This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Hey everybody. So, I'm very. *very* new to this online clothes shopping thing - I've only ever bought books and videogames online before. But where I live, on a tiny unknown island in Canada, it's pretty hard to find clothes if you're picky.
Thing is, I like sweater vests. A lot. Too much, some would say. And it's really difficult to find them locally because most sweater vests available are for men. I don't particularly like cardigans or long, sweeping gown-esque sweater vests. Just, you know, the regular ones, with a nice ol' argyle pattern on them or something. … id=9661918
Like so. And I'd totally just buy the men's vests, if they didn't look terrible on me. I don't have a figure that can wear men's clothing, sadly enough.
I know some of you guys have posted here about online shopping before and I was hoping somebody could help me out? Do you know of any online boutiques which sell women's sweatervests in a similar style? I know they exist, because I managed to snag a few last fall. It just seems like they're sporadically available, which bites.
I appreciate any help!
It depends 100 percent on what's in style, to be totally honest, whether you'll find the women's sweater vests in general stores. You can nearly always find them in the fall from lines like J. Crew, Ralph Lauren and Liz Claiborne. You might have luck searching vintage sweater vests on Etsy.
This one is pretty cute.
Last edited by MissMocha (08-14-2010 05:51:01 PM)