This is a static copy of In the Rose Garden, which existed as the center of the western Utena fandom for years. Enjoy. :)

#1 | Back to Top09-02-2014 12:45:20 AM

New Student
Registered: 08-21-2014
Posts: 2

Shiori Elevator Theme?

Hi everyone! I'm not sure if this is an unreleased track, or if I simply missed it in my searches, but does anyone know the name of the song used in Shiori's elevator confession?

The closest I've found is "Mitsu no Naifu", but it's not the same track. Can anyone help my find the song I'm looking for? emot-keke



#2 | Back to Top09-02-2014 02:08:57 AM

Registered: 08-19-2014
Posts: 25

Re: Shiori Elevator Theme?

Kuusou no Warui Mushi from OST 2 (2-21)

But if you search in youtube you will find this

which only contain the second part of the song, which is different!
The full length of song is 3:43, not 1:45. … -utena-ost



#3 | Back to Top09-04-2014 12:31:14 PM

New Student
Registered: 08-21-2014
Posts: 2

Re: Shiori Elevator Theme?

Oh okay! I was so confused since the full version wasn't on YouTube. Thank you so much for your help!



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