This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
Giovanna wrote:
Let's see how this goes. You folks mentioned a while back wanting to know if there was anything you could do. Well...there is! Har. This is ridiculously easy for anyone with an imaging program, but it's kinda...well not incredibly time-consuming but it's time I could spend scanning the rest of the design sheets. (Got Utena and Anthy left.) These (8mb) are scans of the movie character designs from the awesome auction awesome morosemocha won for me. Basically, if someone feels like it, I could use help cleaning them up, removing the evidence of the scanning to leave pure line art. I've already cleaned them for coloring and contrast and such, but there are still little dots here and there that shouldn't be there, all you have to do is go through the image, zoomed in a bit, and paint over with white those little spots. Akio_001 has had this done, the rest haven't, so that, if you're interested, will show you what I'm talking about. You can even save them the same way, as 16 color PNGs, since I did all that stuff already. Mention in the thread which ones you're doing, if any.
(Yes, I'm a perfectionist.)
If anyone does do this, please don't try to remove the stuff that's the shading on some of them, it looks messy in spots but that I want there, which is why I scanned with the coloring lines and without. When you see the little spots from scanning, you'll see the difference there.
So.. I was reading back on this whole thread (since I've been gone a while and missed so much), half out of curiousity and to look at pretty images, and half to see if there was anything I could do to help, since this is a huge project you are doing and I couldn't come up with anything I could do myself. Do you still need help on these? Besides the Wakaba ones. I could give them a shot unless you are someone else already got them.
Edit: It's mostly just removing black dots, scanner-evidence edges, etc.? Anything else?
Last edited by SleepDebtFairy (02-11-2007 11:12:48 PM)
*started on Saionji faces*
...I'm forced to wonder if there are coloured versions and they're hiding them from me... Cause I KNOW I've seen the series facial expressions studies things in colour... I mean, they couldn't have shaded them in for nothing, right.? O__o
...We're not cleaning the ones that show where the shading goes too right? Cause... I didn't do those.
SleepDebtFairy wrote:
So.. I was reading back on this whole thread (since I've been gone a while and missed so much), half out of curiousity and to look at pretty images, and half to see if there was anything I could do to help, since this is a huge project you are doing and I couldn't come up with anything I could do myself.
Do you still need help on these? Besides the Wakaba ones. I could give them a shot unless you are someone else already got them.
Edit: It's mostly just removing black dots, scanner-evidence edges, etc.? Anything else?
That's basically it, on the unshaded ones especially it's pretty obvious what's scanner evidence and dots and what needs to be there. Frosty is doing a few, not sure if allegoriest is also cleaning the images or just coloring them, so if you want a batch no one's possibly done, here are Utena's design sheets. Thanks!
allegoriest wrote:
...I'm forced to wonder if there are coloured versions and they're hiding them from me... Cause I KNOW I've seen the series facial expressions studies things in colour... I mean, they couldn't have shaded them in for nothing, right.? O__o
...We're not cleaning the ones that show where the shading goes too right? Cause... I didn't do those.
You're certainly free to skip those, they're a little trickier as to what to keep and what not to, and I'll do them myself if no one wants to give them a shot. As for colored versions, there are a few colored versions of the design sheets in the movie program book in the gallery now.
Okay. I'll start on those when I get home.
Oh, yeah.. when is SKU's birthday, officially?
For the anime? April 2nd, 1997. I wanted to get the gallery done before that but I doubt I'll make it.
As for these Utena sketches.. on the ones with lines all over certain areas.. that's shading, right?
Edit: Oh, I think I see now. One version with just lines, one with shading. Sorry.
Last edited by SleepDebtFairy (02-12-2007 08:40:38 PM)
allegoriest wrote:
*Colored Shiori sketch*
SleepDebtFairy wrote:
Edit: Oh, I think I see now. One version with just lines, one with shading. Sorry.
Both will be available in the gallery, since people might like to have the shaded ones for references.
Last night I capped 3200 images from episode 25, Our Eternal Apocalypse.
You can really tell which episodes I like best.
Akio doesn't love me.
I know this because there are panned shots involving the car rides, where everyone's hair is whipping about in a most difficult way.
.....okay I make no apologies whatsoever for shamelessly piling up caps of shots I think are hot. Do I really need four each of Akio and Touga tipping their heads back? YES.
Cut me a break, I've spent weeks capping, I get to have some fun with it.
Hey, you're doing all this work, you have every right to take liberties. Screencaps are screencaps.
And I need to get back to those Utena movie drawings. Sorry, I was sick for a while.
267 caps.
That's as low as it's gonna go.
...I can't blame you. I did the same a long long time ago to crappy crappy fansub copies from the Ruka episodes.
...And I hate you Saionji hair. >O all your shading and highlight spots look the saaaaame. Grr.
So I'm recapping the game's opening using Dani's video pulls...and I just have to say, it's god damn terrifying.
Although Saionji being shy about opening his top after Akio and Touga just totally whore it up is precious.
Persephone wrote:
I think what Gio-tan means by suicide is her way of saying that she is killing herself trying to finish fixing up all the thousands of new SKU screen-caps by the 10th anniversary of the SKU starting date.
Especially since the nice easy capping video of the opening CUTS OFF HALFWAY, so I have to into the .cak file and pull them off with VLC, which is mucking up the bottom of the caps in a major way
I spent all evening on 99 caps. They're not very high quality but they're the best you'll get from such crappy video. Besides, my gallery wouldn't be complete without pictures of Akio's bare torso. If you can ignore the complete absurdity of that sequence (hint: you can't), one does stop to think he has a rather nice body. But you can't really notice that since the whole thing is just ridiculous.
Here, have Utena looking contemplative. Odd, given how little goes on in that thick skull of hers. (har har)
No? How about A nice long pan of Chigusa dueling?
Sorry. I've clearly lost my mind from too much capping too early in my day.
Giovanna wrote:
Akio doesn't love me.
Just look at that face. This is a man who obviously loves everyone.
An intellectual
A lost soul, if you will
I'd venture so far as to say that, in some ways...he's child-like
That's my tribute for the day. And hats off to you for the game caps, am I right in my thinking that this is the closest we've ever gotten in pictures to Akio's actual manhood?
It's funny because Akio's penis participates in the show more than most the major characters, and we've yet to see the damn thing. Damn you little 13-with-up-arrow picture on the backs of all my Utena DVDs, damn you!
O_O Lost mind your, I think not. I'm about to lose my pants!
Thanks for all the work you've put into the project!
SO, I've finished Wakaba, & Touga, and I'm moving to finish Akio.
Last edited by Frosty (02-17-2007 09:50:55 PM)
*tosses more love towards Giovanna, hoping she'll catch it* (:
This is a man who obviously loves everyone.
I'd bet Akio would agree, considering the size of his ego. Because there's only one thing that could love everyone and that's God. :3
Giovanna wrote:
Especially since the nice easy capping video of the opening CUTS OFF HALFWAY, so I have to into the .cak file and pull them off with VLC, which is mucking up the bottom of the caps in a major way
??? I didn't know that. Can I help? You need the entire intro video and it's not there? I do have another way to capture it straight from the game on the Sega (yes, I bought a Japanese Sega, so much fun) if that would help.
Giovanna wrote:
Here, have Utena looking contemplative. Odd, given how little goes on in that thick skull of hers. (har har)
Thanks for the Utena contemplative cap, that's the same one I used on the game FAQ. I thought it was a nice unique moment for her character as well. What IS she thinking about? Considering the three guys approaching her right after this, she might be thinking of screaming and running out of the insane asylum.
Rebel Prince wrote:
I feel better now.
Dani wrote:
Giovanna wrote:
Especially since the nice easy capping video of the opening CUTS OFF HALFWAY, so I have to into the .cak file and pull them off with VLC, which is mucking up the bottom of the caps in a major way
??? I didn't know that. Can I help? You need the entire intro video and it's not there? I do have another way to capture it straight from the game on the Sega (yes, I bought a Japanese Sega, so much fun) if that would help.
I got it by other means, but yes, the video of the opening sequence is incomplete. Cuts off at that shot of the main character looking hurt/shocked.
Just so you guys know I'm are a couple pans of Touga and Miki! … D_1326.jpg … D_1387.jpg