday while cooking some nefarious saffron concoction that merrily exploded precisely when Anthy had measured out the critical mass needed to create amazing fudge brownies to lure zombies into the garden. Zombie Saionji groaned with madness as his exchange diary bit off his Spartan stamen with orgasmic delight and caustic reflux as Miki slammed Utena like a flyscreen door, all night long. (I can credit/blame NajiMakin for that one)
Then the screams of one hundred purple poontang eaters echoed through Nemuro's toaster oven, which was burning racing tires with fervent passion.
Chu-chu dunked his donut in Hitler's bedpan as Tamago watched Kozue smear his moustache with cream from China. Meanwhile, a giant frog metropolis shot up from Saionji's belly-button foretelling doom to the coming of mini-Cthuhlus that hungered for Touga's Seitokai outfit. Stripped of his pride and pants he whips out a radioactive chiapet which sends forth Hitler Juice.
Suzuki and Yamada killed Tanaka and rode purple ponies to their secret rainbow castle, where flying nose plugs entered the MOON WALKING division of MJ's naval fleet located in France beneath a tiny box of soap.
The graduation of students were caused by premature ejaculation of gigantic snail-raping aphids.
Bisexual Bukkake Bishops beat B-ko's beans into inky ichors flavoured smegma while humming 60s tunes by order of ‘The Knights who say I'M SO SORRY’ before Anti-Christmas Eve which is when Satan Claws comes down your trachea, shouting, “You will DIE!”
Under some moss, Wakaba kept some Wakaba odour wasabi smelling like rotten bricks and mighty, mighty Hindu symbolism in cheese form.
"I hate you!" shrieked Anthy as her bedside mirror cracked from making side-ward glances as Kozue stripped for her photography session with Touga and copious amounts of honey mustard sausages.
Fake nukes presents a problem because Yasha must sauté uranium with fibre from an Irish bulldog, and mayonnaise soaked panties. The God of Mikage's lost sternum slotted BioKraze's nostril-stretcher. His agony was only surpassed by Razara's orgasmic Fried-Snail Shuffler Delight, which called its parents as every pore swelled up like never before.
Juri's eye shadow was tested on some green popcorn which resulted in a glorious mask of devilish duplicitous deceit and tap-dancing goodness.
Elsewhere, Nanami the cowgirl was ridden hard to the point of sheer desperados and spinosity never seen before in an organic bakery belonging to magical ham-based insect.
Life is like a Soda Shoppe that ran out of soda streaming along.
Juri screamed at the clouds, "I'm in despair!" because she lost her Hello-Kitty's despair locket while stripping her Hello Kitty porcelain doll of all its sweet blood candies.
“My penis is the size of twenty hamburger buns covered in poppy-based roofies and loaded with sprinkles.” said Juri to her Shiori plushie which was anatomically exaggerated, especially the pussy as it screamed, "IT'S TOO BIG!" and was full to bursting with country goodness.
"Crap", I said, "My eggs are only half baked!"
I slammed the door on Saionji's testicles, causing him to discover the meaning of life as a duellist for the sexual revolution of the ancient world.
On the highway, the Akio Car flipped over Akio and landed on Touga's undead kitten. A kitten meowed in desperation, because it remembered that Nanami had threw herself into the gigantic harpsichord and screamed out "Holy shit! I don't have boobs!".
Anthy disappeared when the manticore awoke during the KISS concert fronted by cocaine-high Utena due to some outlaw bikers getting uppity with the price of coffee in Turkey.
The Anti Sailor Moon Host Club opened a conference room next to Anthy's pet chibi , who decided to molest Gio's left ankle with a tuning spork.
Shiori ripped off her padded bra in a fit of furious anger over Utena's dancing rendition of The Cotton Club, The Stripper Edition cos Himemiya ruffled Saionji's feathers as the Ace of Hearts exploded into a puff of glitter and tinsel as Akio wept on shagpile rugs and shrunken heads filled with candy while drinking gigantic tankards of Harvey Wallbangers topped with cherry cream.
When Tsuwabuki reached under his bed, he found some poisoned chocolate left out by metallic Mechanical Hounds.
Lady Naruto rode Akio into Kanae's dining room, where Tsuwabuki and Mari exposed large amounts of butter-cream cupcakes to the gerbil that were being inserted into Touga's white misshapen ears.
Moar lulz ensued when a piece of Juri's IUD rocketed out of control, hitting Shiori's rocket launcher at obtuse angles, causing it to morph into some kind of incredibly weird apple-like beef patties.
Meanwhile, the female population was decimated by Chu-Chu's simian libido, which was huge and therefore required reinforced scaffolding to support the weight of dancing elephants.
The quick brown pelt of Wakaba's kangaroo scrotum hat got wet because Nanami was drowning in a sea of BBQ sauce.
Just then, ninjas popped out of a Dirac ocean in practically the same place where Saionji was practicing his 'sword drill'.
Juri screamed girlishly because her budget allowed for extra tentacle love on the side thanks to Anthy's creative use of Playdoh.
Miki sang terribly on his sister, beating her to a High C* (*A musical note for those who don't know music too well) so she would become the next OHTOOOOORI IDOOOOOOOL!
Afterwards, a mysterious marshmallow was seen getting busted by an anthropomorphic slug as he screamed "DON'T TOUCH ME THERE."
Anthy replied saying "TOUCH ME THERE" which confused damn near everybody who suddenly felt like throwing up all over the Akio Car's seats. Luckily for Akio, he had nifty bodily fluid remover to remove bloody vomit from the posterior region. However, Nanami's flatulence was powered by Anthy's Pregnancy Vindaloo which practically destroyed any chances of getting 'any' tonight!
But, everyone knew that Saionji likes to wear frilly waterproof underwear when ever Nanami orders her minions to shoot banana seeds from their humongous bee-hive hairdos.
Kanae and Juri were both licking delicious icy pops after their rousing of a dragon from its slumber on a pile of lacy panties. Yuuko examined Keiko's left ear for baby alien ghosts which always caused wardrobe malfunctions because she used Papier-mâché for her dresses.
Juri waved both arms at Saionji, while shouting out, "STOP WEARING CLOTHES!"
Miki was charging into the ocean in our yellow horse and buggy while shooting at rabid yaoi fangirls, goths, emos and otakus. Then that unleashed, an immaculate chorus of singing hippos from the Toothpaste of the Holy Dude Ranchers.
The rain in the swimming gala was falling on the swimming suit wearing warrior of Athena: Wonder Woman as she flipped some pancakes on Mitsuru's face which resulted in sticky white batter frying his eyes which caused her such great pain as that caused he could not even masturbate anymore.
A lily-shaped vibrator found its way into Touga's toolbox while he was out with Akio during the 'nasty'. They were stalked by Bilbo's putrid zombie nose hairs for a time which should be measured by the length of Akio's naked time.
Starting a new era, Miki gave up the stopwatch, hoping his OCD would take a backseat to chronic masturbation.
Kozue enthusiastically joined the Eagle Scouts to deliver cookies filled with cream to the elderly victims of Akio's attempts at singing Gregorian chants.
Girl-type Ruka pranced over to boy-type Shiori the Dancing Bear and slapped him on his genitals.
This resulted in Keropon evolving to a creature that, farts all day while screaming, "Heil Teen Titan Tits!" The next day, the creature asks for spare change for a dollar he then gets Mentos and Coke to fuel his insatiable need for magic dildo shoving contests in Germany.
Wakaba sent him beef jerky as a reminder of happier times spent getting high when boobies were falling from heavens.
Marshmellow Hell the destiny of all those who split their asses and get trapped by overly concerned Moral Guardians from the nymphomaniac planet populated by nymphos.
Thor attacked Chu-Chu for stealing his hard earned ivory brassiere collection which he kept in a jar on his desk.
Elsewhere, a band of mincing footballers arrived at Kozue's Fried Chicken Emporium , demanding hot boneless chicken pieces and dancing like major dickheads on the tables while topless ballet dancers gave their virginity some protection by stapling their pants closed so perverts cannot dive headfirst into chocolate and caramel, thereby killing themselves.
Frustrated by a loss of power they rebounded on Utena's boobies, inciting her to avenge said boobies with Sky Uppercut which she learnt while on a secret journey to the Mighty Morphing Methadone Clinic.
Haruhi snarkily remarked that the diamond buzz-saw could be used to cut badgers into bite sized nibblets. The only problem was, Anthy was plotting the demise of plutonium powered port-a-pottys with seductive ponytails, which scarred Dios for life!
Meanwhile, budget cuts meant loss in fitness centers, which annoyed Yuuko to the point of insanity and drooling stupidity. Yet hope was dashed when Juri forgot to wear B-ko's beef-jerky brassiere with proper protective Pokemon panties because she was vegetarian.
Ruka faced Thanatos demanding some more purple Skittles. Thanatos responded by kicking Ruka in the ballroom, thereby causing a great kafuffle involving Russian Jello sculpture specialists to create a great kafuffle.
Anthy baked some people shaped biscuits (magical of cause) made of Saionji's hair and Nanami's anal-retentively induced bile with oregano and a pinch of poison ivy.
Ruka was understandably soaked after he flew into a an IRG forum, as bukkake dripped from his mutant sidekick Nobby Tenjou, the Amazing Sweet Transvestite of Doom.
Last night, Keiko masturbated verily in front of the hall of Saionji's sexual conquests, hoping for some horses to join for a game of Warcrack.
Shiori stole Juri's fluffy ribbon knight plushie because IT'S NOT FAIR.
The cocktower glistened as Akio was marking his territory by lifting his cum-covered partner over the Nanami cow who was not bothered by droplets glittering upon the pregnant moon.
The sun, however, was rising up and blasting the icebergs with laser beams because it had Death Ray Eyes! Mr. Mongoose soon realized that Nanami hates anything with bacon bits so instead, he used Soylent Red as lipstick and Tamago said, "Thou shall not hammer your lover's moist, tender waffles without proper Canadian Maple Syrup."
Mainers everywhere cried into their beers when Kanae announced beaconless ears would sweat on fillets are made of pure unadulterated FAIL.
To win or not to win, this is the least important question Utena ever asked Anthy's pet-rock because pet rocks couldn't fornicate in public without permission.
Anthy ate some bad jalapeños peppers, causing her to excrete flame jets from her bellybutton.
When Wakaba saw Saionji sucking Santa-shaped lollipops, she went absobloodylutely emo on his ass.
Beneath blueberry clouds, the oompa-loompas danced merrily, until jelly started raining from bomber planes, splattering them like ripe papayas.
Touga stabbed some midget varsity cheerleaders, causing a flood of bodily fluids to spray all future duelists in Chocolate Body paint and pureed carrots which meant that the rabbits were to be unleashed from Wakaba's dorm.
The end for now!
Last edited by Tamago (03-01-2008 07:13:41 PM)
Awesome work!
I especially liked "Starting a new era, Miki gave up the stopwatch, hoping his OCD would take a backseat to chronic masturbation."
And, of course, "Zombie Saionji groaned with madness as his exchange diary bit off his Spartan stamen with orgasmic delight and caustic reflux as Miki slammed Utena like a flyscreen door, all night long."
What I want to know is, who's gonna do the illustrations if this stuff actually becomes a book?
BioKraze wrote:
What I want to know is, who's gonna do the illustrations if this stuff actually becomes a book?
I wonder if Maarika or beautifulpanther would be interested? They both seem to be eager comic-artists.