This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
No, no, it's still fanart. A lot of people use reference like that for their fanart.
Okay, frankly, I don't like episode 3.
I feel like I'm watching Sailor Moon.
For god's sake someone yank someone's hair and hold a sword to their face! Or sprawl out naked on a couch! Or smack someone across the room! Jump over a car or something, jesus, enough with the genki loller shoujo.
I think that the part where she pulls off her sleeveless dress to reveal that she's actually wearing her duelist uniform (shoulder thingies and all,) underneath is the most disgraceful thing they've ever done.
Oh, give Ikuhara a break, kids. He was still recovering from spending 5 years on a magical girl anime when he started Utena. I think he was still getting a lot of cheese out of his system for the first few episodes. Why else do you think Utena got pink hair?
I just find it odd that she has fancies pinned to her coat and NO PANTS. At least movie Utena wore pants to school. X____x
I think I'm taking Miki too. I wanna keep colouring, but Juri's hair is driving me crazy. *needs break X__x*
.. SM? Bad, bad memories and I met some very bad, bad people there. Do not want.
I was surprised that the director was the same, since the animes are so different. *slightly puzzled* I'm just oblivious about that kind of thing, though.
Oh, you can see the similarities if you're looking. You can see them rather startlingly in some places.
Besides, Sailor Moon has a bunch of women wearing nothing but lab coats playing Twister. I feel this should be taken into consideration in all judgments on the series.
Blade wrote:
Besides, Sailor Moon has a bunch of women wearing nothing but lab coats playing Twister. I feel this should be taken into consideration in all judgments on the series.
I Sailor Moon S. So very very dark... and Hotaru! :3
I'm finished with Wakaba & I'm taking the Touga scans now. With Wakaba, I did the one without the cell shading, as you suggested. After I do several more, and get the experience, I might try out the cell shading ones too!
Anyway, for now - onward to Touga!
I'm almost done colouring the mikies... but these files are gonna be huge and non photobucket-able...
will probably try to post to deviantart or something...
if you want I'll send you the pdf since it has the colour and hopefully cleaner lines.
...I lied. The Miki file is tiny. Juri one the other hand isn't finished but what I have is HUGE. … ifaces.png
Shiori and Jury should be done later this week, if i can figure out how to use elements, or if I give in and install photoshop again ~__~ (uses different computers during the week and on the weekend....)
(these be my juries in jpeg format for the time being.)
Last edited by allegoriest (02-11-2007 01:01:35 AM)
Those are just gorgeous, allegoriest.
Yeah, they're beautiful! I can't wait to use some of them in wallpapers and stuff.
Juri is too sexy for her... I dunno... jacket?
...forgot my Shiories. … iories.jpg
....Why doe Kanae and Tatsuya get fullbody shots in the characters section of the movie program book, but not Shiori? They also threw off my using those colours to ... colour. These are the colours from the tiny tiny tiny MM TOUGA screenshot and she looks like she ate to many orange foods or something.
...Maybe she's too sexy for her locket? O_o
I wanna make a Miki out of the bottom right... but oh so lazy...
But attempting to make something with all those lovely screencaps is probably going to be on the top of the 'when I eventually get energy and do something' list.
...Also, I think it will be months before I can watch the movie and see these characters again.
I'd rather looks at the lovely Ohtori architecture from these screencaps anyway, as architecture is my one true love.
As soon as Razara sees this we'll all have to protect ourselves from torrential flooding.
And I think you've hit it with the locket.
Those are awesome, allegoriest! More please!
Also, Miki looked cuter with green eyes. I wonder why they had to change it for the movie.
allegoriest wrote:
By the way, there is a full body sketch of her in the Adolescence Apocalypse section, isn't there?
Razara wrote:
By the way, there is a full body sketch of her in the Adolescence Apocalypse section, isn't there?
That's going to be replaced by this larger one. In that batch I posted there are shading lines for that, it'd be a good color project.
Giovanna wrote:
Okay, frankly, I don't like episode 3.
I feel like I'm watching Sailor Moon.![]()
For god's sake someone yank someone's hair and hold a sword to their face! Or sprawl out naked on a couch! Or smack someone across the room! Jump over a car or something, jesus, enough with the genki loller shoujo.![]()
I rarely revisit the first arc of the show, whenever I do it's always surprising to see how far SKU spirals into the dark/-ish ness that it does.
In the beginning:
Utena: OMG green-haired feller slapping purple-haired gal. My idealism floods my mind like the raging floods in New Orleans >:0! I shall beat him with a practice sword/stick and then I'm gonna play some basketball.
DVD Cover Utena: My hair is pink and I stand up for my rights! *points sword*
In the end:
Utena: I'mmmm living in a phallic tower and I'mmmm sleeping with this guy who's engaged and I'veeee got these feelings for his sister and sheeeee's sleeping with him too and m' sleeping in this room that's really close to Saturn and these days I'm not making much senseeee but my lover's got a sweet carrr.
DVD Cover Utena: I'm poorly disguising my orgasm and I'm nested between the (long) legs of this devilish pan-middleeastern guy and one of his hands is invisible I wonder where it issss and my shoes are goneee and last time I played basketball I fell off the fucking hoooooppp and now I'm a sexually inclined minor that whimpers about sandwiches mid-coitusss Go Utena Go!
And the topmost right of the Shiori character sketches makes me laugh because it's very un-Shiori. It's all, "Ooops, was that -my fault?! Shucks, I'm sorry!"
You can tell it's obviously a Shiori imposter because the Shiori next to her is flippin' out.
Rebel Prince wrote:
My idealism floods my mind like the raging floods in New Orleans >:0!
Rebel Prince wrote:
DVD Cover Utena: I'm poorly disguising my orgasm and I'm nested between the (long) legs of this devilish pan-middleeastern guy and one of his hands is invisible I wonder where it issss and my shoes are goneee and last time I played basketball I fell off the fucking hoooooppp and now I'm a sexually inclined minor that whimpers about sandwiches mid-coitusss
You need to post more often.
Offline … ifaces.png
...I agree, there is something wrong with that Shiori...
And I meant a full colour version in the movie programme. Even Tatsuya gets one and she just gets a screencap.
Rebel Prince wrote:
Hilarity, but truth.
You+allegoriest's awesomely done Shiori colorings= Completely made my shitty night worth smiling over.
Rebel Prince, I love you.