This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)

#1 | Back to Top05-08-2014 06:33:15 PM

New Student
From: England
Registered: 05-05-2014
Posts: 1

Utena reference in Steven Universe!!

It's probably been discussed on here before but I just saw the episode and ah! Exciting! ^v^ (bleh sorry for the gifs!)

This is the episode!!

Last edited by Abefish (05-08-2014 06:33:58 PM)



#2 | Back to Top12-30-2014 12:41:42 PM

From: ...the space between your ears
Registered: 10-21-2006
Posts: 1108

Re: Utena reference in Steven Universe!!

See also: her shadow while being stabbed by holo-Pearl! I think of it as an extended homage to Utena, not just a reference.

I stopped seeking to be sought after. That wasn't being true to myself.
I want to become someone who can exercise power. I want to become a prince. - Ikuni



#3 | Back to Top01-03-2015 09:40:57 PM

Sunlit Gardener (Prelude)
From: collective human consciousness
Registered: 12-07-2014
Posts: 174

Re: Utena reference in Steven Universe!!

There are a lot of Utena references in Steven Universe. Some of which haven't been noticed by many people other than me and I still need to catch up on SU. The creators cite it as a major inspiration, which makes me a lot more inclined to see a lot of scenes as references instead of just unintentional connections.

The most notable one (besides Pearl's duel above) is that Steven pulls a sword - Rose's sword, no less - out of the head of his lion, with the effects that go with it being quite similar to Utena's swordpulls.

There's also one point where the character Connie appears in a fake version of the world, and she has shiny glasses against a starry background, similar to some scenes with Anthy. Connie, Anthy.

Probably more. I need to catch up on SU to find them... Maybe some other people here have noticed more?

Last edited by Arale (01-03-2015 09:41:39 PM)

im a shadow play girl irl



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