This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)
So I almost got recruited at work today. One of the guys at work here thinks that I'm perfect fodder for the communist party of Canada. Hurrah!
Anyway, he sent me this test, and I figured I might like to share it with you all. It's slanted, it's biased, it's retarded, but it's kinda fun.
Besides, if I'm gonna go commie hunting, I need to know where the commies are.
Kidding. Here are my results. Apparently I'm a neutral libertarian, which is not what the communist party had in mind. But great for philosophical debates!
Edit: Holy carp, thread #666! You know where this thread's going-- straight to hell.
Last edited by Yasha (05-22-2007 09:35:42 PM)
I'm not what the commies want either.
Some of those questions were pretty funny.
That test is ridiculous, I tested as more libertarian than Ghandi and the Dalai the hell does that happen?
funny though
Ok, so I'm a commie.
Well: I was a Left Winged Liberal. Better than a Right Winged Fascist!
Last edited by Sevelle (05-22-2007 10:31:20 PM)
Apparently I am Ghandi.
Anyone else find it interesting that right and authoritarian receive positive values, while anarchism and left receive negative values? I was in the third quadrant, of course, which is to say that I scored negative on both variables.
I'm a Libertarian Left and kind of close to Ghandi, apparently: … ;soc=-4.36
This is me.
Well not really. The wording of some questions were such that I picked the opposite of what I normally would.
I don't know anything about political stances anyway.
Last edited by Ragnarok (05-22-2007 11:18:26 PM)
We're very close then Ragnarok, because this is me.
I suppose it's fairly accurate overall. I'm less communist than I used to be.
I'm around where Ghandi is.
I'm not ashamed to admit given wealth, my political compass would be a bit different.
Money really does change everything. No need to be ashamed.
I did the test twice, once in English and once in Spanish... and it gave me different results
So in English I am like Yasha , and in Spanish I am Gandhi.
Not bad at all
PS. Definitely, if I were a wealthy multinational director my answers would have been very different
Edit: some weeks ago, I did this test: It's similar but a little more complex, I think. Only in Spanish, sorry! However, I thought I could share.
Last edited by Asfalolh (05-23-2007 04:08:34 AM)
Is anyone else severely depressed that all the brilliant minds on this forum are on the precisely opposite side to the major political leaders of our world?
Also, I make Ghandi look like a grumpy old conservative, if my test score is to be believed.
At least three of my social studies teachers made me take this compass test. I'm a Ghandi too, apparently.
What? Am I the furthest right out of all of us? Granted, I am a Republican, but I'm the good kind of Republican - no religion rules my politics. I figured being an Utena forum, we'd be populated with mostly left, but still. I thought there'd at least be one person further right than me. Dude, the closest one of you to me is Yasha. Murr.
Well what makes you Republican?
These tests are hard for me because I like one system and believe another is the right one. Bloodthirsty competitive capitalism is so, so sexy. Unless you're not at the top of the competition.
I'm a Republican because I am economically conservative. I have severe issues with public assistance and how people take advantage of it. I have issues with the rich supposedly getting taxed a higher percentage because they make more (everyone should be taxed the same damn percentage). In all honesty, I'm a liberaterian given m,y economic conservatism and social liberalism, but I refuse to give up my party for one that practically ndoesn't exist. Besides, in general I can't stand most Democrats and the Democratic party makes me feel slightly more ill than my own does. If you take away ther religious extremists that have become teh voical portion of the Republican party and look at the "silent majority" the party is still good and still, in my opinion, the better of the two. And if I leave the GOP because of the religious morons running it, all I'm doing is allowing an unneccesary evil to persist. IUt may not seem like it, but eventually the Republicans will go back to having a seperation of church and state and the federal government will stop trying to tell states what to do. The Republican party today (the vocal side) is not what the Republican party used to be, is supposed to be, and will always be.
Ahhhh, gotcha. I still can't make up my mind there, except it should be either extreme instead of this on the fence shit we do now. All the programs we have now...but no health care? There are a lot of European countries that are excessively socialist and doing way, way better than we are, so I'm inclined to favor that extreme...except I don't trust the American government can pull it off with the emphasis in every other arena on capitalism. Ultimately I'd say we probably agree a lot on the economics, as far as what's best for this country. I agree the public assistance programs are grossly mismanaged, easily taken advantage of, and manage to be unobtainable to the people who legitimately need them. Am I a gross drain on America's economic resources? A welfare hog? Fuck no. But there have been times in my life where a few months of food stamps would have helped me get to where they would have been unnecessary. But I didn't qualify, though there are people in my office with paychecks 50% bigger than mine that have been on food stamps for years.
Either way, I want some fucking health care. Seriously, this is god damn ridiculous. I can be heartless and say 'every man for himself' about everything else, but the situation we have now is dangerous.
And if we insist on wasting money, I wish we'd 'waste' more on NASA. I also wish unicorns were real and that Akio would leap out of my computer screen and have sex with me.
heh heh, unicorns...
I think you're being a bit naive, angelic one. The religious right has thoroughly undermined the conservative foundation of the republican party. We haven't seen a conservative president since Nixon, and I have no confidence we'll see one anytime soon. I'm inclined to blame Reagan, or at least his advisors, since that was when the deficit spiraled out of control, and nobody seemed to mind much. That was also the time when evangelical christianity started taking over the country and claiming it had been theirs all along...Fortunately for me I'm a democrat, so I can be hopeful about my party's prospects for the future. I figure I'm up for a crushing disappointment around October of 2009.
P.S. Who does everybody like in 2008?
BTW, I'm not a Democrat. I might maybe be a Lolbertarian if there were any point to it, instead I'm registered Independent.
Stormcrow wrote:
P.S. Who does everybody like in 2008?
GoDaddy wrote:
VOTEAKIOIN08.COM is available!
I've been thinking about it for years.
Seriously, none of them. None of the forerunners, anyway. Clinton and Obama can both bugger off. When it's time for a female president, I'd prefer she not be one riding in on her husband's coat tails. Obama? Same problem. First black president should be elected because he's worth electing, not because he's Not Republican. And that, along with his being black, is all I've seen from him. On the other end there's Giuliani, who is actually probably my closest match on most of the issues, since he's the most liberal person running. However...well Chris Rock put it best:
Chris Rock on Bill Maher wrote:
Rudy, you know, Rudy in a crisis is the perfect — he’s like a pitbull. It’s great if somebody’s breaking in your house. But if they’re not, then, you know, the pitbull might eat your kids.
I also want out of Iraq, and we ain't gonna get that out of Giuliani, even if we get gay marriage. That said there is a bit of sadistic appeal in electing someone with a name most of the American population can't spell. Still, I just can't imagine the rural south voting for someone from New York City. I don't care who they are or how well they did post-9/11.
Don't you worry that Akio might have a stagnating effect on the country? You know, sort of a status quo kind of guy?
One of the reasons I do like Obama is that he's a constitutional scholar. He has taught constitutional law at UC for several years, and I really feel like he understands why there is an America. [soapbox]I really do feel that America is the greatest nation on earth, but when most people say that I wonder what they mean. An awful lot of so-called patriots will tell you that America stands for freedom with one breath, and then say "well, I have nothing to hide from my government, so why can't they listen in on my phone conversations?" with the next. To me, freedom means personal freedom. Not freedom of corporations, mega-churches, or political parties. Just you and me. [/soapbox]
So that's the feeling that I get from Obama. But I have the feeling that Giuliani might be our next president, because everybody sees him as a moderate. What the hell, he can't be any worse than what we have now, right?
I'm pretty sure I'd be a republican if any of the republicans in any of the elections I've voted in didn't seem like they were just kowtowing to fundies. As far as I'm concerned a few horribly designed social programs are a lot better than a freaking theocracy.
I'm a little more fiscally conservative than Ghandi, it seems. D: